Microbial Detoxification of Residual Pesticides in Fermented Foods: Current Status and Prospects
:1. Introduction
2. Overview of Pesticides in Food
2.1. Organochlorine Pesticides (OCP)
2.2. Organophosphate Pesticides (OPP)
2.3. Pyrethroids
2.4. Urea Pesticides
2.5. Carbamates
2.6. Neonicotinoids
3. Microbial Detoxification of Fermented Foods Containing High Amounts of Pesticides
3.1. Milk and Yogurt
3.2. Pickled Vegetables
3.3. Grains, Flours, and Sourdough
3.4. Tea, Wine, and Fruit Juices
3.5. Meat and Sausages
4. Molecular Mechanisms of Pesticides Degradation
5. Prospects in Fermented Food Detoxification
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Food | Pesticide Name | Pesticide Class | Toxic Effects on Human Health | Content * (mg/kg) | Reference |
Wheat | Flutriafol | Fungicide | Liver function disorders | 0.350 | [31] |
Chlorpyrifos | Insecticide | Headache, blurred vision, coma, death | 0.338 | [32] | |
Cypermethrin | Insecticide | Irritation to the skin, numbness, tingling, incoordination, death | 0.058 | [33] | |
Maize | Metribuzin | Herbicide | Stomach aches, fatigue, depression, disturbance in kidneys | 1.390 | [34] |
Thiofanox | Insecticide | Cancerogen | 0.083 | [33] | |
Chinese cabbage | Chlorpyrifos | Insecticide Insecticide Insecticide Insecticide | Headache, blurred vision, coma, death | 0.48 | [35] |
Bifenthrin | Endocrine disrupting effects | 1.19 | [36] | ||
Methoxyfenozide | Liver, and thyroid systems toxicity | 1.12 | [37] | ||
Pymetrozine | Causes diabetes | 3.02 | [38] | ||
Tomato | Chlorates | Herbicide | Gastritis, toxic nephritis, hemolysis, methemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria | 0.450 | [39] |
Spinach | Methamidophos | Insecticide | Nausea, vomiting, weakness, paralysis | 2.948 | [40] |
Peppers | Chlordecone | Insecticide | Carcinogenic, with neurological, reproductive, and developmental toxicity | 0.510 | [41] |
Eggplant | Carbaryl | Insecticide | Sweating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain | 1.052 | [42] |
Potato | Kresoxim | Fungicide | Carcinogenic | 0.180 | [43] |
Peach | Carbofuran | Insecticide | Endocrine system disruptor | 1.660 | [44] |
Leaf mustard | Deltamethrin | Insecticide | Headaches and dizziness | 0.661 | [45] |
Chinese kale | Cypermethrin | Insecticide | Numbness, incoordination, death | 8.79 | [46] |
Groundnuts | Cymoxanil | Fungicide | Lungs hyperplasia, gliosis, spongiosis | 1.46 | [34] [34] |
Egusi seeds | Atrazine | Herbicide | Reproductive system disorders | 1.41 |
Source | Species and Strain | Pesticide | Reduction | Reference |
Egypt Ras cheese, milk | Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, yeasts | DDT | 40.6% at 0.1 mg/kg fat 33.9% at 1.0 mg/kg fat 25.5% at 10.0 mg/kg fat | [73] |
Yogurt, cheese | Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus, Lacticaseibacillus casei, S. thermophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum | α-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), γ-HCH, β-chlordane, α-chlordane | 37.0–50.9% after 12 h at 20 μg/kg for all | [85] |
Fermented beverages from cow and goat milk (bio-yogurts) | L. acidophilus LA-5, Bif. animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 | αHCH, βHCH, γHCH, 1,1-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2-dichloroethene (pp’DDE), 1-chloro-4-[2,2-dichloro-1-(4-chlorophenyl) ethyl] benzene, 1,1′-(2,2,2-trichloroethane-1,1-diyl) bis(4-chlorobenzene) | up to 48.6% (heptachlor) and 54.7% (pp’DDE) in goat milk bio-yogurts after 14 days of cold storage when both cultures were used (synergistic effect) | [86] |
Yogurt | L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus | Dimethoate, fenthion, malathion, methyl parathion, monocrotophos, phorate, trichlorphon | 9.2–17.1% after 4 h at 1.5 mg/kg for all except malathion | [77] |
Milk | L. plantarum CICC20261 | Dimethoate | 81.28% at 50 mg/kg for 24 h | [87] |
Skimmed milk | L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, Lc. casei, Lc. rhamnosus, S. thermophilus | Chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, diazinon, dichlorvos, fenthion, malathion, phorate, pirimiphos-methyl, trichlorphon | up to 64.6% for dichlorvos with L. bulgaricus at 1 mg/kg for 24 h | [88] |
Skimmed milk | Lp. plantarum strains 1.0317, 1.0624, 1.0315, 1.066, Levilactobacillus brevis 1.0209, Lactobacillus helveticus strains 1.0203 and 1.9204, Lactobacillus lactis 4.0611, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus L6, S. thermophilus 3.0503 | Chlorpyrifos, diazinon, fenitrothion, malathion, methyl parathion | ≈50% at 0.6 mg/kg diazinon for 24 h with Lev. brevis 1.0209 | [89] |
Skimmed milk | L. bulgaricus, Lacticaseibacillus paracasei, Lp. plantarum | Dimethoate, fenthion, malathion, methyl parathion, monocrotophos, phorate, trichlorphon | from 20.9% (methyl parathion with Lc. paracasei) to 46.9% (malathion with Lp. plantarum) at 1.2 mg/kg for 24 h | [90] |
Source | Species and Strain | Pesticide | Reduction | Reference |
Kimchi | Leuconostoc mesenteroides WCP907, Lev. brevis WCP902, Lp. plantarum WCP931, La. sakei WCP904 | Chlorpyrifos, coumaphos, diazinon, parathion, methyl parathion | 100% chlorpyrifos for 9 days at 200 mg/L initial concentration | [92] |
Kimchi | Lev. brevis WCP902 | Chlorpyrifos, coumaphos, diazinon, parathion, methyl parathion | ≈75% chlorpyrifos for 9 days at 100 mg/L initial concentration | [93] |
Pickled Chinese cabbage | Lp. plantarum | Chlorpyrifos, dichlorvos, phorate, trichlorphon | 6.5–18% more compared to normal fermentation after 42 days at 1 mg/kg; <1% of all except chlorpyrifos (≈4%) in the end | [94] |
Black olives | Lp. plantarum (LB-1 and LB-2) | Chlorpyrifos, deltamethrin | 96% for chlorpyrifos after 3 days and 86% for deltamethrin after 10 days for LB-1 at 100 mg/L | [95] |
Sauerkraut | Lp. plantarum 112 | λ-cyhalothrin, malathion, chlorpyrifos-methyl | 13–19% for λ-cyhalothrin (2 mg/kg) after 14 days; 34–59% for the other two (2–4 mg/kg), but lower than natural fermentation (69–98%) | [96] |
Black olives | Lp. plantarum 112, Lp. plantarum 123 | Deltamethrin, dimethoate, imidacloprid | 2–8% greater compared to natural fermentation after 60 days at 25–350 g/L initially | [97] |
Source | Species and Strain | Pesticide | Reduction | Reference |
Corn silage | Lp. plantarum 1.0315, Lp. plantarum 1.0624, Lp. plantarum 1.0622 | Chlorpyrifos, phorate | 33.4% for phorate (0.36 mg/kg) after 10 weeks, but very close to control fermentation (26.2%) | [98] |
Bread wheat | Lp. plantarum | Pirimiphos, pirimiphos-methyl | 15–34% pirimiphos-methyl (5 mg/kg) for 48 h | [99] |
Bread | Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Glyphosate | 21% for 1 h at 50 mg/kg | [100] |
Bread | Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Endosulfan, deltamethrin, malathion, propiaconazole, chlorpyriphos, hexaconazole | 75–89% at 1 mg/kg; 47–70% at 4 mg/kg; after 12 h fermentation at 30 °C and 20 min baking at 80 °C | [101] |
Wheat flour | Lp. plantarum | Bifenthrin | 42% at 0.5 mg/kg, only 18% at 2.5 mg/kg | [102] |
Alfalfa silage | Lp. pentosus 3–27 | Beta-cypermethrin | 96% at 50 mg/L for 4 days | [103] |
Wheat | Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Pirimiphos methyl | 48.8% at 5 mg/kg for 72 h | [104] |
Wheat | Lp. plantarum | Chlorpyrifos methyl | 56.7% at 3 mg/kg for 72 h | [105] |
Pesticide | Species/Strain | Acting Enzyme | Gene | Protein | Features | Reference |
Chlorpyrifos, methylparathion, parathion, coumaphos, diazinon | Lev. brevis WCP902 | Organophosphate hydrolase | opdB 723 bp | 240 AA 27 kDa | ‘Gly-X-Ser-X-Gly’-motif; Ser82 * pH 6.0, 35 °C | [93] |
La. sakei WCP904 | Organophosphate hydrolase | opdD 825 bp | 274 AA 31 kDa | ‘Gly-X-Ser-X-Gly’-motif; Ser 116 * pH 6, 30 °C | [123] | |
Leuc. mesenteroides WCP307 | Organophosphate hydrolase | opdA 930 bp | 309 AA 35 kDa | ‘Gly-X-Ser-X-Gly’-motif; Ser128 *; pH 7, 30 °C | [124] | |
Leuc. mesenteroides WCP307 | Organophosphate hydrolase | opdE 894 bp | 297 AA 33 kDa | ‘Gly-X-Ser-X-Gly’ -motif, Ser129 *; pH 6, 30 °C | [124] | |
Lp. plantarum WCP931, Leuc. mesenteroides WCP907, Lev. brevis WCP902, La. sakei WCP904 | Esterase (suggested) | - | - | - | [92] | |
Parathion, methylparathion, chlorpyrifos | Lp. plantarum WCP931 | Organophosphate hydrolase | opdC 831 bp | 276 AA 31 kDa | ‘Gly-X-Ser-X-Gly’—motif; Ser 116 *; pH 6, 35 °C | [125] |
Chlorpyrifos | Lc. casei WYS3 | Organophosphate hydrolase | opda | - | (+) opda RNA levels; hydrolysis products detected by GC-MS | [126] |
Dimethoate | Lc. casei 355 | Alkaline phosphatase | - | 43 kDa | pH 8.5, 37 °C (+) Mg2+, Ca2+ | [127] |
(purified) | (−) Cu2+, Zn2+, EDTA | |||||
Lp. plantarum CICC20261 | Phosphatase (crude activity) | - | - | Gln375 and Ser415 * | [87] | |
Dimethoate, chlorpyrifos, trichlorphon, methylparathion | Lp. plantarum subsp. plantarum CICC20261 | Phosphatase (crude activity) | - | - | - | [128] |
Trichlorphon, phorate, malathion, dichlorvos | L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, Lp. rhamnosus | Phosphatase activity (correlation) | - | - | - | [88] |
Chlorpyrifos, fenitrothion, malathion | Lev. brevis 1.0209 | Phosphatase activity (correlation) | - | - | - | [89] |
Chlorpyrifos | Pediococcus pentasaceus 4320, Leuc. mesenteroides 8293, Ent. faecium 86, Lactococcus. lactis 1454, Lc. rhamnosus GG53103, Leuc. lactis 19256 | Alkaline phosphatase (suggested) | - | - | - | [129] |
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Armenova, N.; Tsigoriyna, L.; Arsov, A.; Petrov, K.; Petrova, P. Microbial Detoxification of Residual Pesticides in Fermented Foods: Current Status and Prospects. Foods 2023, 12, 1163. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12061163
Armenova N, Tsigoriyna L, Arsov A, Petrov K, Petrova P. Microbial Detoxification of Residual Pesticides in Fermented Foods: Current Status and Prospects. Foods. 2023; 12(6):1163. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12061163
Chicago/Turabian StyleArmenova, Nadya, Lidia Tsigoriyna, Alexander Arsov, Kaloyan Petrov, and Penka Petrova. 2023. "Microbial Detoxification of Residual Pesticides in Fermented Foods: Current Status and Prospects" Foods 12, no. 6: 1163. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12061163
APA StyleArmenova, N., Tsigoriyna, L., Arsov, A., Petrov, K., & Petrova, P. (2023). Microbial Detoxification of Residual Pesticides in Fermented Foods: Current Status and Prospects. Foods, 12(6), 1163. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12061163