Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Applied Sciences reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: liquids crystals; dendritic polymers; dendrimers; hyperbranched polymers; silica hydrogels-xerogels
Interests: flight dynamics; system identification; unmanned air vehicles; flapping-wing/bioinspired flight; control systems
2. Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Via Rita Levi Montalcini 4, Pieve Emanuele, 20090 Milan, Italy
Interests: hyperspectral; image analysis; microscopy; photoluminescence; spectroscopy; terahertz
Interests: classification techniques; approximations of decision systems; building feature rankings; missing values handling; the philosophical problems of artificial intelligence; robot localization in the magnetic unstable environment, image steganography, deep neural networks
Interests: bio-composites; bone; nacre; bamboo; adhesive joints; fracture mechanics; 3D printing; finite element analysis; concrete
Interests: computation; geometric modeling and manufacturing technology
Interests: distributed computing; programming languages; graph algorithms
2. Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, al. Piastow 17, 70-310 Szczecin, Poland
Interests: antimicrobials; bacteriology; bacterial physiology; biotechnology; cellular stress; microbiology; nanomaterials; nanoparticles
Interests: geochemistry; holocene; geology; sediments; petroleum geology; palaeoclimatology; lagoon
Interests: construction safety and health; innovation and technology in construction; sustainable infrastructure; construction materials; construction education; safety in manufacturing
Interests: pavement engineering; asphalt technology; highway construction; bituminous materials; bitumen
Interests: nanophotonics; integrated quantum photonics; surface plasmons and Tamm plasmons; 2D materials and semiconductors; strong light-matter coupling
Interests: heavy metals; Metals Recovery; Electroplating; membranes processes; electrodialysis; ionic liquids recovery; anodic oxidation; ICP-OES
Interests: biogas upgrading; CO& amp; lt; sub& gt; 2& /sub& utilisation; renewable energy; Capture; low-energy technologies
Interests: internet of things and design of future services and solutions in smart spaces; applying smart technologies to healthcare and services for earlier diagnostics; location based services and platforms, development of e-Tourism ecosystem; development of open innovations cooperation, incubation professional teams and communities for industry
Interests: computational fluid dynamics; heat transfer; thermodynamic measurement; fluid mechanics measurement; energy; thermal solar power
Interests: artificial intelligence; machine learning; multi-criteria optimization; cloud computing
Interests: new materials for high technology/smart inorganic materials; kinetics; material characteristion by thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, SEM analysis; sorption process; calcium silicate hydrates; concrete technology
Interests: sustainability development; renewable energy technologies; power geneartion; mechnical engineering; energy; solid waste management; electrical engineering; energy saving; energy conservation; energy efficiency; recycling; resource management; industry ecology; life cycle assessment (LCA) of products and processes; life cycle assessment of machines and devices; environmental footprinting; life cycle tools; ecology of products; ecological quality products; ecological assessment of products; analysis of production processes in life cycle assessment; verification of sima pro program analyses
Interests: envirnomental microbiology; plant/soil microbiome; bioremediation; phytoremediation; soil science; biogeochemistry; wetlands; flooding; environmental biotechnology
Interests: virtual and augmented reality; mixed reality; virtual prototyping; design methods; design for additive manufacturing; user-centered design; usability test; computer aided design systems; CAD CAx integration; knowledge based engineering; eco-design; sustai
Interests: surface metrology; multiscale; roughness; edm; machining; texture
Interests: real-time communications; decentralized digital identification; distributed ledger technologies; industrial/vehicular wireless communications; IoT
Interests: electric power system; evolutionary optimization; computational intelligence
Interests: IoT; satellite communications; 5G and 6G; physical layer security; cibersegurity; error control coding; multiple acess; time and frequency packing
Interests: mining; mine ventilation, health and safety; subsidence; underground mining; surface mining; underground environmental conditions
Interests: agri-food residues; biomass pretreatment; biorefinery; energy and economic optimization; food process modelling and simulation
Interests: machining; manufacturing; additive manufacturing; cutting tool; tool wear; tool life
Interests: navigation and control (gnc); gnc system; satellite missions; aerospace platforms and vehicles
Interests: textile architecture; coated fabrics; tensioned membrane structures; ETFE; pneumatic structures; lightweight structures; form-finding; biaxial tests