
16–21 May 2013, Estoril, Portugal
Planted Forests on the Globe Renewable Resources for the Future—3rd International Congress on Planted Forests

Two international conferences on planted forests have been held previously, in Chile in 1999 ( and New Zealand in 2003 ( . Both of these conferences highlighted the need to promote the multiple dimensions of Sustainable Forest management (SFM) in view of the social and environmental challenges of the 21 st century. Since then, new research, global assessments of planted forest resources and outlook studies for wood from planted forests, best practice guidelines and many interesting cases of country applications from around the world have documented and further emphasized the global significance of planted forests. In parallel, international processes and financing mechanisms have increasingly recognized the central role of planted forests for mitigating climate changes, conserving biodiversity and combating land degradation. In contrast to these positive developments, negative social and environmental impacts of planted forests have given rise to concern.

It is therefore timely to investigate the contribution of planted forests to sustainable development in the context of global changes and to organize a Third International Congress on Planted Forests. Central topics would include the sustainability of planted forests in the context of changing climates and the future role of planted forests in environmental protection and REDD+. The aim is to address issues surrounding planted forests today, their productive, environmental and social functions and the challenges they present. The target audience includes forest scientists, policy makers, the private forestry sector and forest managers.


  • The sustainability of planted forests in the context of changing climates
  • The future role of planted forests in environmental protection and REDD+

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