A State-of-the-Art Review on the Security of Mainstream IoT Wireless PAN Protocol Stacks
:1. Introduction
2. Overview and Security Features
2.1. BLE
2.2. ZigBee
2.3. Z-Wave
2.4. Thread
2.5. Enocean
3. Literature Review
3.1. Group I
3.1.1. BLE
3.1.2. Z-Wave
3.1.3. ZigBee
3.1.4. Thread
3.2. Group II
4. Discussion
- (a)
- Protocols that support mesh networking infrastructure, i.e., ZigBee, Thread, EnOcean, and Z-Wave, are more robust in terms of connectivity and “service” availability in contrast to other architectures.
- (b)
- The introduction of improved security mechanisms as a result of a new version of a protocol should not be considered a panacea. For instance, although Z-Wave S2 offers advanced security features over its predecessor, it can be still leapfrogged by evil-doers to eavesdrop on and/or tamper with certain communication messages.
- (c)
- All the examined protocols cater for over-the-air confidentiality, source authentication, and integrity. Barring some exceptions [61,62,63], they also offer protection against replay attacks, which can lead to unauthorized control of nodes. These essential security properties for any wireless protocol are effective against external attacks, such as eavesdropping, impersonation, message spoofing, tampering, and injection, as well as MAC layer generic attacks. More interestingly, EnOcean provides a scheme to repel MITM attacks, but this can be only enabled in practice for line-powered devices. Not less important, some or all of the aforementioned security services are mandatory for devices/applications that require a high safety level, such as door locks, while less security-sensitive ones may not enable such services at all.
- (d)
- While energy-preserving, the use of a network-wide key to protect communications between devices leaves more room to aggressors. Protocols mitigate this threat by means of either additional security offered at the application layer (e.g., DTLS in Thread), network segmentation which leads to segmentation of keys (e.g., security classes in Z-Wave), or EEC-based AKA procedures to secure the transfer of such a key to joining devices. The frequent change of network-wide keys can also help toward the same direction.
- (e)
- Perhaps the most important weakness is related to devices having old certifications, for providing backward compatibility. That is, despite the fact that the protocols constantly evolve to cope with certain shortcomings, IoT devices are designed to be of long-lived and install-and-forget nature. Therefore, typically, their firmware is rarely updated by the respective vendor, and, therefore, until their withdrawal, are prone to several attacks.
- (f)
- In addition to the employment of standardized technologies as the IEEE 802.15.4 and ITU-T G.9959 in wireless IoT protocol stacks, the use of standardized or well-established security mechanisms, such as the DTLS, CoaP, and J-PAKE protocols in Thread, is a big step towards more interoperable and robust, in terms of security, solutions. In any case, especially when it comes to security, the “not-invented-here” syndrome should be avoided because amongst others can easily lead to positive biases, which in turn may create falsely elevated expectations. On the downside, it is expected that, due to the use of ECC schemes (or more generally public key cryptography) as in DTLS, J-PAKE, ECMQV, and Curve25519, the respective IoT protocols are also susceptible to clogging/flooding attacks.
- (g)
- At this point it has been made clear that the IoT ecosystem is highly fragmented in terms of adopted wireless communication technologies. This diversity stems mainly from the (i) computational resources and (ii) energy resources of the devices, as well as the (iii) bandwidth and (iv) security requirements of the application. Protocols such as 6LoWPAN attempt to bridge the interoperability gap at a higher layer. Nevertheless, such attempts introduce security issues of their own [93,94] and secondarily fail to cover the majority, let alone the totality, of alternative protocols. To this date, the problem of interoperability in a secure fashion in the IoT realm largely remains open with several works providing comprehensive descriptions on the issues as well as potential solutions [95,96,97].
- (h)
- A large number of attacks is a product of misconfiguration or poor implementation decisions on behalf of device manufacturers. This phenomenon is particularly true in the case of BLE communications where such flaws allow the tracking of users through their mobile devices and potentially the full dismantle of the encryption services offered by the protocol.
- (i)
- For enabling the reset of devices in an automatic manner, e.g., in the case of accidental malfunction or loss of power, some important pieces of data must be kept in the device’s persistent, non-volatile storage. Note that storing such information in a centralized manner, e.g., in a trusted remote location, including the cloud, may be prone to backhaul link disconnection problems, and thus pivotal data should be stored in each network node. Such data include network information, security material, authentication and commissioning data, factory-default settings, and others, and therefore they must be sufficiently protected from compromise after a device is hijacked. Most of the protocols specifically address this issue for the case a device leaves the network (secure leaving). For instance, in Thread, this event is completed over CoAP management messages and starts when a device receives a network leave request by the Commissioner. Then, the device must delete all network security material from its persistent memory and transit itself into the uncommissioned state. In any case, the authenticity of leave messages should be guaranteed in order to prevent spoof leave attacks resulting in device isolation. In addition, certain countermeasures should be deployed against device theft incidents, namely a device is stolen and moved to another network where it can be manipulated. For instance, as explained in Section 2.2, ZigBee Touchlink commissioning may be susceptible to this threat.
- (j)
- The use of more powerful devices acting as network coordinators (e.g., TC in ZigBee and Commissioner and Border router in Thread) can be of major help in applying and enforcing security policies in a centralized manner. As a first layer of defence, such devices can make use of white/black lists to enforce device authentication in terms of, e.g., MAC address, but they can also cater for fine-grained device authorization, e.g., if a device is allowed to rejoin the network, if a device is allowed to create a link key for P2P enabling P2P communication with another device, etc. On the negative side, such devices, including network gateways, are inherently alluring targets for attackers, and thus may create a single point of failure if their attack surface is not minimized.
- (k)
- Closely related to the previous issue is that of device tamper protection. Naturally, this kind of defence is in many cases unrealistic to be offered by means of physical isolation, and thus it should be applied through the use of tamper-proof hardware. For the same reason, firmware updates need to be delivered in a secure manner because may also result in having the device compromised and/or be enslaved in a bot army [4,98].
- (l)
- In cases where the WPAN network makes use of cloud services, then all nodes become susceptible to a plethora of Internet attacks if the connection to the cloud is not secure end-to-end.
- (m)
- An interesting and timely kind of attacks against WPAN devices capitalizes on physical side-channel analysis techniques. Such techniques have been traditionally exploited for mounting attacks against cryptographic systems in general, but, as discussed in Section 3, they have been lately tested against certain WPAN protocols either for device fingerprinting [78] or for obtaining the network credentials [79,84]. A possible research direction could be the use of physical side-channel analysis for also defending intrusions against such devices. In fact, this idea is not new, as it has already been explored in recent works mainly for industrial and other kind of IoT devices [99,100,101,102].
- (n)
- Inevitably, as the case with virtually any wireless technology, all the protocols discussed in the context of this work are prone to DoS attacks caused by radio jamming. This may result to loss of service due to—even in some cases unintentional—interference (recall that, among others, IEEE 802.11 also uses the 2.4 GHz band). Consider, for example, a door-lock which is clogged with interference to block it from locking. Typically, this threat is mitigated by “frequency agility”, including frequency hopping (e.g., BLE) or dynamic frequency selection and transmission power control (e.g., ZigBee) for migrating the network to a “quieter” channel, and raising alarms if the problem persists. Such a scheme may be implemented in a network manager/coordinator node as the case may be. The same threat, but for the upper layers, applies to key control frames, including beacons. Namely, the aggressor may flood the network controller/router with a surge of spurious beacon request messages send to a specific of several radio channels aiming to overload or paralyze the latter device.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
6LoWPAN | IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
AES-CTR | AES Counter mode of operation |
AKA | Authentication & Key Agreement |
ATT | Attribute (protocol) |
BDB | ZigBee Base Device Behavior |
BLE | Bluetooth Low Energy |
CCM | Counter with CBC-MAC mode of operation |
CMAC | Cipher-based Message Authentication Code |
CoAP | Constrained Application Protocol |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CSRK | Connection Signature Resolving Key |
DoS | Denial of Service |
DTLS | Datagram Transport Layer Security protocol |
ECC | Elliptic Curve Cryptography |
ECDH | Elliptic Curve Diffie–Hellman |
ECMQV | Elliptic Curve Manazes-Qu-Vanstone key agreement |
EDIV | Encrypted Diversifier |
EEP | EnOcean Equipment Profiles |
ERP | EnOcean’s Radio Protocol |
EUI | IEEE Extended Unique Identifier |
FFD | ZigBee Full Function Device |
GATT | Generic Attribute |
IEEE | The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IRK | Identity Resolving Key |
ISM | Industrial, Scientific and Medical radio spectrum |
IV | Initialization Vector |
KEK | Key Encryption Key |
LoRaWAN | Long Range Wide Area Network |
LTK | Long Term Key LTK |
MAC | Message Authentication Code |
MANET | Mobile Ad Hoc Network |
MITM | Man-in-the Middle |
MK | Master Key |
MLE | Mesh Link Establishment protocol |
MPL | Low-Power and Lossy Networks |
NFC | Near Field Communication |
OOB | Out of Band association model |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection model |
P2P | Peer-to-Peer |
PAKE | Password-Authenticated Key Exchange |
PAN | Personal Area Network |
PIN | Personal Identification Number |
PSK | Pre-Shared Key |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit |
QR | Quick Response code |
RAND | Random value |
REED | Thread Router-Eligible Device |
RFD | ZigBee Reduced Function Device |
RLC | EnOcean’s Rolling Code |
RSSI | Received Signal Strength Indicator |
SLF | EnOcean’s Security Level Format |
SoC | System on a Chip |
STK | Short Term Key |
TC | Trust Center |
TK | Temporary Key |
TLS | Transport Layer Security |
TLV | Type Value Length |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier |
VAES | Variable AES |
WPAN | Wireless Personal Area Network |
ZC | ZigBee Coordinator |
ZED | ZigBee End-Device |
ZR | ZigBee Router |
ZZL | ZigBee Light Link |
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Feature | Protocols | ||||
BLE | ZigBee | Z-Wave S2 | Thread | EnOcean | |
Confidentiality | ⊛ | • | • | • | ⊛ |
Msg. Authenticity & Integrity | • | • | • | • | ⊛ |
Anti-replay | • | • | • | • | ⊛ |
MITM protection | ⊛ | • | • | • | ⊛ |
Device authentication | ⊛ | • | • | • | • |
Protocol | Published Works per Type of Attack |
BLE | Key derivation [39,40,41,42,43,44,45] |
User tracking [46,47,48,49] | |
Activity detection [46] | |
Person identification [46,47,48] | |
Replay attack [40,43,44] | |
Advertisement spoofing [40,48] | |
Exposed services [40,50] | |
OTP authentication token interception [40] | |
Cross-application tracking [51] | |
Eavesdropping [41,44,46,49,52] | |
Denial of Service [43,46] | |
Downgrading [45] | |
Z-Wave | Eavesdropping [53] |
Replay [54] | |
Key derivation [55] | |
Rogue controller [56] | |
Integrity vulnerabilities of the routing protocol, Black hole [57] | |
Unauthorised commands [58] | |
ZigBee | Battery drain [59,60] |
Key sniffing [59] | |
Key recovery through storage dump, Same-NONCE, Processor overloading (DoS) [61] | |
Replay [61,62,63] | |
Network discovery and device identification [12,62] | |
Eavesdropping [62] | |
Jamming [64] | |
Device takeover [12,64,65,66] | |
Reset device to factory settings, Permanent device disconnect, Network key extraction [12] | |
Network and device reconfiguration [67] | |
Thread | Jamming and flooding, Handshake flooding, Network leave, Key compromise, Replay, Same-Nonce, |
Guaranteed Time Slot, PAN ID conflict, Acknowledgment, DoS, Back-off and Clear Channel | |
Assessment manipulation, Repudiation [68] | |
Electromagnetic side-channel, Key generation [69] |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Kambourakis, G.; Kolias, C.; Geneiatakis, D.; Karopoulos, G.; Makrakis, G.M.; Kounelis, I. A State-of-the-Art Review on the Security of Mainstream IoT Wireless PAN Protocol Stacks. Symmetry 2020, 12, 579. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12040579
Kambourakis G, Kolias C, Geneiatakis D, Karopoulos G, Makrakis GM, Kounelis I. A State-of-the-Art Review on the Security of Mainstream IoT Wireless PAN Protocol Stacks. Symmetry. 2020; 12(4):579. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12040579
Chicago/Turabian StyleKambourakis, Georgios, Constantinos Kolias, Dimitrios Geneiatakis, Georgios Karopoulos, Georgios Michail Makrakis, and Ioannis Kounelis. 2020. "A State-of-the-Art Review on the Security of Mainstream IoT Wireless PAN Protocol Stacks" Symmetry 12, no. 4: 579. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12040579
APA StyleKambourakis, G., Kolias, C., Geneiatakis, D., Karopoulos, G., Makrakis, G. M., & Kounelis, I. (2020). A State-of-the-Art Review on the Security of Mainstream IoT Wireless PAN Protocol Stacks. Symmetry, 12(4), 579. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12040579