Design Patterns and Electric Vehicle Charging Software
:1. Introduction
1.1. Design Patterns in Software Development
1.2. State of the Art
2. Incursion in the Design Patterns Field
2.1. Design Patterns—Benefits and Potential Drawbacks
2.2. Distinction between Design Patterns and Design Principles
- (a)
- Single-responsibility principle: a class should be appointed only one job to handle, one single reason to change.
- (b)
- Open-closed principle: object or entities are closed for modifications but opened for extensions.
- (c)
- Liskov substitution principle: “Let q(x) be a property provable about objects of x of type T. Then q(y) should be provable for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T.” [39]. This statement implies that all subclasses should be interchangeable with their parent class.
- (d)
- Interface segregation principle: this principle requires that the software programs should be independent from the interfaces that they do not use.
- (e)
- KISS (keep it simple stupid): the principle states that the majority of systems work at their best when kept simple, rather than intricate.
2.3. Software Design Patterns Classification
- Creational design patterns deal with the mechanisms of object creation. Their purpose is “to separate a system from how its objects are created, composed and represented. They increase the system’s flexibility in terms of the what, who, how and when of object creation” [40].
- Structural patterns deal with identifying simple ways of establishing relationships among objects.
- Behavioral patterns identify and realize common communication patterns between objects.
3. Design Patterns and EV Charging Software
- Software design patterns, which constitute the optimal solutions employed by skilled object-oriented developers to general issues that software developers face during development process.
- Cloud design patterns that have proven valuable for constructing scalable, dependable and secure applications in the cloud.
- Multitenancy model, which assures a stable, isolated, low cost, customizable and scalable cloud architecture for the application’s multiple tenants.
3.1. Software Design Patterns
3.1.1. Singleton Pattern
3.1.2. Dependency Injection Design Pattern
3.1.3. Façade Pattern
3.1.4. Repository Pattern
3.1.5. Template Method Pattern
3.1.6. Overview
3.2. Cloud Design Patterns
3.2.1. Publisher/Subscriber Pattern
- Publishers are loosely coupled to subscribers and can remain oblivious to their existence. Publishers and a subscriber can even be temporarily decoupled.
- Provides scalability and improves responsiveness of the sender.
- Improves reliability.
- It ensures a cleaner integration between systems that employ different platforms, programming languages and communication protocols.
3.2.2. Sharding Pattern
3.2.3. Static Content Hosting pattern
- Minimize hosting costs for static resources; contingent upon the capabilities of the hosting/cloud provider, entire static websites can be hosted.
- Minimize bandwidth usage. Low bandwidth usage can be achieved using content delivery network, by presenting the cached content from multiple geographical areas datacenter around the world.
3.2.4. Retry Pattern
- The application calls upon an operation on hosted service and the internal server error is returned (code 500).
- The application then waits for a short while, before trying again. The failure message is returned once more (code 500).
- Then, the waiting time increases, before trying once again. The HTTP response is now code 200 (OK) and the request is successful.
- Non-critical operations are preferred to fail faster rather than repeating the request several times and affecting the input of the application.
- Aggressive retry policy should have large delays and small number of retries.
- If a request has several failures, maybe it is best to prevent further requests
- Some of the retries may be idempotent (retry logic should handle errors from incomplete requests)
- All retry codes should be fully tested against a wide range of failures conditions.
- All failures should be logged, so that underlying problems can be identified.
3.3. Multitenant Database Design Patterns
- Multitenant app with multitenant databases;
- Multitenant app with database-per-tenant;
- Multitenant app with sharded multitenant databases.
- Tenant isolation;
- Scalability;
- Cost per tenant;
- Development complexity;
- Operation complexity;
- Customizability.
3.3.1. Multi-Tenant App with Sharded Multitenant Databases
3.3.2. Shards Management
3.3.3. Shards Management Tools
- Managing shards and shard maps;
- Data-dependent routing;
- Querying over multiple shards;
- Adding empty shards;
- Splitting existing shards;
- Merging existing shards.
3.3.4. Scaling
3.3.5. Data-Dependent Routing
3.3.6. Row Level Security
4. Results and Discussion
5. Future Research Directions
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Meheden, M.; Musat, A.; Traciu, A.; Viziteu, A.; Onu, A.; Filote, C.; Răboacă, M.S. Design Patterns and Electric Vehicle Charging Software. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 140.
Meheden M, Musat A, Traciu A, Viziteu A, Onu A, Filote C, Răboacă MS. Design Patterns and Electric Vehicle Charging Software. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(1):140.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMeheden, Maria, Andrei Musat, Andrei Traciu, Andrei Viziteu, Adrian Onu, Constantin Filote, and Maria Simona Răboacă. 2021. "Design Patterns and Electric Vehicle Charging Software" Applied Sciences 11, no. 1: 140.
APA StyleMeheden, M., Musat, A., Traciu, A., Viziteu, A., Onu, A., Filote, C., & Răboacă, M. S. (2021). Design Patterns and Electric Vehicle Charging Software. Applied Sciences, 11(1), 140.