
20–23 November 2018, Cairns, Australia
Family and Relationship Services Australia 2018 Conference

The FRSA National Conference is one of the largest annual gatherings of practitioners, academics and policy makers working to support children, families and communities. This ‘not to be missed’ event will feature a number of highly acclaimed keynote presenters, as well as federal ministers and sector leaders with a focus on delivering the most effective services to children, families and young people.

To be held on the 20-23 November, 2018 at the Pullman Cairns International Hotel. This year’s theme Be the change: Leaving no one behind is a call to all family and relationship service providers to continue creating better futures for all Australian children, families and communities we serve in our delivery of evidence-informed, collaborative and innovative services.

The theme lends itself to a range of areas of exploration and discussion—from outcome measurement and reporting to FRSA’s current investment into seeking how our sector can take a more coordinated prevention and early intervention approach in its service delivery.

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