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Seasonal Influence on Volatile Composition of Psidium friedrichsthalianum Leaves, Sampled in the Brazilian Amazon

Paulo Vinicius L. Santos
Ellen de Nazaré Santos da Cruz
Jennifer de Andrade Nunes
Rosa Helena V. Mourão
Walnice Maria O. do Nascimento
José Guilherme S. Maia
1 and
Pablo Luis B. Figueiredo
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém 66075-900, Brazil
Laboratório de Química dos Produtos Naturais, Universidade do Estado Pará, Belém 66087-670, Brazil
Laboratório de Bioprospecção e Biologia Experimental, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Santarém 68035-110, Brazil
Laboratório de Frutíferas, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém 66095-100, Brazil
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Horticulturae 2023, 9(7), 768;
Submission received: 24 May 2023 / Revised: 18 June 2023 / Accepted: 27 June 2023 / Published: 5 July 2023


Psidium friedrichsthalianum (Myrtaceae) is a small tree with antioxidant activity in its fruits and antimicrobial activity in its leaves and thin branches. The present study analyzed the seasonal variability in the yield and essential oil composition of a P. friedrichsthalianum population in Belém, Brazil. Essential oils were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) coupled to mass spectrometer (MS) and flame ionization detector (FID). Chemometric analyses were carried out to verify the climatic influence on the production and composition of the essential oil. The average oil yield in the dry season (August–February) was 0.5 ± 0.0%, and in the rainy season (March–May), it was 0.8 ± 0.0%, with statistical differentiation. There was a moderate correlation between oil yield and the collection area’s relative humidity (r = 0.63). The PCA and HCA analyses did not show differentiation between the P. friedrichsthalianum oil samples during the dry and rainy seasons. However, the class of monoterpene hydrocarbons presented a negative correlation with temperature (r = −0.81) and humidity (−0.80) of the sampled area. In the PCA and HCA studies, the samples were classified into three groups: Group I (leaf oils) was characterized by a higher content of α-pinene (6.3–18.0%), β-elemene (9.9–14.8%), caryophyllene oxide (4.3–16.3%), and β-pinene (4.8–13.4%). Group II (leaf oils) was defined by a higher content of selin-11-en-4-α-ol (4.6–15.6%), β-elemene (9.9–14.8%), α-pinene (6.3–18.0%), and E-caryophyllene (3.1–8.7%). Group III (fruits volatile concentrate) was characterized by a higher content of α-pinene (17.6%), α-terpineol (13.7%), and selin-11-en-4-α-ol (10.0%). There was significant seasonal variability in P. friedrichsthalianum, whose responses are directly linked to abiotic factors such as precipitation, insolation, humidity, and temperature.

Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

Myrtaceae has around 1200 species, comprising 29 genera of trees, shrubs, and sub-shrubs, emphasizing Eugenia, Myrciaria, and Psidium found in Brazilian territory. Many scientific reports about its pharmacological and cosmetic applications are present in the literature [1,2]. The Psidium genus comprises 266 species, widely distributed worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions. In Brazil, Psidium has 60 species of trees, from large to small sizes. Among them, P. guineense Sw., known as “araçá-mirim”, P. acutangulum Mart. ex DC., popularly called “araçá-pera”, and P. guajava L., the traditional “guava”, all used in the treatment of coughs, diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting, fever, and flu [3,4].
Myrtaceae essential oils have high variability in volatile compounds and have outstanding biological activities [1]. Essential oils from Psidium species have antiproliferative, antioxidant, fungicidal, antibacterial, phytotoxic, larvicidal, anti-inflammatory, and cytotoxic properties [1,5]. In addition, Psidium oils are abundant in terpene compounds, with great emphasis on monoterpene hydrocarbons limonene and α-pinene [6,7].
Psidium friedrichsthalianum (O. Berg) Nied. (syn. Calyptropsidium friedrichsthalianum O. Berg), known as “Costa Rican guava” or “sour guava”, is a small tree with fruits with antioxidant activity and widely used to prepare juices, jellies, and sweets [8,9]. This species originates from Central America, but its cultivation is currently carried out in several tropical countries, including Colombia, Brazil, and Ecuador [10]. Phytochemical and pharmacological studies with leaf and bark extracts of P. friedrichsthalianum reported significant antimicrobial potential [11].
The present work aimed to analyze the seasonal variability in a Psidium friedrichsthalianum population sampled in Belém, Pará state, Brazil, based on the analysis of yield and composition of its essential oils from August 2021 to May 2022 (10 months), using chemometric tools.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Plant Material and Climatic Data

The leaves (250 g) and fruits (100 g) of a cultivated population of Psidium friedrichsthalianum were randomly collected in Belém city, Pará state, Brazil (coordinates: 1°26′14.2″ S/48°26′30.2″ W). The mature leaves for the seasonal study were sampled on day 10 of each month, at 8 am, from August 2021 to May 2022. For its volatile concentrate analysis, the fruits were collected in November 2021, the month of fruiting of the species. Plant identification was performed by comparison with an authentic specimen of Psidium friedrichsthalianum. A specimen sample (MSF001848) was incorporated into the Herbarium Marlene Freitas da Silva at Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, State of Pará, Brazil. The specimen was collected in agreement with Brazilian laws concerning the protection of biodiversity (Sisgen A47AD8F).
The climatic parameters (insolation, relative air humidity, and rainfall precipitation) of the mentioned area were obtained for each month from the website of the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET,, accessed on 5 December 2022), of Brazilian Government (INMET, 2022). Meteorological data were recorded through the automatic station A-201, located in Belém, Pará state, Brazil, equipped with a Vaisala system, model MAWS 301 (Vaisala Corporation, Helsinki, Finland).

2.2. Essential Oil and Volatile Concentrate Extraction

The leaves were dried for seven days at room temperature, then pulverized. The dried leaves (100 g) were subjected to hydrodistillation (in duplicate) using a Clevenger-type apparatus (3 h). The dry plant weights were used to calculate the oil yields (in duplicate). The moisture content of the leaves samples was calculated in an infrared moisture balance for water loss measurement. The fresh fruits were cut, homogenized (20 g), and subjected to a distillation-simultaneous extraction (DES) system using a Nickerson and Likens type extractor, in addition to water (150 mL) and n-pentane (2 mL) as solvents, for 2 h (in duplicate), to obtain its volatile concentrate (Vc). The oils (leaves) and the volatile concentrate (fruits) were stored in dark bottles for later chromatographic analysis.

2.3. Oils and Volatile Concentrate Composition Analysis

The analyses of the oils and volatile concentrate were performed by GC-MS. A Shimadzu instrument Model QP-2010 ultra (Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan) was used. An Rtx-5MS (30 m × 0.25 mm; 0.25 μm film thickness) fused silica capillary column (Restek, Bellafonte, PA, USA) was used as the stationary phase. The carrier gas was helium adjusted to 1.0 mL/min at 57.5 Kpa. One μL of n-hexane solution (oil and volatile concentrate, 5 μL: n-hexane, 500 μL) was injected in split mode (split ratio 1:20). The injector and interface temperature was 250 °C, oven programmed temperature was 60 to 240 °C (3 °C/min), followed by an isotherm of 10 min. EIMS (electron ionization mass spectrometry) at 70 eV. The ion source temperature was 200 °C. The mass spectra were obtained by scanning every 0.3 s. The mass fragments were from 35 to 400 m/z. The retention index was calculated for all components using C8-C40 n-alkanes series (Sigma-Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI, USA) according to the van den Dool and Kratz linear equation [12]. Individual components were identified by comparing their retention indices and mass spectra (molecular mass and fragmentation pattern) with those in the GCMS-Solution system libraries [13,14]. The quantitative data regarding the volatile constituents were obtained using a Shimadzu GC 2010 Series, operated under similar conditions to the Shimadzu GC-MS system. The relative amounts of individual components were calculated by peak-area normalization using the flame ionization detector (GC-FID). GC-FID and GC-MS analyses were performed in duplicate.

2.4. Statistical Analysis

The statistical analysis was performed according to Santos et al. [6]. The significance was assessed by a Tukey test (p < 0.05). The GraphPad Prism software, version 5.0 was used to calculate the Pearson correlation coefficients (r). The principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the oil components (>3.0%). The hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) was carried out considering the Euclidean distance and the Ward linkage [15].

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Seasonal Effect on Oil Yields

Climatic factors, such as insolation, precipitation, temperature, and relative humidity, were monitored from August 2021 to May 2022 to evaluate their influence on the production and composition of the essential oil of P. friedrichsthalianum. The insolation values varied between 105.4 (March) and 256.1 h (August), the monthly precipitation from 163.4 (October) to 527.4 mm (March), the temperature from 25.9 °C (January) to 27.6 °C (October), and the relative air humidity from 82.1% (October) to 93.0% (April). The dry period in the region where the plant occurs comprised the months from August to February, with an average precipitation of 253.7 ± 58.4 mm, and the rainy period from March to May, with an average precipitation of 472.5 ± 60.2 mm (Figure 1). In previous work, in the seasonal study of the essential oil composition of Lippia alba, the dry period occurred from August to February, and the rainy period from March to May [16].
The climate in the Brazilian Amazon is represented only by the dry and rainy seasons. With a hot and humid climate, the Amazon region has the highest rainfall from December to April, characterized by the rainy season, and the lowest rainfall from June to November, represented by the dry season. The year’s remaining months are considered transition periods between these two seasons [17,18]. However, from one year to another, these two seasons may change depending on the atmospheric phenomena that affect tropical regions [19].
In the present seasonal study, the leaves essential oil yields of P. friedrichsthalianum ranged from 0.4% (October) to 0.8% (March to May), averaging 0.6 ± 0.1% for the annual period (Figure 1). The essential oil yield showed a significant difference (Tukey, p < 0.05) during the dry (0.5 ± 0.0%) and rainy (0.8 ± 0.0%) periods. Concerning the climatic factors vs. the essential oil yield, no significant correlation was observed (Tukey, p > 0.05) with the temperature (r = −0.32), while with the relative humidity (r = 0.63), the oil yield showed a moderate correlation. There was also a strong and negative correlation between the oil yield and the insolation (r = −0.70), as seen in Table 1.
A previous study evaluating the effect of seasonality on the leaves essential oil of a Psidium acutangulum DC. population, collected in Belém, Pará, Brazil, did not show a significant difference in the oils yield between the dry period (0.7 ± 0.3%) and the rainy period (0.9 ± 0.2%) [6]. On the other hand, during the seasonal study of Psidium salutare (Kunth). O. Berg leaves in Northeast Brazil, its leaf oil yield showed different percentages during the dry (0.15%) and rainy (0.73%) seasons, with no significant correlation with the precipitation [20].

3.2. Seasonal Effect on P. friedrichsthalianum Oil Composition

Table 2 lists eighty-nine (89) chemical constituents identified by GC and GC-MS in the EOs from the leaves and volatile concentrate of P. friedrichsthalianum, in ascending order of their respective retention indices. These constituents comprise about 89.5% of the oils analyzed in the seasonal study and 85.0% of the components from the fruits’ volatile concentrate. The predominant classes of compounds in the leaf oil samples were sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (19.1% to 45.7%), followed by oxygenated sesquiterpenes (18.8 to 39.4%), monoterpene hydrocarbons (13.2 to 34.6%), and oxygenated monoterpenes (1.3 to 9.6%). As for the volatile concentrate of the fruits, there was a predominance of monoterpene hydrocarbons (31.2%), followed by oxygenated sesquiterpenes (20.9%), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (17.5%), and oxygenated monoterpenes (15.4%). The main constituents identified in the leaf oils of the seasonal study were α-pinene (6.3 to 18.0%), caryophyllene oxide (4.3 to 16.3%), selin-11-en-4-α-ol (4.6 to 15.6%), β-elemene (9.9 to 14.9%), β-pinene (4.8 to 13.4%), bicyclogermacrene (6.1 to 7.3%), linalool (0.1 to 7.1%), and spathulenol (1.9 to 5.9%). In the volatile concentrate of the fruits, there was a predominance of α-pinene (17.6%), α-terpineol (13.7%), selin-11-en-4-α-ol (10.0%), β-pinene (7.1%), β-selinene (6.0%), and E-caryophyllene (5.0%). The chemical structures of these compounds are shown in Figure 2.
The chemical constituents that significantly correlated with climatic factors were α-pinene with insolation (r = −0.70), the caryophyllene oxide with precipitation (r = 0.63), the β-elemene with mean temperature (r = 0.86), relative humidity (r = 0.88), and precipitation (r = 0.60), the α-terpineol with temperature (−0.99), relative humidity (−0.99), insolation (r = −0.66), and precipitation (r = −0.65), the β-selinene with temperature (−0.75), relative humidity (−0.72), and insolation (r = −0.59). The constituents that did not significantly correlate with climatic factors were selin-11-en-4-α-ol and β-pinene. On the other hand, the class of oxygenated monoterpenes showed a strong negative and significant correlation with temperature (r = −0.79) and relative humidity (−0.78) (see Table 1).

3.3. Multivariate Analysis of P. friedrichsthalianum

Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were plotted with volatile constituents above 3%. Applying hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) provided the dendrogram shown in Figure 3, which presents the P. friedrichsthalianum oil volatiles in three groups and zero similarity. Group I comprised oils from August, November, January, February, March, and April. Group II included September, October, December, and May oils. Group III concerned only the volatile concentrate of the fruits.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (Figure 4) clarified 79.81% of the data variability. The PC1 component explained 36.33% and was positively correlated with α-pinene (r = −0.11), α-terpineol (r = −0.50), and β-selinene (r = −0.39). The PC2 component explained 24.54% and showed a negative correlation with α-pinene (r = −0.13), β-pinene (r = −0.09), β-elemene (r = −0.07), α-copaene (r = −0.10), and spathulenol (r = −0.45). The PC3 component explained 18.94% of the data and showed a positive correlation with α-pinene (r = 0.68), β-pinene (r = 0.60), α-terpineol (r = 0.14), β-elemene (r = 0.03), and E-caryophyllene (r = 0.19). As with the HCA, the analysis of the PCA confirmed the formation of three distinct groups. Group I was characterized by the highest content of α-pinene (6.3–18.0%), β-elemene (9.9–14.9%), caryophyllene oxide (4.3–16.3%), and β-pinene (4.8–13.4%). Group II was characterized by the highest content of selin-11-en-4-α-ol (4.6–15.6%), β-elemene (9.9–14.9%), α-pinene (6.3–18.0%), and E-caryophyllene (3.1–8.7%). Group III was characterized by the highest content of α-pinene (17.6%), α-terpineol (13.7%), and Selin-11-en-4-α-ol (10.0%).
PCA and HCA analyses did not differentiate between P. friedrichsthalianum oil samples during dry and rainy seasons. A previous study about the seasonality of Psidium acutangulum leaves essential oils from Brazil showed no sample separation from dry and rainy seasons [6]. Indeed, some species show variation in the constituents contents but cannot be separated in chemometric analyses due to their metabolism not correlating with climatic parameters or other factors, biotic or abiotic, which may interfere with metabolic pathways [6,15]. However, correlations were observed between climatic parameters and constituents of oils and their classes of compounds, as mentioned before (see Table 1).
About eighteen Psidium species are grown worldwide, and the chemical compositions of more than one hundred of their essential oils have been reported in the literature, with significant variability of volatile constituents and according to seasonality and collection sites [1]. Previously, the essential oils composition of the leaves and the volatile concentrate of the fruits of P. friedrichsthalianum were reported: The leaves of a specimen collected in San Jose, Costa Rica, having E-caryophyllene, α- and β-pinene, and β-elemene as main constituents [21], the fruits of a specimen sampled in Havana, Cuba, with the predominance of E-caryophyllene, α-terpineol, α-pinene, α- and β-selinene, δ-cadinene, and α-copaene [22], and the leaves of a specimen collected in Alegre, Espírito Santo, Brazil, having E-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, α-humulene, and α-copaene as significant components [23].
The extracts of leaves and fruits of P. friedrichsthalianum, the Costa Rican guava, proved to be a rich source of phenolic compounds, mainly quercetin derivatives, and proanthocyanidins derived from epicatechin units, besides other compounds such as ellagitannins, and benzophenones [24,25].

4. Conclusions

The main constituents identified in the leaf oils of the seasonal study of Psidium friedrichsthalianum were α-pinene, caryophyllene oxide, selin-11-en-4-α-ol, β-elemene, β-pinene, bicyclogermacrene, linalool, and spathulenol. In the volatile concentrate of the fruits, there was a predominance of α-pinene, α-terpineol, selin-11-en-4-α-ol, β-pinene, β-selinene, and E-caryophyllene. The essential oil exhibited a significantly strong correlation with humidity and insolation, and the constituents of the oil were correlated with climatic parameters. Furthermore, the class of monoterpene hydrocarbons showed a moderate negative correlation with temperature and humidity. Thus, the present study contributes to the knowledge on the chemical variability of P. friedrichsthalianum essential oils.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, P.L.B.F. and J.G.S.M.; formal analysis, P.V.L.S., E.d.N.S.d.C., W.M.O.d.N. and J.d.A.N.; writing—original draft preparation, P.V.L.S., E.d.N.S.d.C., J.d.A.N. and R.H.V.M.; writing—review and editing, P.L.B.F. and J.G.S.M. Project administration, P.L.B.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the PAPQ (Programa de Apoio à Publicação Qualificada), Propesp, UFPA.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.


The authors are grateful to the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), to Universidade Federal do Pará (PIBIC-UFPA) for providing scholarships to E.d.N.S.d.C., and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for providing scholarships to J.d.A.N.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Relationship between climatic factors and Psidium friedrichsthalianum leaves essential oil yield during the seasonal study.
Figure 1. Relationship between climatic factors and Psidium friedrichsthalianum leaves essential oil yield during the seasonal study.
Horticulturae 09 00768 g001
Figure 2. Chemical structures of main constituents identified in the oils and fruits of P. friedrichsthalianum.
Figure 2. Chemical structures of main constituents identified in the oils and fruits of P. friedrichsthalianum.
Horticulturae 09 00768 g002
Figure 3. HCA analysis of main volatiles from P. friedrichsthalianum.
Figure 3. HCA analysis of main volatiles from P. friedrichsthalianum.
Horticulturae 09 00768 g003
Figure 4. PCA analysis of main volatiles from P. friedrichsthalianum.
Figure 4. PCA analysis of main volatiles from P. friedrichsthalianum.
Horticulturae 09 00768 g004
Table 1. Correlation between the yield, principal components, and classes of compounds of the Psidium friedrichsthalianum oil and the climatic factors.
Table 1. Correlation between the yield, principal components, and classes of compounds of the Psidium friedrichsthalianum oil and the climatic factors.
Oil Yield/ComponentsTemperatureHumidityInsolationPrecipitation
Oil yield−0.320.63 *−0.70 *0.57
Caryophyllene oxide0.510.570.160.63 *
α-Pinene−0.440.33−0.70 *0.01
β-Elemene0.86 *0.88 *0.440.60 *
α-Terpineol−0.99 *−0.99 *−0.66 *−0.65 *
β-Selinene−0.75 *−0.72 *−0.59 *−0.41
Monoterpene hydrocarbons−0.29−0.26−0.49−0.32
Oxygenated monoterpenes−0.79 *−0.78 *−0.47−0.38
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons0.410.360.360.10
Oxygenated sesquiterpenes0.280.350.130.42
* Significant correlation (p < 0.05).
Table 2. Seasonal study of leaves essential oils (19 August–20 May) and fruits volatile concentrate (19 November) composition of P. friedrichsthalianum.
Table 2. Seasonal study of leaves essential oils (19 August–20 May) and fruits volatile concentrate (19 November) composition of P. friedrichsthalianum.
RICRILOil Yield (%) (%)
Month/Constituents (%)AugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay
926924 aα-Thujenen.d.
934932 aα-Pinene6.
947945 aα-Fenchenen.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.1
949946 aCamphenen.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.0.2
974969 aSabinene0.
978974 aβ-Pinene4.86.911.
991988 aMyrcenen.d.
10171014 aα-Terpinenen.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.2
10241020 ap-Cymene0.
10281024 aLimonene0.
10311026 a1,8-Cineolen.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.0.2n.d.n.d.n.d.
10461044 aE-β-Ocimenen.d.n.d.0.1n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.10.2
10721067 acis-Linalool oxide (furanoid)0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.2n.d.
10881084 atrans-Linalool oxide (furanoid)0.2n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.
10891086 aTerpinolenen.d.0.2n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.2.2
11001095 aLinalool0.
11131114 aendo-Fenchol0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.5
11261122 aα-Campholenal0.3n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
11371135 aNopilone0.2n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
11391135 atrans-Pinocarveol1.3n.d.
11451140 atrans-Verbenol1.5n.d.n.d.0.4n.d.0.3n.d.0.10.3n.d.n.d.
11621160 aPinocarvone0.7n.d.n.d.0.2n.d.
11661165 aBorneol0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.3
11771174 aTerpinen-4-ol0.
11911186 aα-Terpineol0.
11961195 aMyrtenaln.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
11971197 bMyrtenol1.4n.d.n.d.0.7n.d.0.7n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
12091204 aVerbenone0.9n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.0.2n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.
12191215 atrans-Carveol0.2n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
12211218 aendo-Fenchyl acetate0.10.1n.d.n.d.0.10.1n.d.0.10.1n.d.n.d.
12431241 bMethyl phenethyl ketonen.d.
12861287 aBornyl acetate0.
13001298 atrans-Pinocarvyl acetaten.d.
13231325 ap-Mentha-1,4-dien-7-ol1.0n.d.n.d.0.2n.d.n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.
13261326 bMyrtenyl acetate0.
13381335 aδ-Elemenen.d.
13511345 aα-Cubebenen.d.0.1n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.0.1n.d.
13771374 aα-Copaene2.
13851387 aβ-Bourbonene0.4n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.50.3n.d.0.4n.d.n.d.
13941389 aβ-Elemene11.49.913.014.914.811.014.714.510.714.81.8
14221417 aE-Caryophyllenen.d.
14301430 aβ-Copaene0.
14361432 atrans-α-Bergamotenen.d.0.1n.d.0.2n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
14401439 aAromadendrene0.
14551452 aα-Humulenen.d.
14581454 aE-β-Farnesenen.d.0.1n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.
14621464 a9-epi-E-Caryophyllene0.
14771476 aSelina-4,11-dienen.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.3n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.2.0
14781478 aγ-Muurolene0.
14821480 aGermacrene Dn.d.2.62.4n.d.2.9n.d.n.d.0.4n.d.2.6n.d.
14881489 aβ-Selinene2.
14931493 atrans-Muurola-4(14),5-dienen.d.0.20.2n.d.0.2n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.
14961498 bepi-Cubebol0.6n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.1.0n.d.n.d.
14981500 aBicyclogermacrenen.d.6.17.3n.d.6.4n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.6.5n.d.
15011500 aα-Muurolene0.
15061509 aα-Bulnesenen.d.0.6n.d.0.11.1n.d.n.d.0.5n.d.n.d.n.d.
15161514 aCubeboln.d.0.8n.d.1.11.1n.d.n.d.
15251522 aδ-Cadinenen.d.2.51.9n.d.1.9n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.1.91.1
15341533 atrans-Cadina-1,4-dienen.d.0.10.1n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.
15391537 aα-Cadinene0.90.1n.d.0.10.1n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.n.d.
15421539 aα-Copaen-11-oln.d.0.1n.d.
15501548 aElemol0.
15581559 aGermacrene B0.20.10.1n.d.0.20.2n.d.n.d.0.10.1n.d.
15651561 aE-Nerolidoln.d.
15681566 aMaaliol0.
15711570 aCaryophyllenyl alcohol0.
15791577 aSpathulenol5.02.0n.d.
15851582 aCaryophyllene oxide16.34.74.311.24.313.613.69.512.44.4n.d.
15881590 aβ-Copaen-4α-oln.d.
15931592 aViridiflorol1.
15951595 aCubeban-11-ol0.
15991600 aGuaioln.d.0.20.2n.d.0.2n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.0.1n.d.
16041602 aLedoln.d.0.8n.d.0.6n.d.
16101608 aHumulene epoxide II1.
16191618 aJunenoln.d.0.5n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
16301630 aMuurola-4,10(14)-dien-1β-ol0.
16321630 aγ-Eudesmoln.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.1.7
16381636 bCaryophylla-4(12),8(13)-dien-5β-ol0.
16441640 aepi-α-Muurolol (= τ-Muurolol)
16491644 b-Muurolol (= Torreyol)
16691668 atrans-Calamenen-10-ol0.1n.d.n.d.0.2n.d.0.2n.d.n.d.0.1n.d.n.d.
16761675 aCadalene0.40.1n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.10.2n.d.n.d.
16771676 aMuskatone0.6n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
16871685 aα-Bisabololn.d.0.3n.d.0.30.4n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
16911688 aShyobunoln.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.3n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
16911692 aAcorenone0.6n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.0.4n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
17381739 aOplopanonen.d.n.d.n.d.0.2n.d.0.2n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.
Monoterpene hydrocarbons13.219.228.431.924.222.634.625.528.122.031.2
Oxygenated monoterpenes9.
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons19.140.940.026.545.722.
Oxygenated sesquiterpenes39.432.918.822.521.436.
Total (%)81.394.388.784.993.086.396.
RIC = Calculated retention index; RIL = Literature retention index; Vc = Volatile concentrate; a = Adams (2007); b = Mondello (2011); n.d. = not detected; Main constituents in bold; Standard deviation was less than 2.0 (n = 2).
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MDPI and ACS Style

Santos, P.V.L.; da Cruz, E.d.N.S.; Nunes, J.d.A.; Mourão, R.H.V.; do Nascimento, W.M.O.; Maia, J.G.S.; Figueiredo, P.L.B. Seasonal Influence on Volatile Composition of Psidium friedrichsthalianum Leaves, Sampled in the Brazilian Amazon. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 768.

AMA Style

Santos PVL, da Cruz EdNS, Nunes JdA, Mourão RHV, do Nascimento WMO, Maia JGS, Figueiredo PLB. Seasonal Influence on Volatile Composition of Psidium friedrichsthalianum Leaves, Sampled in the Brazilian Amazon. Horticulturae. 2023; 9(7):768.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Santos, Paulo Vinicius L., Ellen de Nazaré Santos da Cruz, Jennifer de Andrade Nunes, Rosa Helena V. Mourão, Walnice Maria O. do Nascimento, José Guilherme S. Maia, and Pablo Luis B. Figueiredo. 2023. "Seasonal Influence on Volatile Composition of Psidium friedrichsthalianum Leaves, Sampled in the Brazilian Amazon" Horticulturae 9, no. 7: 768.

APA Style

Santos, P. V. L., da Cruz, E. d. N. S., Nunes, J. d. A., Mourão, R. H. V., do Nascimento, W. M. O., Maia, J. G. S., & Figueiredo, P. L. B. (2023). Seasonal Influence on Volatile Composition of Psidium friedrichsthalianum Leaves, Sampled in the Brazilian Amazon. Horticulturae, 9(7), 768.

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