
30 March 2022
Welcoming Dr. Fabrizio Marozzo to the Topical Advisory Panel of Future Internet

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Fabrizio Marozzo has joined Future Internet (ISSN: 1999-5903) as a new Topical Advisory Panel Member.

Dr. Fabrizio Marozzo has worked as an Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering at the DIMES Department, University of Calabria, Italy, since 2019. He also co-founded DtoK Lab S.r.l., an academic spin-off of University of Calabria, in 2014.

His current research focuses on big data analysis, social media analysis, parallel and distributed computing, cloud computing, intelligent systems and programming models.

He has served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Access journal and the International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA) and as an Editor of Big Data and Cognitive Computing (MDPI), Algorithms (MDPI), Frontiers in Big Data, Heliyon (Elsevier) and the International Journal of Big Data Intelligence (IJBDI). He has published many scientific papers, including the book Data Analysis in the Cloud.

In July 2018, he obtained the Italian National Academic Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) as Associate Professor (Professore Associato) in the field of Information Processing Systems (Sistemi di Elaborazione delle Informazioni – SC 09/H1 – SSD ING-INF/05) and Computer Technology (Informatica – SC 01/B1 – SSD INF/01).

We wish him every success both in his research and in developing the journal.

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