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Axioms, Volume 6, Issue 2 (June 2017) – 10 articles

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569 KiB  
An Evaluation of ARFIMA (Autoregressive Fractional Integral Moving Average) Programs
by Kai Liu, YangQuan Chen and Xi Zhang
Axioms 2017, 6(2), 16; - 17 Jun 2017
Cited by 38 | Viewed by 10957
Strong coupling between values at different times that exhibit properties of long range dependence, non-stationary, spiky signals cannot be processed by the conventional time series analysis. The autoregressive fractional integral moving average (ARFIMA) model, a fractional order signal processing technique, is the generalization [...] Read more.
Strong coupling between values at different times that exhibit properties of long range dependence, non-stationary, spiky signals cannot be processed by the conventional time series analysis. The autoregressive fractional integral moving average (ARFIMA) model, a fractional order signal processing technique, is the generalization of the conventional integer order models—autoregressive integral moving average (ARIMA) and autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. Therefore, it has much wider applications since it could capture both short-range dependence and long range dependence. For now, several software programs have been developed to deal with ARFIMA processes. However, it is unfortunate to see that using different numerical tools for time series analysis usually gives quite different and sometimes radically different results. Users are often puzzled about which tool is suitable for a specific application. We performed a comprehensive survey and evaluation of available ARFIMA tools in the literature in the hope of benefiting researchers with different academic backgrounds. In this paper, four aspects of ARFIMA programs concerning simulation, fractional order difference filter, estimation and forecast are compared and evaluated, respectively, in various software platforms. Our informative comments can serve as useful selection guidelines. Full article
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Scalable and Fully Distributed Localization in Large-Scale Sensor Networks
by Miao Jin, Su Xia, Hongyi Wu and Xianfeng David Gu
Axioms 2017, 6(2), 15; - 15 Jun 2017
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 4617
This work proposes a novel connectivity-based localization algorithm, well suitable for large-scale sensor networks with complex shapes and a non-uniform nodal distribution. In contrast to current state-of-the-art connectivity-based localization methods, the proposed algorithm is highly scalable with linear computation and communication costs with [...] Read more.
This work proposes a novel connectivity-based localization algorithm, well suitable for large-scale sensor networks with complex shapes and a non-uniform nodal distribution. In contrast to current state-of-the-art connectivity-based localization methods, the proposed algorithm is highly scalable with linear computation and communication costs with respect to the size of the network; and fully distributed where each node only needs the information of its neighbors without cumbersome partitioning and merging process. The algorithm is theoretically guaranteed and numerically stable. Moreover, the algorithm can be readily extended to the localization of networks with a one-hop transmission range distance measurement, and the propagation of the measurement error at one sensor node is limited within a small area of the network around the node. Extensive simulations and comparison with other methods under various representative network settings are carried out, showing the superior performance of the proposed algorithm. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Discrete Geometry and its Applications)
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226 KiB  
Tsallis Entropy and Generalized Shannon Additivity
by Sonja Jäckle and Karsten Keller
Axioms 2017, 6(2), 14; - 14 Jun 2017
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 3919
The Tsallis entropy given for a positive parameter α can be considered as a generalization of the classical Shannon entropy. For the latter, corresponding to α = 1 , there exist many axiomatic characterizations. One of them based on the well-known Khinchin-Shannon axioms [...] Read more.
The Tsallis entropy given for a positive parameter α can be considered as a generalization of the classical Shannon entropy. For the latter, corresponding to α = 1 , there exist many axiomatic characterizations. One of them based on the well-known Khinchin-Shannon axioms has been simplified several times and adapted to Tsallis entropy, where the axiom of (generalized) Shannon additivity is playing a central role. The main aim of this paper is to discuss this axiom in the context of Tsallis entropy. We show that it is sufficient for characterizing Tsallis entropy, with the exceptions of cases α = 1 , 2 discussed separately. Full article
220 KiB  
No Uncountable Polish Group Can be a Right-Angled Artin Group
by Gianluca Paolini and Saharon Shelah
Axioms 2017, 6(2), 13; - 11 May 2017
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 3829
We prove that if G is a Polish group and A a group admitting a system of generators whose associated length function satisfies: (i) if 0 < k < ω , then [...] Read more.
We prove that if G is a Polish group and A a group admitting a system of generators whose associated length function satisfies: (i) if 0 < k < ω , then l g ( x ) l g ( x k ) ; (ii) if l g ( y ) < k < ω and x k = y , then x = e , then there exists a subgroup G * of G of size b (the bounding number) such that G * is not embeddable in A. In particular, we prove that the automorphism group of a countable structure cannot be an uncountable right-angled Artin group. This generalizes analogous results for free and free abelian uncountable groups. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Topological Groups)
695 KiB  
Toward Measuring Network Aesthetics Based on Symmetry
by Zengqiang Chen, Matthias Dehmer, Frank Emmert-Streib, Abbe Mowshowitz and Yongtang Shi
Axioms 2017, 6(2), 12; - 6 May 2017
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 4984
In this exploratory paper, we discuss quantitative graph-theoretical measures of network aesthetics. Related work in this area has typically focused on geometrical features (e.g., line crossings or edge bendiness) of drawings or visual representations of graphs which purportedly affect an observer’s perception. Here [...] Read more.
In this exploratory paper, we discuss quantitative graph-theoretical measures of network aesthetics. Related work in this area has typically focused on geometrical features (e.g., line crossings or edge bendiness) of drawings or visual representations of graphs which purportedly affect an observer’s perception. Here we take a very different approach, abandoning reliance on geometrical properties, and apply information-theoretic measures to abstract graphs and networks directly (rather than to their visual representaions) as a means of capturing classical appreciation of structural symmetry. Examples are used solely to motivate the approach to measurement, and to elucidate our symmetry-based mathematical theory of network aesthetics. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Entropy and Information Theory)
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422 KiB  
Orientation Asymmetric Surface Model for Membranes: Finsler Geometry Modeling
by Evgenii Proutorov and Hiroshi Koibuchi
Axioms 2017, 6(2), 10; - 25 Apr 2017
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 4339
We study triangulated surface models with nontrivial surface metrices for membranes. The surface model is defined by a mapping r from a two-dimensional parameter space M to the three-dimensional Euclidean space R 3 . The metric variable g a b , which is [...] Read more.
We study triangulated surface models with nontrivial surface metrices for membranes. The surface model is defined by a mapping r from a two-dimensional parameter space M to the three-dimensional Euclidean space R 3 . The metric variable g a b , which is always fixed to the Euclidean metric δ a b , can be extended to a more general non-Euclidean metric on M in the continuous model. The problem we focus on in this paper is whether such an extension is well defined or not in the discrete model. We find that a discrete surface model with a nontrivial metric becomes well defined if it is treated in the context of Finsler geometry (FG) modeling, where triangle edge length in M depends on the direction. It is also shown that the discrete FG model is orientation asymmetric on invertible surfaces in general, and for this reason, the FG model has a potential advantage for describing real physical membranes, which are expected to have some asymmetries for orientation-changing transformations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Discrete Geometry and its Applications)
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401 KiB  
Multivariate Extended Gamma Distribution
by Dhannya P. Joseph
Axioms 2017, 6(2), 11; - 24 Apr 2017
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 4191
In this paper, I consider multivariate analogues of the extended gamma density, which will provide multivariate extensions to Tsallis statistics and superstatistics. By making use of the pathway parameter β , multivariate generalized gamma density can be obtained from the model considered here. [...] Read more.
In this paper, I consider multivariate analogues of the extended gamma density, which will provide multivariate extensions to Tsallis statistics and superstatistics. By making use of the pathway parameter β , multivariate generalized gamma density can be obtained from the model considered here. Some of its special cases and limiting cases are also mentioned. Conditional density, best predictor function, regression theory, etc., connected with this model are also introduced. Full article
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362 KiB  
Euclidean Algorithm for Extension of Symmetric Laurent Polynomial Matrix and Its Application in Construction of Multiband Symmetric Perfect Reconstruction Filter Bank
by Jianzhong Wang
Axioms 2017, 6(2), 9; - 20 Apr 2017
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 3793
For a given pair of s-dimensional real Laurent polynomials ( a ( z ) , b ( z ) ) , which has a certain type of symmetry and satisfies the dual condition [...] Read more.
For a given pair of s-dimensional real Laurent polynomials ( a ( z ) , b ( z ) ) , which has a certain type of symmetry and satisfies the dual condition b ( z ) T a ( z ) = 1 , an s × s Laurent polynomial matrix A ( z ) (together with its inverse A - 1 ( z ) ) is called a symmetric Laurent polynomial matrix extension of the dual pair ( a ( z ) , b ( z ) ) if A ( z ) has similar symmetry, the inverse A - 1 ( Z ) also is a Laurent polynomial matrix, the first column of A ( z ) is a ( z ) and the first row of A - 1 ( z ) is ( b ( z ) ) T . In this paper, we introduce the Euclidean symmetric division and the symmetric elementary matrices in the Laurent polynomial ring and reveal their relation. Based on the Euclidean symmetric division algorithm in the Laurent polynomial ring, we develop a novel and effective algorithm for symmetric Laurent polynomial matrix extension. We also apply the algorithm in the construction of multi-band symmetric perfect reconstruction filter banks. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Wavelet and Frame Constructions, with Applications)
628 KiB  
Expansion of the Kullback-Leibler Divergence, and a New Class of Information Metrics
by David J. Galas, Gregory Dewey, James Kunert-Graf and Nikita A. Sakhanenko
Axioms 2017, 6(2), 8; - 1 Apr 2017
Cited by 21 | Viewed by 6600
Inferring and comparing complex, multivariable probability density functions is fundamental to problems in several fields, including probabilistic learning, network theory, and data analysis. Classification and prediction are the two faces of this class of problem. This study takes an approach that simplifies many [...] Read more.
Inferring and comparing complex, multivariable probability density functions is fundamental to problems in several fields, including probabilistic learning, network theory, and data analysis. Classification and prediction are the two faces of this class of problem. This study takes an approach that simplifies many aspects of these problems by presenting a structured, series expansion of the Kullback-Leibler divergence—a function central to information theory—and devise a distance metric based on this divergence. Using the Möbius inversion duality between multivariable entropies and multivariable interaction information, we express the divergence as an additive series in the number of interacting variables, which provides a restricted and simplified set of distributions to use as approximation and with which to model data. Truncations of this series yield approximations based on the number of interacting variables. The first few terms of the expansion-truncation are illustrated and shown to lead naturally to familiar approximations, including the well-known Kirkwood superposition approximation. Truncation can also induce a simple relation between the multi-information and the interaction information. A measure of distance between distributions, based on Kullback-Leibler divergence, is then described and shown to be a true metric if properly restricted. The expansion is shown to generate a hierarchy of metrics and connects this work to information geometry formalisms. An example of the application of these metrics to a graph comparison problem is given that shows that the formalism can be applied to a wide range of network problems and provides a general approach for systematic approximations in numbers of interactions or connections, as well as a related quantitative metric. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Entropy and Information Theory)
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276 KiB  
Fourier Series for Singular Measures
by John E. Herr and Eric S. Weber
Axioms 2017, 6(2), 7; - 28 Mar 2017
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 4949
Using the Kaczmarz algorithm, we prove that for any singular Borel probability measure μ on [ 0 , 1 ) , every f L 2 ( μ ) possesses a Fourier series of the form [...] Read more.
Using the Kaczmarz algorithm, we prove that for any singular Borel probability measure μ on [ 0 , 1 ) , every f L 2 ( μ ) possesses a Fourier series of the form f ( x ) = n = 0 c n e 2 π i n x . We show that the coefficients c n can be computed in terms of the quantities f ^ ( n ) = 0 1 f ( x ) e 2 π i n x d μ ( x ) . We also demonstrate a Shannon-type sampling theorem for functions that are in a sense μ -bandlimited. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Wavelet and Frame Constructions, with Applications)
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