Pasta-Making Process: A Narrative Review on the Relation between Process Variables and Pasta Quality
:1. Introduction
2. Overview of Research on Pasta
3. Overview of Research on the Pasta-Making Process
3.1. From Dosing to Mixing
3.2. The Effect of Hydration on the Extrusion Process and Pasta Quality
3.3. The Effect of Formulations on Hydration Levels
3.4. New Trends in Hydration Systems
3.5. From Kneading to Shaping
3.6. The Effect of Extrusion Variables on Pasta Quality
3.7. Type of Shaping: Extrusion vs. Sheeting
3.8. Drying
3.9. New Trends in Drying Systems
4. Knowledge Gaps and Perspectives
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Operation | Aim | Intrinsic Parameters Affecting the Dough/Pasta | Extrinsic Parameters Affecting the Dough/Pasta |
Dosing, mixing and kneading |
Kneading and shaping by extrusion |
Drying |
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Bresciani, A.; Pagani, M.A.; Marti, A. Pasta-Making Process: A Narrative Review on the Relation between Process Variables and Pasta Quality. Foods 2022, 11, 256.
Bresciani A, Pagani MA, Marti A. Pasta-Making Process: A Narrative Review on the Relation between Process Variables and Pasta Quality. Foods. 2022; 11(3):256.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBresciani, Andrea, Maria Ambrogina Pagani, and Alessandra Marti. 2022. "Pasta-Making Process: A Narrative Review on the Relation between Process Variables and Pasta Quality" Foods 11, no. 3: 256.
APA StyleBresciani, A., Pagani, M. A., & Marti, A. (2022). Pasta-Making Process: A Narrative Review on the Relation between Process Variables and Pasta Quality. Foods, 11(3), 256.