
5–7 June 2019, Trondheim, Norway
Nordic Polymer Days 2019

In 2019, Nordic Polymer Days conference will take place at the Gløshaugen campus at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, June 5th - 7th. The Nordic Polymer Days is the premier Nordic annual conference where researchers and professionals gather to confer around new polymer science developments and applications. Now in its 56th year, the Nordic Polymer Days continues to foster a collaborative environment and facilitate networking opportunities at the intersection of polymer science and technological development. A primary focus for this conference will be the active participation of students and young scientists. Abstracts for oral and poster presentation in any topic covering polymer science and technology are invited. Conference sessions will be organized within the following thematic areas:

  • Scattering for characterization of polymers and polymer materials
  • Polymer microscopy
  • Polymers for biomedical applications
  • Polymer theory and modelling
  • Polymer composites
  • Environmental aspects of polymers
  • Biopolymers
  • Functional polymers

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