Dairy By-Products: A Review on the Valorization of Whey and Second Cheese Whey
:1. Introduction
2. Cheese By-Products
2.1. Whey
2.2. Second Cheese Whey (Sorelho)
3. Whey and Second Cheese Way Nitrogen Compounds
Whey Proteins | Bovine Whey | Ovine Whey | Caprine Whey |
β-Lactoglobulin | 53.3–66.0 | 73.1 | 46.6 |
α-Lactalbumin | 15.0–20.0 | 17.9 | 18.3 |
Serum Albumin (SA) | 6.0–7.0 | 2.7 | 5 |
Immunoglobulins | 11.0–13.3 | - | - |
Lactoferrin | 0.7-3.3 | 1.6 | 2 |
Lactoperoxidase | 0.5–1.0 | - | - |
Enzymes | 0.5 | - | - |
4. Whey Protein Concentrates (WPC), Whey Protein Isolates (WPI) and Whey Protein Hydrolysates (WPH)
5. Liquid Whey and Second Cheese Whey Concentrates
6. Technologies Applied in the Valorization of Cheese Whey and Second Cheese Whey
7. Proposed Methodologies for Valorization of Second Cheese Whey (SCW)
Applications | Techniques | Results | References |
Valorize ovine whey and SCW by TP/MF for obtaining whey powders Evaluate the addition of WPC and clarification by-products obtained from ovine CW and SWC on the yield and quality of the whey cheese (Requeijão) | TP/MF and UF/DF UF | Clarification of by-products improved UF treatments. Increase in yield without affecting the strength of the products | [15,17] [36] |
Profile of SCW from isolated peptide fraction | LC-HRMS-based method | Wide presence of valuable potential bioactive peptides | [6] |
SCW used as substrate for production of a fermented probiotic drink | Microbiology | Good results for SCW as substrate for the production of a fermented probiotic drink | [8] |
SCW used for lactose production | Crystallization | Good results obtained for the crystallization process for manufacture of lactose from SCW | [96] |
Recovery of SCW organic nutrients | NF | SCW fractionation can be used as a raw material in the pharmaceutical, food or paper industries and minimize the wastewater environmental impact | [34,97] |
Development of SCW wastewater treatment system for biodiesel and removing polluting nutrients | Microalgae | Algae could efficiently treat SCW and can be used for biodiesel production | [102] |
Zeolite used to treat SCW and remove ammonium from artificial wastewater | Continuous flow column experiment | Zeolite nitrogen from SCW can be a fertilizing agent | [21] |
Hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) was co-treated with SCW | Pilot-scale of biological trickling filters | Results indicate that the agro-industrial wastewater could be used as a carbon source for Cr (VI) reduction | [98] |
Production of a ready to drink beverage produced from SCW with fruit puree | Culture addition | Addition of starter cultures was promising, and the addition of fruit puree improved sensory properties | [33] |
Dairy effluents used to be converted in renewable sources for bioethanol production | Fermentation | Whey and SCW showed suitability for bioethanol production | [37] |
Use of whey and SCW as media for the growth of LAB | Fermentation | Whey was considered a good media for LAB growth and SCW has a good potential too | [11] |
Adequacy of SCW as a growth medium for lipid production | Fermentation | C. laurentii UCD 68-201, demonstrated to be a promising candidate for biodiesel production | [99] |
SCW to be used as economic alternative substrate to grow microalgae | Fermentation | SCW has a very good potential to be used as a culture medium | [100] |
SCW as a growth medium preserving biodiversity and maximizing bacterial cells concentration of natural starter cultures for pecorino Roman PDO cheese | Fermentation | A large concentration of cells was obtained in the modified SCW pellets, without modify the technological performance and microbial fingerprint. | [103] |
Biogas production by anaerobic co-digestion of cattle slurry and CW | Anaerobic digestion | The mix has a similar energetic potential for anaerobic digestion as energy crops such as maize. | [104] |
Fermentation of fruit-vegetable waste and CW for the production of H2 | Fermentation | Considered a promising way for combining energy generation and lignocellulosic waste management. | [105] |
Co-digestion of CW and glycerin | Anaerobic digestion | CW has great potential for methane production through anaerobic biological processes. However, it presents instabilities due to its high biodegradability. It is proposed its co-digestion with glycerin. | [106] |
8. Conclusions and Future Perspectives
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Bovine CW | Ovine CW | Caprine CW | Ovine SCW | |
Total solids | 6.0–7.0 | 7.6–10.5 | 7.07–10.8 | 7.1–8.3 |
Lactose | 4.2–5.0 | 4.3–6.1 | 5.02–6.7 | 4.5–5.7 |
Proteins | 0.7–0.9 | 1.6–1.8 | 1.2–0.63 | 0.8–1.2 |
Fat | 0.1–0.8 | 1.2–2.5 | 0.84 | 0.2–0.4 |
Minerals | 0.5–0.6 | 1.0–1.8 | 0.57 | 1.7–1.9 |
pH | 5.6–6.3 | 5.3–5.9 | 6.34 | 5.5–6.3 |
Source Protein | Peptide Fragment | Amino Acid Sequence |
α-La | f10–15 | RELKDL |
f16–26 | KGYGGVSLPEW | |
f32–40 | HTSGYDTQA | |
f97–103 | DKVGINY | |
f97–104 | DKVGINYW | |
f98–104 | KVGINYW | |
β-Lg | f33–42 | DAQSAPLRVY |
β-CN | f1–6 | RELEEL |
f94–105 | GVSKVKEAMAPK | |
CMP | f106–115 | MAIPPKKNQD |
f107–115 | AIPPKKNQD | |
f161–169 | TVQVTSTAV |
Reduced-fat/Low-fat cheese | Fat mimetics |
Processed cheese | Emulsification/Water binding |
Yoghurts/Low-fat yoghurts/Fermented drinks | Protein fortification/Fat mimetics |
Ice-cream | Fat substitution/Emulsification/Foaming |
Sauces/Salad dressings | Emulsification/Fat mimetics/Creaminess |
Drinks | Body/Creaminess/Viscosity |
Ham | Water binding/Gelification |
Structured meat | Water binding/Gelification |
Sausages and meat emulsions | Water binding/Emulsification/Fat mimetics/Gelification |
Surimi | Water binding/Emulsification/Fat mimetics |
Bakery | Flavour/Egg substitution/Stabilization/Foaming |
Snacks | Binding properties/Fat substitution/Foaming and expansion |
Edible films/coatings | Gas/Water vapour barrier |
Edible films/coatings with incorporation biologically active components | Antimicrobials/Antioxidants |
Infant formulae | Nutritional adequation |
Elderly formulae | Nutritional adequation/Suplementation |
Sport suplements (protein enriched bars, crackers and drinks | Nutritional suplementation |
Protein hydrolisates | Several health promoting functions (e.g., antihipertensive activity) |
Tissue engineering | Nanoparticles/Encapsulation |
For energy production | Algae/Lipids for biodiesel |
For ethanol and lactic acid production | Ethanol; Lactic acid |
For bioplastic production | Polylactide/polyhydroxyalkanoates |
Environmentally safe adhesives | Polymeriztion |
Several applications in textiles | Enhanced staining/Abrasion resistence and tensile strenght/Flame retardancy/Antimicrobial properties/Microencapsulation of aroma |
Type | Pore Size (nm) | Retained Compounds | MW of Compound (kDa) |
MF | 20–4.000 | Bacteria, fat globules and casein micelles | 100–500 |
UF | 20–200 | Whey proteins | 1–100 |
NF | <2 | Lactose, divalent salts | 0.1–1 |
RO | <2 | Monovalent salts | <0.1 |
Electrodialysis | - | Removal of salt and deacidification of solutions containing neutral components | - |
Pervaporation | - | Used for volatile organic pollutants | - |
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Share and Cite
Pires, A.F.; Marnotes, N.G.; Rubio, O.D.; Garcia, A.C.; Pereira, C.D. Dairy By-Products: A Review on the Valorization of Whey and Second Cheese Whey. Foods 2021, 10, 1067. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10051067
Pires AF, Marnotes NG, Rubio OD, Garcia AC, Pereira CD. Dairy By-Products: A Review on the Valorization of Whey and Second Cheese Whey. Foods. 2021; 10(5):1067. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10051067
Chicago/Turabian StylePires, Arona Figueroa, Natalí Garcia Marnotes, Olga Díaz Rubio, Angel Cobos Garcia, and Carlos Dias Pereira. 2021. "Dairy By-Products: A Review on the Valorization of Whey and Second Cheese Whey" Foods 10, no. 5: 1067. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10051067
APA StylePires, A. F., Marnotes, N. G., Rubio, O. D., Garcia, A. C., & Pereira, C. D. (2021). Dairy By-Products: A Review on the Valorization of Whey and Second Cheese Whey. Foods, 10(5), 1067. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10051067