Mapping the Life Cycle Co-Creation Process of Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Climate Change Adaptation
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
- General problematic—keywords: climate change, urban areas, climate extremes, co-creation, ULL and NBS;
- Life cycle approach—keywords: systemic thinking, continuous improvement, Kaizen™, Six Sigma, Design Thinking, co-creation framework and co-creation stages;
- Stakeholder management—keywords: stakeholder identification, ULL and QHM; and
- Engagement methods and tools—keywords: stakeholder engagement methods, tools and techniques;
3. Co-Creation Concepts
3.1. Systemic Thinking and Life Cycle Approaches
- The Design Thinking approach for co-creation [27] that can be compared to the methodologies and methods described above.
3.2. Stakeholders in Participatory Processes
- Academia and research centres. Historically this sector has always been fundamental in knowledge production and has only recently become a contributor to innovation thanks to the crucial role that knowledge has gained in development processes. This sector has become a key actor of economic and cultural growth.
- Industry and business. Also known as the commercial market or the economic category. Frequently a strong actor that leads technological and organisational innovation and usually has the role of generating, producing and distributing products and services. Produces innovations alone or associated with other stakeholders.
- Government and public sector. The innovation within this sector is framed within new ideas that create value for society, and thus, this innovation usually comes through policies, strategies and initiatives. The role of these institutions is to support both industry and academia for the application of information to development.
- Civil society. Represents citizens or users who provide knowledge about their needs, experiences and expectations. As they are directly affected by any changes made in an urban context, they can provide first-hand information regarding the challenge at hand and, thus, become innovation users. By including civil society to the Triple Helix Model (THM), thus creating the QHM, the innovation shifts from technical to social.
3.3. Methods and Tools for Stakeholder Engagement
4. Life Cycle Co-Creation Process (LCCCP)
4.1. Co-Creation Life Cycle
4.1.1. Stage 1: Initiative—CoExplore
- (1).
- Spot the problem. This substage represents the beginning of the process and, as such, it is considered the trigger for the co-creation process. In this stage, the current or emerging problem(s) are identified by the stakeholders—be it through structured research or identified by chance. An example of a problem identified by chance is when a citizen feels that the temperature in the city centre is higher than in the rest of the city (heat island effect). In this stage, a general approach is developed, while the consequences or causes are not analysed. It is important to reach a consensus across the stakeholders considering what the main problem(s) that need to be solved are. In this stage, any information available is used to understand the context of the problem(s). The main questions that need to be answered in this substage are [53]:
- What is the current problem?
- What is the scope of the current problem?
- How is the project framed, and what are the internal and external relations?
- What is the future problem?
- (2).
- Preliminary research. After mapping the problem(s) and agreeing on which are the main one(s), a preliminary research needs to be performed. Data-rich evidence on the problem(s) is collected, including characteristics, scale and extent, cause and effect and all associated costs (economic, social and environmental). The objective of this substage is to demonstrate that the problem(s) creates constraints for achieving stated goals and objectives at the local, regional or global level. In this substage, additional problems might be identified. The following questions can provide guidance in this stage [53]:
- How is the problem preventing the achievement of the objectives?
- What does the problem mean (feel, think, say, do) from the different viewpoints of all stakeholders involved?
- Can the effects of the problem be measured?
- What are the drivers that influence the problem?
- How will the drivers of the problem change over time?
- Will the problem increase gradually, or will there be a stepwise increase?
- What are the symptoms of the problem?
- What are the causes of the problem?
- Are there dependencies between this problem and others?
- Are there other initiatives under development that influence the problem?
- (3).
- Define the problem and objectives. After establishing a comprehensive understanding of the problem(s), which will enable effective action, the problem(s) need to be prioritised and correctly defined. The following questions can be used for prioritising [53]:
- Which problem presents the greatest obstacle to achieving the goals and objectives?
- Which problem prevents the most important objective from being achieved?
After identifying the problem(s) that will be tackled with a participatory planning approach, the problem(s) needs to be described in a comprehensive way. For this, a design brief can be used, in which a general and simple description of the problem(s) should be stated. This brief will work as an initial roadmap and means of communication between the stakeholders, and it should not be seen as a static document as it can be modified during the project. For this brief, questions such as the following could be used [54]:- What is the purpose?
- Why are we doing this now?
- Are we going down the right path?
- Who are we serving?
- What are our initial success metrics?
- (4).
- Stakeholder mapping and analysis. In this substage, the main objective is to identify the stakeholders of the project. This substage will allow to understand stakeholders, their background, thoughts, beliefs, expectations and relations, with the aim to facilitate and enhance the co-creation process. For this stage, the QHM, and the internal and external roles of a ULL must be taken into consideration.
- (5).
- Project preliminary planning. The last part of the CoExplore stage is the preliminary project planning. This substage sets the context for all subsequent steps of the LCCCP. In this substage, the targets and performance indicators are identified, as well as the main milestones to be achieved during the project. The main output of this substage is the roadmap to follow during the project, with the main stakeholders of each milestone and task identified. The preliminary planning should be available for all stakeholders and should clearly state the objectives and expected results. The following questions can help create the preliminary planning [55]:
- What is the real problem we are trying to solve?
- What are our objectives, and how will solving this problem help achieve those objectives?
- What is our current target audience and what is the ideal audience? Are there multiple audience segments?
- Who are our stakeholders and how do we expect them to participate in the project?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of our current system?
- What are our other constraints, such as timeline and budget?
- How will success be measured?
4.1.2. Stage 2: Create—CoDesign
- (1).
- Empathise. This substage allows the stakeholders to see the problem(s) and potential solution(s) from different perspectives and, as such, it allows for a deeper understanding of the underlying motivations of the stakeholders. It is important to not only understand the physical needs of the stakeholders but also their psychological needs. This substage will allow the designers, developers and/or planners to set-aside their own assumptions and needs in order to gain insight into the users and their needs [34].
- (2).
- Define. In this substage, all the insights gained during the empathising process are put together and analysed. The main objective of this stage is to synthesise the information gathered and define the core problems that have been identified. Understanding how the stakeholders feel about the current solution(s) and why they think they need new and/or improved solution(s), can help set the framework for the following steps [56]. Questions such as the following can help in defining the core problems [55]:
- What is the problem or pain point the user is experiencing?
- What products and/or solutions do they currently use to solve that problem or pain point?
- What are the shortcomings of their current solution?
- How could the new/improved solution(s) be better?
- What feature should be prioritised in the new/improved solution(s), and which might be added later?
- (3).
- Ideate. The core task to be performed in this substage is idea generation. For this substage to be a success, the information gathered in the previous steps is essential as it provides the input to generate potentially successful solutions. This substage intends to go beyond the obvious solutions and increase the innovative potential of the solution(s) while bringing together perspectives and strengths of different stakeholders. In this substage, a divergent approach to ideation is used, in which as many ideas as possible are considered [57].
- (4).
- Prototype. The objective of this substage is to converge the ideas and solutions obtained in the Ideate substage. A conscious evaluation of the ideas is performed in order to identify which solution(s) best align with the objectives. When the most desirable ideas are identified, inexpensive prototypes are created for further testing. Prototyping allows to test hypothesis and potential solutions within a shorter timeframe, and with fewer resources [58]. This substage helps to find answers to vital questions, such as the following [55]:
- Are we sure we are solving the right problem?
- How will our idea meet our users’ needs and relieve their pains?
- Is our solution technically feasible?
4.1.3. Stage 3: Evaluate—CoExperiment
- (1).
- Experiment. This substage focusses on usability testing, as to share the prototype with real users and to receive their feedback. Besides receiving feedback, this substage also provides a deeper understanding of the users, as they could potentially express desires or preoccupation that differ from the already identified ones. It allows empathising even more with the users. The results of this stage might lead to new information that changes the way the problem was defined in the Define substage. It may also generate new solution(s) in the Ideate substage and lead to a new iteration of the Prototype substage [59].
- (2).
- Decide. This substage complements the Experiment substage, as it occurs when a decision regarding the prototype is made. For this stage, the information about the objectives, constraints, needs and wishes would need to be clear for the design team, as to make the decision about which of the tested prototypes represents the most desirable solution. In the case that the most desirable solution is not yet identified, feedback is sent to the CoDesign stage in order to begin a new iteration. The following questions will provide the necessary information to make a decision regarding the tested prototype:
- Does the solution work as intended?
- Does it solve our users’ primary problem(s) and pain points?
- How could it be improved?
4.1.4. Stage 4: Implement—CoImplement
- (1).
- Production. This substage covers the production of the solution(s) and overall control of the budget. The major activities that comprise this stage are the following [60]:
- Detailed planning and design of initiatives;
- Construction (for infrastructure initiatives) and commissioning;
- Risk management relevant to these activities; and
- Delivery on time, within budget and to agreed quality specifications.
- (2).
- Implementation. After the solution(s) is delivered, its implementation needs to take place. This means gathering the stakeholders in order to hand-in the solution(s), justify and explain it, and share information about how it can be maintained. This stage is crucial as it will set the ground for future implementations and enhance trust building.
4.1.5. Stage 5: Control—CoManagement
- (1).
- CoGovernance. For this substage, a clear governance structure must be defined and shared with all stakeholders. Considering the process followed in a participatory approach, it is important to understand that the governance, or co-governance, of the solutions must continue along the same line. Co-governance implies that the decisions are made at the lowest levels possible, recognising that the decision power of each stakeholder is equitable: “rather than viewing [collaborative and co-governance arrangements] as ‘solutions to problems’ we must view these arrangements as a starting point for [new or restored] relationships, which will continue to evolve as time passes” [61]. The following should be taken into account when setting-up co-governance arrangements [60]:
- New requirements for local government(s) to regularly review arrangements for delivering services;
- Public expectations of increased participation and access to decision makers; and
- The increase in and complexity of “wicked problems” requiring innovative solutions.
- (2).
- CoMaintenance. In relation to the concept of co-ownership, it needs to be defined who will be the owner(s) of the implemented solution(s). Some of the responsibility must rest with the end-users as they should be co-owners of the solution(s) given that they are the ones directly affected by it. The challenge of this substage is to convince stakeholders that they take part in the ownership of the solution(s) and, as such, should also take part in the maintenance of it [62].
4.2. Stakeholders Per Stage and Substage
4.3. Methods and Tools for Stakeholder Engagement
4.3.1. Methods and Tools for Stage 1: CoExplore
- Brainstorm. This is an effective method to generate ideas on a specific issue due to the combination of a relaxed, informal approach to problem-solving with lateral thinking. This method encourages people to come up with thoughts and ideas that can be seen as crazy or non-plausible at first. When the participants feel free to relax and joke around during the activity, more creative ideas will be produced [65]. This method could be complemented with the Creative Matrix, which allows expanding the boundaries of the brainstorming process [66].
- Crowdsource. This method is used to engage stakeholders with a common goal. It is commonly powered by technologies, social media and web 2.0. It relies on the ever-growing connectivity and targets large groups of stakeholders [67]. This is an evolution of participatory methods, such as workshops, focus groups or world cafés, in which groups of stakeholders are brought together to discuss different questions led by a moderator.
- Wall of ideas. Also known as research wall, design wall, research board, ideation wall, inspiration board, mood board or pinboard. The main idea of this tool is to have a large vertical surface to display data and ideas. This tool allows a better exploration and visualisation process while gathering input from the stakeholders [68].
- Five bold steps vision canvas. This tool allows for the vision of the project to be viewed from a critical and realistic perspective. Vision themes need to be identified, and concrete examples in which those themes are shown need to be described. After obtaining the information related to the vision, five bold steps are defined that will help achieve the vision—hence outlining the path towards a concrete strategy [69].
- Tomorrow headlines. This method creates fictional articles published in magazines or journals, in which the developers and planners project themselves in the future and try to understand what kind of impact the solution may have. This method allows understanding how the solution will be presented to the users and what reaction(s) it may generate [70].
- Actors map. This method supports the visualisation of communities, helping the actors to understand and discuss their relative position and relations within a system. The map reveals which actors are involved in a network, how they are linked, how much influence they have and what their goals are [71].
- Social network analysis. This method is used to investigate and visualise social structures using networks. It is mostly used to investigate the relations amongst stakeholders but could also provide support when categorising them [49].
- Wall of ideas. See Section 4.3.1. (Methods and Tools for Stage 1: CoExplore).
- Roadmap. This is a flexible method that is used for strategic and long-term planning. The end result of the tool is a structured means to explore and communicate the different components of a project, such as objectives, existing and future technologies, measures, stakeholders and challenges [72,73].
4.3.2. Methods and Tools for Stage 2: CoDesign
- Empathy map. This is a collaborative tool, developed by the consulting group in communications and businesses XPLANE, which provides insight to potential problems that can arise in different stages of the co-creation process. The ultimate goal of the empathy map is for a stakeholder to empathise with another stakeholder in order to gain insight to the different aspects of their sensory experience [74].
- Journey map. This is a tool used to create a narrative that follows users’ interactions with the proposed solution(s). This map can help empathise with the users and better understand their needs and feelings and provides a visual representation of the elements that affect the user’s experience [75].
- Five Whys. This is an easy and effective method that allows the identification of the root cause of a problem. It can be used for troubleshooting, quality improvement and problem-solving, being more efficient when used to resolve simple or moderately difficult problems. The method follows an interview technique that allows the researcher and participants to gain a deeper understanding of the root cause during the interviews [76].
- User persona. This is a method that allows creating a fictional representation of the ideal user of a product and/or service. The user persona needs to incorporate needs, goals and observed behaviour patterns of the target audience. One persona should be created for each identified user group [77].
- Value proposition canvas. This tool allows the team to think differently about the users and what can be offered to them, allowing the users to also think differently about the product/service provider as their needs and/or wishes are addressed directly [78]. The canvas comprises two different sections: the customer segment and the value proposition. It is important to start with the customer and, in turn, define the jobs-to-be-done, pains and gains.
- Brainstorm. See Section 4.3.1. (Methods and Tools for Stage 1: CoExplore).
- Wall of ideas. See Section 4.3.1. (Methods and Tools for Stage 1: CoExplore).
- Lego serious play. This method is used for many purposes and facilitates the exchange of thoughts and ideas between participants from different disciplines. Lego Serious Play can be used at any stage of development but tends to be most suitable at an early stage of the process (to create ideas) or at pivotal points in the project (to discuss experiences) [79]. Participants are faced with a question and asked to answer the question by building a Lego model as a metaphorical representation of their answer and/or idea.
- Minimum value proposition (MVP). This is a prototyping method in which a solution is developed with enough features to satisfy early users. The complete set of characteristics of the solutions are only designed and developed after receiving enough feedback from the users. It is the first prototype that is made [80].
- Hackathon. An event of any duration in which people get together to solve problems. Using a competition scenario, participants are faced with a question or objective and asked to answer it by coming up with a solution to it. The concept is similar to Lego Serious Play, but the Hackathon is done at a larger scale as the participants are asked to come up with a prototype of the solution they are proposing [76].
- Tomorrow headlines. See Section 4.3.1. (Methods and Tools for Stage 1: CoExplore).
4.3.3. Methods and Tools for Stage 3: CoExperiment
- I Like, I Wish, What if. This is a facilitated team feedback method in which feedback is collected in a constructive and positive environment. It was initially designed to suit interdisciplinary teams by creating an easy-to-use format in which everyone feels comfortable. Because of the positive connotation of the statements “I like, I wish, What if”, the participants that are usually uncomfortable with sharing direct criticism feel comfortable with this format [81].
- Cool wall. This tool consists of a large poster on which participants can stick cards. The cards contain images of the neighbourhood (e.g., day and night situations) and potential solutions for inspiration. Also, empty cards are provided for people to add their own ideas. The wall has four categories: seriously uncool (not nice at all), uncool (not so nice), cool (nice) and sub-zero (really nice). Participants choose cards they find interesting and write what they do in that area, and why they like it or do not like it there [82].
- Cool wall. See Section 4.3.3. (Methods and Tools for Stage 3: CoExperiment).
- Dotmocracy. This is an established facilitation method used to vote with dot stickers or with a marker. It allows all participants to vote for one or more ideas that they like, being a quick and simple method to prioritise a long list of options. The tool helps to create a sense of engagement among the participants as they feel directly responsible for the decision and allows them to take part in the decision process [83].
- Planning support systems (PSS). PSS are developed as computer-based geo-information instruments that assist planners in the process of making decisions, helping them to explore and manage their activities [84]. As described by Russo et al. (2018, p. 10), PSS are “a decision support tool to assist data-driven land use planning”. The Landscapes Toolkit [85] and the Systemic Decision Support Tool (SDST) [86] are examples of scenario simulation tools that allow to assess the impacts, benefits and co-benefits of stakeholder-defined solutions.
4.3.4. Methods and Tools for Stage 4: CoImplement
- Task analysis grid. The aim of this tool is to show, in a schematic way, the scope of and information associated with the project, as well as the stakeholders that participate in it. Each column represents a scenario, describes the task and is followed by all the sub-tasks needed to complete the task. They can be colour-coded and prioritised and, as such, they allow stakeholders to better understand where they are involved and what they need to do [87].
- Role script. This tool provides the stakeholders with a series of scripts, one for each situation that they could face. It represents a scenic representation of the situation and instructs the stakeholder on what to do with notes, comments and advices [88].
4.3.5. Methods and Tools for Stage 5: CoManagement
- Actors map. See Section 4.3.1. (Methods and Tools for Stage 1: CoExplore).
- Role script. See Section 4.3.4. (Methods and Tools for Stage 4: CoImplement).
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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DeLosRíos-White, M.I.; Roebeling, P.; Valente, S.; Vaittinen, I. Mapping the Life Cycle Co-Creation Process of Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Climate Change Adaptation. Resources 2020, 9, 39.
DeLosRíos-White MI, Roebeling P, Valente S, Vaittinen I. Mapping the Life Cycle Co-Creation Process of Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Climate Change Adaptation. Resources. 2020; 9(4):39.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDeLosRíos-White, Marta Irene, Peter Roebeling, Sandra Valente, and Ines Vaittinen. 2020. "Mapping the Life Cycle Co-Creation Process of Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Climate Change Adaptation" Resources 9, no. 4: 39.
APA StyleDeLosRíos-White, M. I., Roebeling, P., Valente, S., & Vaittinen, I. (2020). Mapping the Life Cycle Co-Creation Process of Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Climate Change Adaptation. Resources, 9(4), 39.