Outstanding Reviewer Award

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Insects 2020 Outstanding Reviewer Awards. The Insects Editorial Board and Editorial Team would like to gratefully acknowledge the time and energy dedicated by reviewers in checking the manuscripts submitted to Insects. It is due to their efforts that the high quality of the journal and quick turnaround are maintained.

The following three reviewers have been awarded the Insects 2020 Outstanding Reviewer Awards (in no particular order):

Dr. Luis Carlos Martínez
Department of General Biology, Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais 36570-000, Brazil.

Dr. Daniele Sommaggio
(1) Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences—DISTAL, University of Bologna, 42-40127 Bologna, Italy.
(2) Biology Department, University of Padua, Via G. Colombo 3-35131 Padova, Italy.

Prof. Dr. Klaus H. Hoffmann
Animal Ecology I, University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany.

Each winner will receive 500 Swiss francs and a certificate, as well as the chance to publish one paper free of charge in Insects after peer review before the end of 2021.

Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Brian T. Forschler
Editor-in-Chief, Insects

Insects 2020 Outstanding Reviewer Award
Past Winners


Tuhin Subhra Chakraborty
University of Michigan, MI, USA
Mohsen M. Ramadan
Division of Plant Industry, HI, USA
Stephen Seaton
Murdoch University, Australia

Award Committee

Prof. Brian Forschler Chairman
University of Georgia


Abraão Almeida Santos
University of Florida, FL, USA
Agata Kaczmarek
Witold Stefański Institute of Parasitology, Poland
Miguel A. García-Martínez
Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico

Award Committee

Prof. Brian Forschler Chairman
University of Georgia


Carmelo Peter Bonsignore
Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italy
Klaus H. Hoffmann
University of Bayreuth, Germany
Ivan Milosavljević
University of California, CA, USA


Luis Carlos Martínez
Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil
Daniele Sommaggio
(1) University of Bologna, Italy (2) University of Padua, Italy
Klaus H. Hoffmann
University of Bayreuth, Germany

Award Committee

Prof. Brian Forschler Chairman
University of Georgia
Ms. Barbara Wang
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