Travel Award

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the two winners of Nanomaterials 2021 Travel Award (800 Swiss Francs each), given to Dr. Aleksandrs Leitis, a Ph.D. student at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and Dr. Ekaterina Kolesova, a postdoctoral fellow at ITMO University.

Dr. Leitis’s work focuses on the fields of optics, photonics nanofabrication and data analysis. He plans to attend 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena METAMATERIALS 2021 in New York, USA, to present his work entitled “Functional Metasurfaces for Mid-infrared Optical Wavefront Manipulation, Sensing and Dynamic Phase Control”.

Dr. Kolesova’s research focuses on colloidal nanostructures, formation of multilayer structures, antibacterial therapy, photo- and sonodynamic therapy. She plans to attend Global Summit on Metamaterials, Nanophotonics and Plasmonics (METAMAT2021) in London, UK, to present her work entitled “Bactericidal Activity of Hybrid Nanostructures Based on Titania Nanoparticles”.

Congratulations to Dr. Leitis and Dr. Kolesova. We are grateful to all who submitted applications.

Prof. Dr. Shirley Chiang
Editor-in-Chief, Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials Travel Award
Past Winners


Yue Zhang
University of British Columbia, Canada
Sonia Freddi
Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IFN-CNR), Italy

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Sotirios Baskoutas Chairman
University of Patras
Dr. Xuchun Gui
Sun Yat-sen University
Prof. Dr. Nelson Marmiroli
University of Parma
Dr. Jung Woo Lee
Pusan National University
Prof. Alexander Kotlyar
Dr. Marco P. Monopoli


Javier Bonet-Aleta
University of Zaragoza, Spain
Abdulghani Ismail
The University of Manchester, UK

Award Committee

Dr. Vlad Stolojan
University of Surrey
Dr. Gyula Eres
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dr. Béla Pécz
Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, Energy Research Centre, EK MFA
Dr. Jian Liu
University of British Columbia
Dr. Sergey Istomin
Moscow State University


Arun Kumar
CNR—Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, Italy
Elena Blundo
Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy

Award Committee

Dr. Shirley Chiang Chairman
University of California Davis
Dr. Daniele Fazzi
University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Sónia AC Carabineiro
NOVA University of Lisbon, Faculty of Science and Technology
Prof. Dr. Maria Cristina Bonferoni
Prof. Dr. Goran Drazic
National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ms. Cassie Zhang
Prof. Dr. Timothy Tan
Nanyang Technological University
Prof. Letian Dou
Purdue University
Prof. Diego Cazorla-Amorós
Universidad de Alicante
Dr. Alicia Rodríguez-Gascón


Aleksandrs Leitis
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Ekaterina Kolesova
ITMO University, Russia

Award Committee

Dr. Shirley Chiang Chairman
University of California Davis
Dr. Candido Pirri
Politecnico di Torino
Dr. Antonios Kelarakis
Prof. Julian Gonzalez
Dr. Linda J. Johnston
Prof. Krasimir Vasilev
Prof. Ion Mihailescu
INFLPR, Magurele
Prof. Rajender S. Varma
US Environmental Protection Agency


Igor A. Khramtsov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia

Award Committee

Dr. Shirley Chiang Chairman
University of California Davis
Dr. Filippo Giubileo
Prof. Mikhael BECHELANY
Prof. Antonio Di Bartolomeo
Salerno University


Steven Swasey
The University of California Santa Barbara, USA
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