
7–8 November 2021, Online
2021 Online GEC: Budgeting in A Crises | Macroeconomy Relief Policies

Government responses to crises, economic fallout, business cycle recessions, and shocks largely diverge. Responses vary depending on the nature of the shock and country circumstances. Adding up the different measures, such as tax and spending, loans and guarantees, monetary instruments, and foreign exchange operations, makes it challenging to portray an accurate estimate of the aggregate policy environment and crises-contamination measures.

We are especially interested in submissions covering topics that include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following issues:

  • the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global economies and sector-wide performance measures.
  • business cycle stabilization policies to foster economic re-convergence.
  • the scope and limits of cross-country comparisons in response to shocks and applied mitigation policies.
  • The role of automatic stabilizers, fiscal stimulus, optimal monetary policies in stabilizing economies.
  • The role of behavioral nudges in the design of public policies.

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