Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Applied Sciences reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: hydrology; hydrology modelling; climate change; climate downscale; climate modelling; water quality modelling
Interests: dynamics; multi-body systems; control; robotics; time-delay systems; fractional calculus; optimization
Interests: microplastics; nanoplastics; plastisphere; biodegradation; degradation; modelling; surfaces; raman spectroscopy
Interests: atmospheric chemistry; atmospheric new particle formation; physical chemistry; climate change; air pollution
Interests: combustion & propulsion; droplet combustion; two-phase flow; gas turbine engines; aerodynamics; space systems & space propulsion
Interests: mechanics; strength of materials; fracture mechanics; computational fluid dynamics (CFD); fluid - structure interaction (FSI); finite element method
Interests: renewable energy; machine learning; HVDC; distributed power sources; energy forecasting; power systems
Interests: galileo; glonass; GPS; GNSS; CORS; remote sensing; geomatics; photogrammetry; surveying; mapping; drones; cartography; topography; laser scanner; uav; dam; RTK; NRTK; VRS; FKP
Interests: environment; wastewater treatment; Wastewater Engineering; coating; water engineering; Environmental Engineering
Interests: monitoring; building information modeling; photogrammetry; bim; HBIM; Structural Monitoring
Interests: optical spectroscopy; laser–matter interaction; scanning electron microscopy; x-ray microanalysis; drug delivery
Interests: optoelectronics; optical sensors; chemical sensors; electronic device design and simulation
Interests: direct injection engines; combustion; exhaust gas recirculation; air management; liquid sprays.
Interests: telecommunications; antennas; satellite communications; precision agriculture; bioengineering; myoelectric control; medical electronics; non-ionizing radiation protection
Interests: artificial intelligence; machine learning; pattern recognition; computer vision; medical imaging
Interests: building physics; dynamic simulation; energy; heat transfer; HVAC; lighting; renewable energy
Interests: electric power systems; electrical machines; electric vehicle powertrain; wireless power transfer
Interests: slope stability in rocks and soils with particular emphasis to rapid granular flows and climate change effect on landslide activity & amp; mechanical response of rocks in engineering applications: wellbore stability in transversely isotropic rocks at large d; subsidence in sedimentary rocks related to hydrocarbon production; stability of caverns (salt and hard rocks) used in gas storage
Interests: nanomedicine; polymeric and metallic nanoparticles; nanoclusters; biomaterials; drug delivery; non-invasive therapy
Interests: foundations of cryptography; cryptographic protocols; hardware security; quantum security; physical unclonable functions(PUFs)
Interests: logistics; logistics 4.0; industry 4.0; simulation of manufacturing and logistic processes; production and maintenance planning; online and offline robot programming; virtual commissioning; design, analysis and optimization of industrial processes; statistical design and validation of experiments
Interests: renewable energy; solar cells; photovoltaic; solar thermal; optics; photonics; semiconductors
Interests: food safety; food bioactives; xenobiotics; chemical risk assessment; food toxicology; molecular modeling; food chemistry
Interests: marine: coral reef 3D mapping; terrestrial: UAV LiDAR; 3d thermal; 3D hyperspectral
Interests: image processing; interferometry; ground-based sar; earth observation; glaciology; monitoring; data integration
Interests: control systems; fuzzy logic; expert systems; Electrical Drives; Electrical Machines; wind turbine
Interests: waste management; biowaste treatment; anaerobic digestion; biorefineries
Interests: ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC); solid and structural mechanics; multiscale modelling; composite materials and structures; computational methods; civil engineering
Interests: AI in healthcare; audio processing; computer vision; deep learning; indoor positioning; machine learning; pose estimation
Interests: optimization of machine systems; graph theory; applications of mathematical methods; decision trees; logic of multivalent decision processes; computational methods in science and technology; computer aided design and manufacturing; planetary gears and automatic transmissions