
16–18 June 2020, KI Convention Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
Northern Hardwoods Conference 2020

Bridging Science and Management for the Future
Northern hardwood forests occupy millions of acres in the eastern United States and Canada, representing one of the most economically important and ecologically diverse forests in eastern North America. Northern hardwood silviculture is diverse and complex as well and has been the focus of extensive research for over 80 years. Today, managers continue to seek innovative sustainable management solutions to address the expanding challenges facing this forest type, including serious threats such as invasive species, inadequate tree regeneration and shifts in composition, degraded timber quality, herbivory, climate change, nitrogen deposition, and forest fragmentation. The 2020 Northern Hardwood Conference (NHC) will give researchers, academicians, and forest managers from across the range a forum to learn, share, and discuss cutting edge science and innovative management practices to sustain healthy and productive northern hardwood forests.
The Northern Hardwood Conference was initiated by a diverse group of professionals wishing to facilitate collaboration across the northern hardwood range. A major northern hardwood conference has not been held in the Lake States in over 30 years, and rarely has there been an opportunity for researchers and forest managers from across the range to compare notes. In addition, we hope to establish the Northern Hardwood Conference as a valuable forum to be held on a biennial basis throughout the eastern United States and Canada.

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