Effect of Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Supplementation or Functional Feed Additives on In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation of Chemically Pre-Treated Sunflower Heads
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Material
2.2. Pre-Treatment of SFHs
2.3. Chemical Analysis
2.4. Feed Additives and Determination of Their Enzymatic Activities
2.5. In Vitro Gas Production
2.6. Calculations
- Pr: recorded gas pressure (bar)
- Vf: total volume of the incubation bottle (=117.39 mL)
- Vi: volume of inoculum added to each bottle
- Patm: atmospheric pressure (=1.01325 bar)
2.7. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Effect of Alkaline Pretreatments of SFH on the Chemical Composition
3.2. Effect of FA Supplementation on Kinetics of In Vitro Gas Production
3.3. Effect of EFE Supplementation on Kinetics of In Vitro Gas Production
3.4. Effect of FFA Supplementation on ME, OMD, and SCFAs
3.5. Effect of EFE Supplementation on ME, OMD, and SCFAs
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Enzyme Product | Enzymatic Activity (IU) 1 | ||
Xylanase | Endoglucanase | Exoglucanase | |
Exogenous fibrolytic enzymes | 22.760 ± 29 | 1568 ± 110 | 164 ± 3.9 |
Functional feed additive | 118 ± 6.0 | 92 ± 1.0 | 91 ± 0.3 |
Items | SFHout | SFHNaOH | SFHurea | SEM | p-Value |
Dry matter | 881 a | 314 c | 696 b | 3.2 | * |
Ash | 109 ab | 99 b | 113 a | 1.0 | ** |
Crude protein | 94 b | 82 b | 220 a | 3.4 | *** |
Crude fiber | 140 b | 159 ab | 185 a | 8.4 | * |
Neutral detergent fiber | 242 a | 182 b | 250 a | 7.4 | ** |
Acid detergent fiber | 108 c | 128 b | 208 a | 17.4 | *** |
Acid detergent lignin | 18 | 19 | 17 | 3.4 | NS |
Phosphorus | 1.4 a | 1.4 a | 1.3 b | 0.4 | * |
Calcium | 7.3 a | 5.2 b | 5.0 b | 0.3 | * |
Substrate | FFA (µL/g DM) | Gas Production Kinetics | ||||
A (mL/g DM) | B (h) | C (h) | Rmax (mL/h) | Tmax (h) | ||
SFHout | 0 | 238 | 5.3 | 1.28 | 29.1 | 1.03 |
0.5 | 254 | 5.4 | 1.28 | 30.2 | 1.04 | |
1 | 251 | 5.8 | 1.32 | 28.4 | 1.34 | |
2 | 255 | 6.2 | 1.31 | 26.9 | 1.37 | |
4 | 256 | 5.6 | 1.28 | 29.5 | 1.09 | |
p linear | * | NS | NS | NS | NS | |
SFHNaOH | 0 | 218 | 5.5 | 1.53 | 24.4 | 1.98 |
0.5 | 220 | 5.6 | 1.47 | 24.2 | 1.83 | |
1 | 220 | 5.8 | 1.46 | 23.6 | 1.83 | |
2 | 217 | 5.6 | 1.49 | 23.1 | 1.98 | |
4 | 219 | 5.9 | 1.47 | 23.5 | 1.89 | |
p linear | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |
SFHurea | 0 | 174 | 7.66 | 1.69 | 14.3 | 3.37 |
0.5 | 178 | 7.62 | 1.64 | 14.6 | 3.13 | |
1 | 182 | 7.52 | 1.67 | 15.0 | 3.23 | |
2 | 186 | 7.04 | 1.65 | 16.5 | 3.15 | |
4 | 187 | 7.54 | 1.67 | 15.5 | 3.24 | |
p linear | * | * | NS | ** | NS | |
SEM | 17.1 | 0.53 | 0.09 | 3.38 | 0.53 | |
FFA | *** | NS | NS | NS | NS | |
Substrate | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | |
FFA × Substrate | * | ** | NS | NS | NS |
Substrate | EFE (µL/g DM) | Gas Production Kinetics | ||||
A (mL/g DM) | B (h) | C (h) | Rmax (mL/h) | Tmax (h) | ||
SFHout | 0 | 238 | 5.3 | 1.28 | 29 | 1.03 |
1 | 249 | 4.9 | 1.28 | 32 | 0.95 | |
2 | 248 | 5.0 | 1.29 | 32 | 0.98 | |
5 | 246 | 4.9 | 1.28 | 33 | 0.93 | |
10 | 261 | 4.9 | 1.26 | 35 | 0.88 | |
p linear | * | * | NS | ** | ** | |
SFHNaOH | 0 | 218 | 5.5 | 1.53 | 24 | 1.98 |
1 | 224 | 5.7 | 1.53 | 24 | 2.04 | |
2 | 222 | 5.6 | 1.53 | 25 | 1.97 | |
5 | 228 | 5.6 | 1.48 | 25 | 1.83 | |
10 | 231 | 5.4 | 1.48 | 26 | 1.77 | |
p linear | *** | NS | NS | ** | * | |
SFHurea | 0 | 174 | 7.7 | 1.69 | 14 | 3.37 |
1 | 192 | 7.3 | 1.70 | 16 | 3.31 | |
2 | 191 | 7.2 | 1.68 | 16 | 3.12 | |
5 | 183 | 7.2 | 1.70 | 16 | 3.11 | |
10 | 179 | 7.0 | 1.72 | 16 | 3.16 | |
p linear | * | ** | NS | ** | NS | |
SEM | 16.3 | 0.57 | 0.1 | 3.99 | 0.54 | |
p-Value | ||||||
EFE | ** | *** | NS | *** | *** | |
Substrate | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | |
EFE × Substrate | NS | * | NS | ** | NS |
Substrate | FFA (µL/g DM) | Metabolizable Energy (MJ/kg DM) | Organic Matter Digestibility (g/kg DM) | Total SCFAs (mmol/200 mg DM) |
SFHout | 0 | 8.45 | 570 | 0.82 |
0.5 | 8.74 | 589 | 0.97 | |
1 | 8.71 | 588 | 0.96 | |
2 | 8.65 | 583 | 0.96 | |
4 | 9.00 | 606 | 1.01 | |
p linear | * | * | * | |
p quadratic | NS | NS | NS | |
SFHNaOH | 0 | 8.10 | 545 | 0.87 |
0.5 | 8.20 | 552 | 0.89 | |
1 | 8.16 | 549 | 0.88 | |
2 | 8.25 | 555 | 0.90 | |
4 | 8.33 | 560 | 0.91 | |
p linear | NS | NS | NS | |
p quadratic | NS | NS | NS | |
SFHurea | 0 | 7.72 | 535 | 0.68 |
0.5 | 8.14 | 562 | 0.75 | |
1 | 8.14 | 562 | 0.76 | |
2 | 7.99 | 552 | 0.73 | |
4 | 7.90 | 546 | 0.72 | |
p linear | NS | NS | NS | |
p quadratic | * | * | * | |
SEM | 0.09 | 0.61 | 0.01 | |
FFA | NS | NS | NS | |
Substrate | *** | *** | *** | |
FFA × Substrate | NS | NS | NS |
Substrate | EFE (µL/g DM) | Metabolizable Energy (MJ/kg DM) | Organic Matter Digestibility (g/kg DM) | Total SCFAs (mmol/200 mg DM) |
SFHout | 0 | 8.45 | 570 | 0.82 |
1 | 8.80 | 593 | 0.98 | |
2 | 8.70 | 587 | 0.97 | |
5 | 8.70 | 587 | 0.97 | |
10 | 8.84 | 596 | 0.99 | |
p linear | * | * | * | |
p quadratic | NS | NS | NS | |
SFHNaOH | 0 | 8.10 | 545 | 0.87 |
1 | 8.10 | 545 | 0.88 | |
2 | 8.06 | 542 | 0.87 | |
5 | 8.00 | 539 | 0.86 | |
10 | 8.03 | 541 | 0.86 | |
p linear | NS | NS | NS | |
p quadratic | NS | NS | NS | |
SFHurea | 0 | 7.72 | 535 | 0.68 |
1 | 7.80 | 539 | 0.70 | |
2 | 7.90 | 546 | 0.71 | |
5 | 7.98 | 552 | 0.73 | |
10 | 7.99 | 552 | 0.73 | |
p linear | NS | NS | NS | |
p quadratic | NS | NS | NS | |
SEM | 0.13 | 0.80 | 0.04 | |
FFA | *** | *** | *** | |
Substrate | *** | *** | *** | |
FFA × Substrate | ** | *** | *** |
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Jabri, J.; Ammar, H.; Abid, K.; Beckers, Y.; Yaich, H.; Malek, A.; Rekhis, J.; Morsy, A.S.; Soltan, Y.A.; Soufan, W.; et al. Effect of Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Supplementation or Functional Feed Additives on In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation of Chemically Pre-Treated Sunflower Heads. Agriculture 2022, 12, 696. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12050696
Jabri J, Ammar H, Abid K, Beckers Y, Yaich H, Malek A, Rekhis J, Morsy AS, Soltan YA, Soufan W, et al. Effect of Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Supplementation or Functional Feed Additives on In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation of Chemically Pre-Treated Sunflower Heads. Agriculture. 2022; 12(5):696. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12050696
Chicago/Turabian StyleJabri, Jihene, Hajer Ammar, Khalil Abid, Yves Beckers, Héla Yaich, Atef Malek, Jamel Rekhis, Amr Salah Morsy, Yosra Ahmed Soltan, Walid Soufan, and et al. 2022. "Effect of Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Supplementation or Functional Feed Additives on In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation of Chemically Pre-Treated Sunflower Heads" Agriculture 12, no. 5: 696. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12050696
APA StyleJabri, J., Ammar, H., Abid, K., Beckers, Y., Yaich, H., Malek, A., Rekhis, J., Morsy, A. S., Soltan, Y. A., Soufan, W., Almadani, M. I., Chahine, M., Marti, M. E. d. H., Okla, M. K., & Kamoun, M. (2022). Effect of Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes Supplementation or Functional Feed Additives on In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation of Chemically Pre-Treated Sunflower Heads. Agriculture, 12(5), 696. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12050696