
13–17 September 2010, Kobe, Japan
Third International Congress on Mathematical Software [ICMS'2010-developers meeting]

This congress is the third in the series, where the first meeting was held in Beijing in 2002 and the previous one in Castro Urdiales, Spain in 2006; see . We will welcome developers of mathematical software systems as well as researchers in algorithms and mathematicians who are interested in the development of mathematical software and systems. This is an almost unique chance to meet people in different disciplines in mathematics and computer science and exchange ideas on developments on mathematical software and systems. While the main audience of this meeting is assumed to be developers of mathematical software and software systems, we welcome the participation of mathematicians and scientists who are interested in using mathematical software for their research. The proceedings of the congress is planned and all accepted papers and short communications will be published as Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

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