Aestipascuomyces dupliciliberans gen. nov, sp. nov., the First Cultured Representative of the Uncultured SK4 Clade from Aoudad Sheep and Alpaca
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Samples
2.2. Isolation
2.3. Morphological Characterization
2.4. Substrate Utilization
2.5. Phylogenetic Analysis and Ecological Distribution
2.6. Data and Culture Accession
3. Results
3.1. Obtained Isolates
3.2. Colony Morphology and Liquid Growth Pattern
3.3. Microscopic Features
- Zoospores: Strain R4 produced globose zoospores with an average diameter of 9.3 ± 2.1 μm (standard deviation for 60 zoospores, range: 5–14 μm) (Figure 2a). All zoospores were polyflagellated, with 7–20 flagella and an average flagellum length of 28.1 ± 4.8 μm (average ± standard deviation from 60 zoospores, range: 19–36 μm). Strain A252 produced slightly larger spherical zoospores (10–20 μm, average 14 μm) with slightly longer flagella (35–49 μm, average 42 μm) (Figure 3a).
- Thalli and sporangia: Zoospore germination in strain R4 resulted in monocentric thalli with highly-branched anucleated rhizoids (Figure 2b–e). Strain R4 displayed both endogenous and exogenous thallus development. Endogenous thalli developed as a result of enlargement of zoospore cysts into sporangia with one (Figure 2f), or two adjacent (Figure 2g) rhizoidal systems. Endogenous sporangia displayed different shapes and sizes including ovoid (20–70 μm length (L) × 15–45 μm width (W) (Figure 2f), rhomboid (30–70 μm L × 40–85 μm W) (Figure 2g), and elongated (25–90 μm L × 15–40 μm W) (Figure 2h). No intercalary or pseudo-intercalary sporangia (sporangia present between two main rhizoidal systems) were observed. Exogenous sporangia were mainly developed at the end of unbranched sporangiophores that ranged in length between 10 and 300 μm (Figure 2i,j). Wide flattened sporangiophores (Figure 2i) and sporangiophores ending with sub-sporangial swellings (Figure 2k) were also frequently encountered. Mature exogenous sporangia ranged in size between 40 and 90 μm (L) and 15 and 35 μm (W), and they exhibited different morphologies including obpyriform (Figure 2i), ellipsoid (Figure 2j), globose (Figure 2k), ovoid (Figure 2m), and constricted ellipsoid (Figure 2n). Sporangial necks (the point between sporangia and rhizoids) were either tightly constricted (Figure 2f,k,q), or broad (Figure 2j,l,n,o). The neck opening, port, was either narrow (Figure 2k) or wide (Figure 2l). On the other hand, only endogenous sporangia were observed for strain A252, with one (Figure 3b) or, less frequently, two adjacent (Figure 3c) rhizoidal systems. Endogenous sporangia were mainly globose (diameter up to 145 µm) (Figure 3d), and ellipsoidal (up to 76 µm L × 48 µm W) (Figure 3e).
- Zoospore release: Zoospore release in strain R4 was achieved through two mechanisms, either from an apical pore (Figure 2o), as previously observed in Feramyces [14]), or through rupturing of the sporangial wall (Figure 2p), as commonly observed in Neocallimastix [16]. To our knowledge, the simultaneous utilization of both mechanisms by a single strain has not been previously reported in other AGF taxa. Sporangial walls either stayed intact (Figure 2o) or completely disintegrated after zoospore discharge (Figure 2q).
3.4. Substrate Utilization
3.5. Phylogenetic Analysis and Ecological Distribution
4. Discussion
5. Taxonomy
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Stabel, M.; Hanafy, R.A.; Schweitzer, T.; Greif, M.; Aliyu, H.; Flad, V.; Young, D.; Lebuhn, M.; Elshahed, M.S.; Ochsenreither, K.; et al. Aestipascuomyces dupliciliberans gen. nov, sp. nov., the First Cultured Representative of the Uncultured SK4 Clade from Aoudad Sheep and Alpaca. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1734.
Stabel M, Hanafy RA, Schweitzer T, Greif M, Aliyu H, Flad V, Young D, Lebuhn M, Elshahed MS, Ochsenreither K, et al. Aestipascuomyces dupliciliberans gen. nov, sp. nov., the First Cultured Representative of the Uncultured SK4 Clade from Aoudad Sheep and Alpaca. Microorganisms. 2020; 8(11):1734.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStabel, Marcus, Radwa A. Hanafy, Tabea Schweitzer, Meike Greif, Habibu Aliyu, Veronika Flad, Diana Young, Michael Lebuhn, Mostafa S. Elshahed, Katrin Ochsenreither, and et al. 2020. "Aestipascuomyces dupliciliberans gen. nov, sp. nov., the First Cultured Representative of the Uncultured SK4 Clade from Aoudad Sheep and Alpaca" Microorganisms 8, no. 11: 1734.
APA StyleStabel, M., Hanafy, R. A., Schweitzer, T., Greif, M., Aliyu, H., Flad, V., Young, D., Lebuhn, M., Elshahed, M. S., Ochsenreither, K., & Youssef, N. H. (2020). Aestipascuomyces dupliciliberans gen. nov, sp. nov., the First Cultured Representative of the Uncultured SK4 Clade from Aoudad Sheep and Alpaca. Microorganisms, 8(11), 1734.