Background/Objectives: CrossFit
® is one of the most popular yet controversial training regimens. Some groups extol the positive effects of its practice, while others argue that it is unsafe and that there is limited information. The aim of this study was to investigate,
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Background/Objectives: CrossFit
® is one of the most popular yet controversial training regimens. Some groups extol the positive effects of its practice, while others argue that it is unsafe and that there is limited information. The aim of this study was to investigate, through a self-reported questionnaire, the epidemiology of Portuguese CrossFit
® training practitioners. Methods: Statistical analyses, including Mann–Whitney U, chi-square, Spearman’s rho correlations, and logistic regressions, were conducted. Results: A total of 288 practitioners completed the questionnaire, with 39.9% reporting injuries. These injuries occurred mainly during training, particularly when performing gymnastics exercises. Tendon (40.9%) and shoulder (46.1%) were the most common injuries. Key risk factors for injury included male gender (OR = 2.7), years of practice (4–6 years: OR = 7.22), heavier body weight (OR = 4.76), and higher weekly training volume (4–6 times per week). Conclusions: Approximately 40% of CrossFit
® practitioners are expected to experience injuries, particularly in the shoulder and tendons. Injury risk is influenced by factors such as practice years, weekly training, sex, and body weight. These findings may help guide practitioners, coaches, and health professionals in better understanding the risk factors, mitigating injuries, and developing effective injury prevention strategies.
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