
22–26 June 2018, Guiyang, China
The 2018 International Conference on Nanogeosciences (ICN2018)

The 2018 International Conference on Nanogeosciences (ICN2018) will be held in Guiyang, China during 22–26 June 2018. ICN2018 aims to provide an exciting platform for researchers all over the world to present and discuss their latest achievements in Nanogeosciences. It is co-hosted by the Specialized Committee of Nanogeology, Geological Society of China, and the Chinese Society for Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. The local organizers include the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, and the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry.

The theme of ICN2018 is “Nanogeosciences: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities”, and the topic includes but would not be limited to:

  • Occurrence, properties, behaviors and Fate of Nanoparticles in the Environment
  • Mineral Nucleation and Growth: From atoms to Nanoparticles
  • Mineral-Fluid and Water-Rock Interfaces and Interactions: Evidences from Microscopic Perspective
  • Geochemical Processes in Nanoporous Media
  • Nano-effects in Biological Processes
  • Biomineralization and Biomimetic Model Systems: From Nanoparticles to Nanominerals
  • Ore Deposit: Implications from Nano to Microscale Processes
  • Application of Nanogeosciences in Unconventional Energy Resources
  • Oil/Gas Storage and Transfer in Nanoporous Geological Media
  • Nanoscale Phenomena in Tectonic Geology and Geologic Hazard
  • Nanoparticles in the Atmosphere and Air Pollution
  • Toxicology of Nanoparticles in Aquatic Ecosystems including Rivers, Lakes, Seas and Oceans
  • Impact of Nanomaterials on the Environment and the Living World
  • Nanoscale Processes in Critical Zone Researches
  • Planetary Evolution: Insights from Nanoscale Processes
  • Effects of nanoscale Processes in Isotope Geochemistry
  • Molecular Simulation Studies in Nanogeosciences
  • Advanced Analytical Techniques and Methods in Nanogeosciences

We sincerely invite you to present your work in the forthcoming conference. The deadline for abstract submission and early bird registration (via email: [email protected]) is now extended to 20 April 2018. For more details, please visit the conference website (

Upon completion of the conference, authors have the opportunity to submit their work for publication in a special issue of the internationally refereed journal Minerals (ISSN 2075-163X; Impact Factor 2.088,

About the Venue:

Guiyang is the capital city of Guizhou Province situated in the southwest of P. R. China. It is well-known as China’s first “Forest City” and one of the best summer resorts. The venue is conveniently close to many renowned geologic features including Karst Cave, Danxia landform, Triassic fossil Group, and Carlin-type gold deposits in Southwest Guizhou. The city is also a good place to enjoy cultural heritage and unique cuisines.

Contact Persons:

Prof., Dr. Quan Wan
Secretary General of ICN2018
Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: [email protected]

Prof., Dr. Yiwen Ju
Director of the Specialized Committee of Nanogeology, Geological Society of China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: [email protected]

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