
10–12 November 2010, Santiago, Chile
Automining 2010 — II International Congress on Automation in the Mining Industry

This congress is a special opportunity for specialists, academics, students and companies that work in automation, to discuss the actual tendencies and future tecnologies applied in the mining industry, as well as interchange experiences of successful applications and share innovative projects and case studies.

Automining 2010 is organised to provide an international forum where professionals can meet, interact and discuss innovations and recent developments related to automation applied to mining, mineral processing, pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, electrometallurgy, and metal manufacturing.

Congress objectives are:

- To promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences about automation applied to mining, metallurgical processes and metal manufacturing
- To discuss the emerging developments and identify the technologies and successful automation practices in the mining industry

To promote an international network for collaboration and technical exchange among professionals dedicated to the development, operation and maintenance of automation systems for the mining industry.

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