
19–22 September 2022, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
IUFRO—Abies & Pinus 2022

Joint conference of two IUFRO units: 1.01.09 Ecology and Silviculture of Fir and 1.01.10 Ecology and Silviculture of Pine
The 17th International Conference on Ecology and Silviculture of Fir
The 6th International Conference on Ecology and Silviculture of Pine

Dear Colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the following IUFRO conference:

ABIES & PINUS 2022. Fir and pine management in a changeable environment: risks and opportunities.

Fir and pine forests are widely represented around the world and play important ecological, economic, and social roles.

There are several risks and opportunities to be addressed when managing these forests in a changeable environment. Climate change might affect fir and pine forest dynamics (regeneration, growth, and mortality), and requires adaptive management strategies. The increased demand for sustainable materials is likely to be reflected in the increasing pressure to which forests are exposed. In Europe, silver fir and Scots pine have played an important role in the development of silviculture and forest management. However, there are many other fir and pine species distributed mainly in the northern hemisphere of the globe. Some of these species are under the threat of extinction, while some others might be dominant tree species at a landscape or even regional spatial scale. The latter is the case of fir in North America or in some countries in the Balkan Peninsula. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, well-known virgin forests that are also composed of silver fir have inspired many silviculturists and ecologists for decades, and fir timber is economically the most important product on the timber market. 

The conference will be held from 19 to 22 September 2022 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and focuses on five main themes:

  1. Stand dynamics of fir and pine forests: regeneration, growth, mortality, dendrochronology, and soil fertility.
  2. Ecology and management of fir and pine species in a changeable environment.
  3. Gene pool and provenances of fir and pine species: improving adaptability to a changing environment.
  4. Providing products and ecosystem services from fir and pine forests.
  5. Silviculture and management planning given the pressure on wood requirements.

There will be keynote lectures by Miren del Rio (Spain), Senka Barudanović (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Dušan Roženbergar (Slovenia), plenary sessions, and poster presentations.

The conference is an opportunity to share knowledge on and management experiences with different fir and pine species across the globe.

We look forward to seeing you in Sarajevo!

Andrej Bončina
Head of IUFRO unit 1.01.09 Ecology and Silviculture of Abies

Teresa Fonseca
Head of IUFRO unit 1.01.10 Ecology and Silviculture of Pine

Dalibor Ballian
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Forestry

Important Dates:

  • Registration until 1 September 2022.
More information can be found at the following link:

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