Is It Possible to Compromise Forest Conservation with Forest Use?
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. The Normal Forest
4. Rent as an Equilibrium Point
5. Intentional Forest and Other Forest Models
- − The growing stock volume is constant;
- − The proportion of volume in each tree size class is unchanged over time;
- − Periodic wood volume or wood product value increment is equal (and maximal).
6. Real Forest
7. Multifunctional Forest
8. Forest of Social Expectations
9. Final Remarks
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sierota, Z.; Miścicki, S. Is It Possible to Compromise Forest Conservation with Forest Use? Earth 2022, 3, 1059-1075.
Sierota Z, Miścicki S. Is It Possible to Compromise Forest Conservation with Forest Use? Earth. 2022; 3(4):1059-1075.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSierota, Zbigniew, and Stanisław Miścicki. 2022. "Is It Possible to Compromise Forest Conservation with Forest Use?" Earth 3, no. 4: 1059-1075.
APA StyleSierota, Z., & Miścicki, S. (2022). Is It Possible to Compromise Forest Conservation with Forest Use? Earth, 3(4), 1059-1075.