
17–19 January 2022, Online
1st Conference on Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management

Welcome from the Chairs

The 1st international Conference on Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management will take place online from 1719 January 2022 through Sciforum platform.

The chairs and the organization team, are very much looking forward to welcoming you to this first edition of this Forum. Let us grab this opportunity to advance the sustainability 2030 agenda!

Profs. Salvador García-Ayllón & José Luis Miralles

Conference chairs

Instructions for Authors

Participants in the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management can submit proposals for an oral session, and presentations of posters. Submissions should aim to foster research, networking, and debates related to urban and environmental sciences, its research technologies such as GIS and remote sensing , or the social sciences open to relevant urban and territory case studies or topics such mobility or risk analysis, as well as fruitful exchanges between academia and the public, civic, or private sectors.

Submissions can be made for two types of contributions:
(1) Oral presentation
(2) Poster presentation

Submission deadline: 15 October 2021

Conference Secretariat

Conference attendees and participants can send their questions and inquiries to the following mail:

Ms. Eve Li
Conference Secretariat: [email protected]

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