
12–14 June 2019, Hoboken, NJ, USA
1st International Conference on Nature-Inspired Surface Engineering (NISE 2019)

The 1st International Conference on Nature Inspired Surface Engineering (NISE), a multidisciplinary conference, will be held on June 12–14, 2019. The conference will be hosted at the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA. The NISE chair is Dr. Chang-Hwan Choi, Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Stevens Institute of Technology.

Nature, such as plants, insects, and marine animals, shows unique surface properties in their components (e.g., leaves, wings, eyes, legs, and skins) for multiple purposes, such as water-repellency, anti-adhesion, and anti-reflection. Such multifunctional surface properties are attributed to three-dimensional and hierarchical surface structures with modulated surface chemistry and mechanical pliability. Over the last couple of decades, we have witnessed a significant advancement in the fundamental understanding of surface and interfacial phenomena of such multifunctional surfaces as well as the design, fabrication, and applications of those coatings/surfaces/materials. The NISE conference provides a means of reporting and sharing the latest developments in the nature-inspired surface engineering, encompassing physics, chemistry, biology, material science, and various engineering disciplines. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Fundamental understanding of surface and interface science and phenomena such as wetting, adhesion, adsorption, desorption, friction, (bio)tribology, wear, corrosion, biofouling, icing/deicing, phase changes, heat/energy transfer, electrochemistry, optics/photonics, etc.
  • Material processing and fabrication techniques for functional surfaces including novel techniques such as 3D printing and self-assembly
  • Surface modification and coating techniques for functional surfaces
  • Hydro-, aero, ice-, and oleo-phobic/philic surfaces
  • SLIPS (slippery liquid infused porous surfaces) and LIS (lubricant impregnated surfaces)
  • Stimuli-responsive and adaptive materials and surfaces
  • Self-healing/self-repairing materials and surfaces
  • Surface engineering in energy applications
  • Surface engineering in water-related applications
  • Surface engineering in biomedical applications
  • Surface engineering in optical and electrical applications
  • Surface engineering in industrial applications
  • Surface characterization and metrology
  • Novel phenomena and applications of engineered surfaces/coatings

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