
12–14 April 2021, Online and at WALDCAMPUS Austria
Forests in Women’s Hands

The conference Forests in Women’s Hands aims to promote international networking and exchange of experience among women in forestry, and to increase the visibility of women and their achievements in the forest sector.

About 30% of forest owners in Austria are women, which means that some 25% of Austria‘s forest area is in women’s hands (Agrarstrukturerhebung 2016). The situation is quite similar in Europe where roughly one third of small forest holders are women. Women also play an important role in decision-making for family-owned forests.
Still, women are underrepresented at educational institutions and in forestry professions in Austria, and in several other countries. Some of the reasons for the underrepresentation and weak visibility of women include poor integration of women, a traditional understanding of gender roles and the lack of role models in the field.

Women’s forestry networks such as Austria’s Forstfrauen and similar networks in Germany, the Nordic countries, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and other countries are already connecting female forest owners and professionals, and creating opportunities for women in forestry. The conference will provide an occasion to share about the networks that you are familiar with, and to discover others.

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