
20–23 November 2022, Rendezvous Hotel Perth Scarborough, Perth, Western Australia
24th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS 2022)

The biannual International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium is a global forum that brings together representatives from industry, research, innovation and education sectors and government. It aims to share knowledge on cutting edge science and technology in the field of mining biotechnology and discuss innovative solutions and best practice approaches. It draws on expertise in biotechnology, chemistry, mineralogy and engineering. Mining biotechnology can benefit the resource sector by enabling the extraction of value from low-grade minerals and wastes streams, providing tools for minerals exploration and environmental monitoring and mitigating harmful environmental impacts.

IBS 2022 will be hosted by Australia’s National Science Research Agency, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). The Local Organising Committee includes members from CSIRO and Curtin University. We welcome you to IBS2022 to share your latest scientific advances, find solutions for industry challenges, attend as a sponsor or exhibitor to promote your technologies, services and products, and meet experts across the world.

Abstracts are invited for presentation at IBS 2022 in the following thematic areas:

  • Bioleaching of metals from low grade ores and concentrates
  • Biotechnical pre-treatment of ores and concentrates
  • Biomining of wastes, industrial ecology and circular economy
  • Biotechnical treatment and resource recovery from mine and process waters
  • Biostabilisation, bioremediation and ecological restoration
  • Biological mineral formation and minerals exploration, biogeochemistry and biosensors
  • Biomining microbiology, molecular biology, systems biology and synthetic biology
  • Biofouling, bioclogging and biocorrosion in mining industry

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