
6 December 2022
Recruiting Academic Editors for Heritage

To meet the demands of Heritage's rapid growth, as well as to guarantee the publication of high-quality articles and their free distribution within the community, we are recruiting academic editors worldwide. Please contact us if you would like to participate in editorial work in any of the following roles.

Guest Editor
The Guest Editors will edit Special Issues and are encouraged to invite colleagues from the same research field to contribute to the Special Issue. Special Issues enable collaboration with scholars all over the world. The main responsibilities of Guest Editors are:

  • Preparing the Special Issue title, aim and scope, summary and keywords;
  • Providing a list of potential contributors;
  • Prescreening and supervising the whole peer-review process and taking decisions on new submissions in their Special Issue;
  • Promoting the Special Issue at conferences, on social media and other relevant platforms.

Reviewer Board Member
The Reviewer Board (RB) consists of experienced researchers whose main responsibility is to regularly and actively support journals by providing high-quality, rigorous, and transparent review reports for submitted manuscripts within their area of expertise. The initial term is for 1 year which can then be renewed or terminated.

Journal information
Heritage (ISSN: 2571-9408) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal of cultural and natural heritage science. Since its inception in 2018, Heritage has experienced continuous growth over the last few years. In 2021, the journal was indexed in both ESCI and Scopus. In 2022, Heritage received its first CiteScore, ranking it Q1 in the “Archeology” category and Q1 in the “Conservation” category. Heritage will receive its first impact factor in 2023 as an ESCI journal. Heritage has a high JCI of 4.21.

Heritage is committed to rapid publication. We will begin working on your paper as soon as we receive it. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision will be provided to authors approximately 15.7 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 3.7 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the second half of 2021). To submit to the journal, click here.

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