Why Not Wood? Benefits and Barriers of Wood as a Multistory Construction Material: Perceptions of Municipal Civil Servants from Finland
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. QCA Thematic Coding Framework
3.2. Civil-Servant Attitudes towards WMC—Benefits
3.2.1. Perceived Economic, Technical, and Lifestyle Benefits of WMC
The area where that [WMC] is built, there [are] old wooden building from the end of the 19th century, these really old buildings. So, it looked really nice. If we think that there are the concrete buildings, let’s say that the whole status of the area would change totally.(Development Director, 10)
3.2.2. Interdependent Benefits between Categories
On [WMC] site they have this huge tent over the building site, so it will cost more than normal. But in fact, you should have the same tent with concrete because there are many cases where water makes damages on the building site, when it’s constructed.(Architect, 1)
You can utilize it to create a better brand for your municipality, and I think that’s the most important thing for the cities, to insist it in the plan if they are doing that.(Development Director, 10)
If we are thinking marketing, so, I think wood industry and building companies, they should market more those positive things which are connected to the wood as a material.(Architect, 8)
I think what’s relevant in building in wood it’s, nowadays because of the climate change, it’s very important to have ways to diminish the CO2 emissions […] I think one of the main reasons I want to promote it is that when you build any building, the CO2 emissions are very high.(Architect, 1)
And, when [WMC] it’s combined also to promoting local economy [like] when you buy from local factory, it’s good. When it’s combined to climate change it’s even better. I don’t know but maybe it’s better to have WMC buildings from environmental point of view. I don’t know.(Development Director, 2)
3.3. Civil Servants’ Attitudes Towards WMC—Perceived Barriers
3.3.1. A Weak WMC Sector Creates Project Risks
In Finland we have about five big companies, and they are very old-fashioned. They build concrete buildings, they have their element factories, and their systems. In fact, the systems are quite common, they have been made together with Finnish, standardization committee in the 1970’s and they all use the same systems.(Planning Director, 11)
Whenever we talk about and make some initiatives to promote wooden structures, there’s always builders and concrete building constructions lobbying their ideas.(Planning Director, 11)
3.3.2. Poor WMC Information Distribution
3.3.3. Material Limitations and Project Costs
3.3.4. Poor Governance and Support Influences the Operating Environment
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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TPB Antecedent | Overview of Thematic Questions |
Attitude |
Subjective norma |
Perceived behavioral control |
Municipality | 2017 Population | % of Total Population | % of Population Change 2012–2017 |
Espoo | 279,044 | 5.06% | 7.96% |
Helsinki | 643,272 | 11.67% | 6.11% |
Rauma | 39,620 | 0.72% | –0.56% |
Seinäjöki | 62,676 | 1.14% | 4.98% |
Turku | 189,669 | 3.44% | 4.98% |
Uusikaupunki | 15,752 | 0.29% | 1.61% |
Interview | Position |
1 | Project Manager, Architect |
2 | City Development Director |
3 | Master Designer, Architect |
4 | City Mayor |
5 | Senior City Architect |
6 | Regional Architect |
7 | Director of City Planning |
8 | Senior City Architect |
9 | Land Use and Development Expert |
10 | City Development Director |
11 | Director of City Planning |
Contributes to WMC Diffusion (Benefits) | |
Supports sustainable development | Improved built environment |
Climate and environment | Improved living environment |
Promotes business innovation | Construction and renovation ease |
Supports local industries | Novel and flexible design |
Branding and marketing opportunity | Improved housing quality standards |
New construction opportunities | Supports the national forest sector |
Price competitiveness | Interest in WMC, general support |
Improved safety | Other |
Prolonged building lifespan | |
Hinders WMC Diffusion (Barriers) | |
Financial uncertainty | WMC building lifecycles are uncertain |
Lack of experienced designers and planners | Safety concerns |
Lack of available builders | Lacking project communications |
Stagnant wood-industry development | Limited end-user WMC expectations |
Policy and regulation challenges | End-user apathy towards WMC |
Difficulty accessing WMC information | Limited support from municipalities |
Branding and marketing unimportant | Design or planning limitations |
Lack of general knowledge about WMC | Limited WMC interest, general opposition |
High cost level | Other |
Engineered wood product (EWP) material limitations |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Franzini, F.; Toivonen, R.; Toppinen, A. Why Not Wood? Benefits and Barriers of Wood as a Multistory Construction Material: Perceptions of Municipal Civil Servants from Finland. Buildings 2018, 8, 159. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings8110159
Franzini F, Toivonen R, Toppinen A. Why Not Wood? Benefits and Barriers of Wood as a Multistory Construction Material: Perceptions of Municipal Civil Servants from Finland. Buildings. 2018; 8(11):159. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings8110159
Chicago/Turabian StyleFranzini, Florencia, Ritva Toivonen, and Anne Toppinen. 2018. "Why Not Wood? Benefits and Barriers of Wood as a Multistory Construction Material: Perceptions of Municipal Civil Servants from Finland" Buildings 8, no. 11: 159. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings8110159
APA StyleFranzini, F., Toivonen, R., & Toppinen, A. (2018). Why Not Wood? Benefits and Barriers of Wood as a Multistory Construction Material: Perceptions of Municipal Civil Servants from Finland. Buildings, 8(11), 159. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings8110159