Journal History

2006 The inaugural issue of the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research was released by the University of Talca.
2007 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research was indexed in Scopus.
2016 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research was accepted for coverage in the Web of Science, indexed in SSCI, JCR, etc.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research received its first Impact Factor (1.441).
2020 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research was published by MDPI from Volume 16, Issue 3 (2021).
2021 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research established the following sections:
e-Commerce Analytics;
Digital Marketing and the Connected Consumer;
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, FinTech Accounting and Industry 4.0;
Digital Business Organization.


2006–2020 Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Narciso Cerpa
2020–present  Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Eduardo Álvarez-Miranda
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