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30 March 2022
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Future Internet
Future Internet (ISSN: 1999-5903) is currently recruiting Editorial Board Members for the following six Sections:
- “Internet of Things”;
- “Big Data and Augmented Intelligence”;
- “Techno-Social Smart Systems”;
- “Smart System Infrastructure and Applications”;
- “Network Virtualization and Edge/Fog Computing”;
- “Cybersecurity”.
A list of current Editorial Board Members can be viewed at the following link: If you are interested in applying for this position, or would like to recommend potential candidates, please contact the Future Internet Editorial Office ([email protected]) for further details.
Future Internet is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, open access journal on Internet technologies and information society, which is published monthly online by MDPI. It is indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), Ei Compendex, dblp, Inspec, and many other databases.
Future Internet received an increased CiteScore of 4.10 in the released 2020 CiteScore™ values, published by Elsevier in June 2020. As such, Future Internet ranked 104 out of 334 titles (Q2) in “Computer Networks and Communications”.
The benefits of being an Editorial Board Member include the following:
- Publishing one paper free of charge per year in Future Internet, and being granted potential discounts for additional papers you invite;
- A recognition certificate as an Editorial Board Member of Future Internet;
- Future Internet will offer additional sponsorships for conferences organized by Editorial Board Members.
The Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members include the following:
- Supervising the editorial process, including prescreening submissions and making final decisions on whether to accept or reject papers;
- Contributing your own work and inviting three papers to Future Internet (the Editorial Office will prepare a list of potential authors and the invitation template);
- Editing a Special Issue on a topic related to your research or recommending potential topics and Guest Editors.
If you are interested in becoming an Editorial Board Member of Future Internet, please send your application, including a full academic CV, to the Future Internet Editorial Office ([email protected]). We look forward to working with you in the future.