Best Paper Award

Dear Colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce the winner of the EJIHPE 2022 Best Paper Award. All papers published in 2022 in EJIHPE were considered for the award. After a thorough evaluation of the originality and significance of the papers, citations, and downloads, one winner was selected.

The Relationship between Subjective Risk Intelligence and Courage with Working Performance: The Potential Mediating Effect of Workplace Social Courage
By Paola Magnano, Giuseppe Santisi, Andrea Zammitti, Rita Zarbo, Vittorio Edoardo Scuderi, Giusy Danila Valenti and Palmira Faraci
Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ. 2022, 12(4), 431-444; doi:10.3390/ejihpe12040031 

The winner will receive CHF 500, a certificate and a chance to publish a paper in EJIHPE in 2024 after peer review.

Please join us in congratulating the winner of the EJIHPE 2022 Best Paper Award. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our authors for your continued support of EJIHPE.

Kind regards,
EJIHPE Editorial Office

EJIHPE Best Paper Award

Eligibility and Requirements

– All papers published in EJIHPE will be eligible (Both regular and Special Issue submissions).
Past Winners


14 pages, 987 KiB  
The Relationship between Subjective Risk Intelligence and Courage with Working Performance: The Potential Mediating Effect of Workplace Social Courage
by Paola Magnano, Giuseppe Santisi, Andrea Zammitti, Rita Zarbo, Vittorio Edoardo Scuderi, Giusy Danila Valenti and Palmira Faraci
Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ. 2022, 12(4), 431-444; - 7 Apr 2022

Award Committee

Dr. María del Carmen Pérez-Fuentes Chairman
Universidad de Almería
Dr. África Martos Martínez
Universidad de Almería
Dr. María del Mar Molero Jurado
University of Almeria
Dr. María Del Mar Simón Márquez
Universidad de Almería
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