
26–28 June 2016, Porto, Portugal

Biofilms7 will be hosted by the biofilm research groups of University of Minho and University of Porto. This event belongs to a series of well-known conferences. The two most recent ones were held in Vienna (Biofilms 6) and Paris (Biofilms 5).

Biofilms7 will address cutting-edge issues of biofilms in industry, environment and health. The main topics of the conference are:

•Biofilms and surfaces/interfaces: from nano to macro-scale. Microbial adhesion, surface-microbial interactions, new surfaces and modifications, molecular biology of cell adhesion and biofilm development.
•Biofilm detection and characterization methods (physical, chemical, biological). New approaches to study biofilms including architecture, composition, cell quantitation and localization at a molecular, single cell and community level.
•Biofilm prevention and control strategies. Emergent approaches for biofilm prevention and control in industry, environment and health.
•Biofilms and the environment. Biofilms in engineered and natural systems, biofilm ecology.
•Productive biofilms. Biofilm systems providing valuable biotechnological compounds and with beneficial effects.
•Biofilms, Industry and Energy. Industrial biofilms, biofouling in process equipment, contamination issues, microbial fuel cells and other biofilm energy producing systems.
•Modelling and Simulation.

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