
29 June–1 July 2022, Genève, Switzerland
6èmes Journées suisses d'histoire (6th Swiss History Days)

Every three years, the Swiss History Days brings together several hundred historians from Switzerland and abroad and enable an exchange across language barriers. They are jointly organized by the Swiss Historical Society (SSH) and a Swiss University. This congress is one of the largest of its kind in Europe and offers a forum for common discussion in the historical discipline. In addition to debates between historians, the Swiss History Days attaches paramount importance to dialogue with the public and the city in order to scientifically address topical issues. Each edition is dedicated to a specific theme, defined by the university in charge of the organization. Coming from various fields of the discipline, 700 to 1000 historians from Switzerland and abroad take part in this congress which, since the first edition in 2007, has established itself as one of the main meeting places for the community historian. A non-profit organization, the Swiss Historical Society is orchestrating this event in concert with a Swiss university. In 2022, the Department of General History of the University of Geneva will be in charge of organizing these three days of meeting. Other members of the University of Geneva offering their support to the event are the Department of Antiquity Sciences, the Institute of Reformation History, the Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History, the Maison de l history, the Interfaculty Center for Bioethics and Human Sciences of Medicine, but also the Department of International History, attached to the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID). For these Days, historians will discuss the theme of “Nature”. In total, 80 panels will address this theme during the three days of the congress, from Wednesday 29 June to Friday 1 July, which will also be punctuated by 2 Keynotes and 6 round tables.

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