Symmetry Encoder-Decoder Network with Attention Mechanism for Fast Video Object Segmentation
:1. Introduction
- We introduce SAVOS, which requires only one forward pass through the symmetry encoder-decoder network to generate all parameters that are needed to adapt to the specific object instance.
- We design an attention module providing guidance to focus on the target object in the current frame, which helps to improve accuracy.
- Extensive experiments are conducted on three datasets, namely DAVIS 2016, DAVIS 2017, and SegTrack v2, to demonstrate that SAVOS achieves favorable performance compared to the state-of-the-art.
2. Related Work
2.1. Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
2.2. Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation
2.3. Attention Mechanism
3. Motivation
3.1. Baselines
- Two-stage paradigm: A large number of CNN-based semi-supervised VOS methods adopt the two-stage paradigm (see Figure 2): firstly, a base CNN is trained to segment the target object; second, the trained network is fine-tuned based on the first frame of the test video to adapt to the object appearance, leading to the performance boost. Perazzi et al. [11] proposed a method combining offline and online learning strategies. The offline training phase feeds the coarsened previous frame mask into the trained network to predict the object mask in the current frame. Then, it further improves video segmentation quality by online fine-tuning. Caelles et al. [13] firstly trained a base CNN to segment the foreground object from the background and then used online fine-tuning to adapt to the specific object. Comparing with the aforementioned two-stage strategies, Voigtlaender et al. [12] added one more pre-training step on the PASCAL dataset in the first stage and further fine-tuned the model by online adaptation in the second stage.
- Post-processing: To promote accuracy, post-processing is also adopted in many VOS approaches. In [13], boundary snapping was used to snap the object mask to accurate contours, which resulted in more accurate results. Maninis et al. [34] employed two conditional classifiers for post-processing to better model different distributions, one for predicting instance foreground pixels and the other for predicting background pixels. Post-processing means such as conditional random fields (CRF) and optical flow have been proven to be helpful to further refine segmentation masks, achieving additional gains in many methods.
3.2. Challenges and Solutions
4. Network Architecture
4.1. Symmetry Encoder
4.2. Global Convolution Block
4.3. Decoder
5. Inference
6. Experiments
6.1. Implementation Details
6.1.1. Datasets
6.1.2. Data Augmentation
6.1.3. Implementation
6.1.4. Evaluation Measure
6.2. Comparing to the State-of-the-Art
6.2.1. DAVIS 2016 Dataset
6.2.2. DAVIS 2017
6.2.3. SegTrack v2
6.3. Ablation Study
6.3.1. Lucid Dream Augmentation
6.3.2. Attention Module
6.4. Add-On Study
6.4.1. Online Learning
6.4.2. CRF Refinement
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | OL | PP | Mean | Mean | Time |
MSK [11] | ✓ | ✓ | 79.7 | 75.4 | 12 s |
OSVOS [13] | ✓ | ✓ | 79.8 | 80.6 | 9 s |
[34] | ✓ | ✓ | 85.6 | 86.4 | 4.5 s |
OnAVOS [12] | ✓ | ✓ | 86.1 | 84.9 | 13 s |
VPN [62] | 70.2 | 65.5 | 0.63 s | ||
BVS [15] | 60 | 58.8 | 0.37 s | ||
OFL [14] | 68.0 | 63.4 | 120 s | ||
OnAVOS | 72.7 | - | - | ||
Ours | 80.3 | 79.5 | 0.51 s |
Method | Mean | Mean |
OSVOS [13] | 52.1 | - |
OnAVOS [12] | 61 | 66.1 |
FAVOS [64] | 45.1 | 55.4 |
RGMP [58] | 64.8 | 68.6 |
OSMN [63] | 52.5 | 57.1 |
Ours | 62.1 | 63.5 |
Method | Component | Mean | B | |
Lucid Dream | Attention Module | |||
Basic version | 78.3 | 77.5 | ||
Variant 1 | ✓ | 79.2 | 77.8 | |
Variant 2 | ✓ | ✓ | 80.3 | 79.5 |
Our | +OL | +CRF | |
Mean | 80.3 | 81.0 | 80.8 |
Mean | 79.5 | 79.8 | 79.3 |
time | 0.51 s | +1.81 s | +2.71 s |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Guo, M.; Zhang, D.; Sun, J.; Wu, Y. Symmetry Encoder-Decoder Network with Attention Mechanism for Fast Video Object Segmentation. Symmetry 2019, 11, 1006.
Guo M, Zhang D, Sun J, Wu Y. Symmetry Encoder-Decoder Network with Attention Mechanism for Fast Video Object Segmentation. Symmetry. 2019; 11(8):1006.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuo, Mingyue, Dejun Zhang, Jun Sun, and Yiqi Wu. 2019. "Symmetry Encoder-Decoder Network with Attention Mechanism for Fast Video Object Segmentation" Symmetry 11, no. 8: 1006.