Quantum-Resistant Identity-Based Signature with Message Recovery and Proxy Delegation
:1. Introduction
1.1. Related Work
1.2. Our Contribution
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Notations
2.2. Lattice Theory
3. Identity-Based Proxy Signature with Message Recovery
- In our model, the delegation information is public, everyone may verify its legality; whereas, in [11], the delegation information is sent to the proxy signer secretly, and only the proxy signer can verify its legality. Therefore, a secure channel is unnecessary to transmit delegation information in our model, and every user can verify delegation information legality.
- To make it easier to understand, we divide scheme security into two factors: delegation information existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen warrant and identity (EUF-ID-CWA), signature existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen message and identity (EUF-ID-CMA). EUF-ID-CWA security assures that delegation information is believable. EUF-ID-CMA security assures that signature is believable.
3.1. Our Model
- : PKG inputs the security parameter n, outputs system public parameters and the system secret master key .
- : Given an identity , PKG makes use of the system secret master key and provides the secret key for the identity .
- : The original signer inputs his secret key , and the warrant w associated with proxy signer , computes the delegation , and publishes delegation information to all system users.
- : For arbitrary system users, he verifies the legality of delegation information . If it is legal, the output is 1, the delegation is accepted; otherwise, the output is 0, and the delegation is rejected.
- : The proxy signer verifies whether the delegation information is valid. If it is invalid, he rejects this delegation. Otherwise, he inputs his secret key and the delegation information , outputs the delegated secret key .
- : The proxy signer inputs his delegated secret key and the message , outputs the proxy signature .
- : For arbitrary system users, he first recovers the message associated with signature , and then verifies the legality of the message/ signature pair with regard to . If it is legal, the output is 1, the message is accepted; otherwise, the output is 0, and the message is rejected.
3.2. Security Definitions
3.2.1. EUF-ID-CWA
- Initial Phase: The challenger runs algorithm to get system public parameters and the system secret master key . returns to the forger and keeps himself.
- Query Phase: The forger makes the following queries adaptively with a polynomial bounded number, and the challenger has the obligation to make reasonable answers.1. : selects a user identity , sends it to the challenger . invokes algorithm to get the associated secret key . Then, returns to .2. : selects the original signer , the proxy signer , and the warrant w, and sends all of them to the challenger . executes query to get the associated secret key , and then invokes algorithm to get and returns it to .
- Forge Phase: The forger gives his forgery . If the following conditions are satisfied: , doesn’t occur in the query, doesn’t occur in the query, and his attack is successful.
3.2.2. EUF-ID-CMA
- Initial Phase: The challenger runs the algorithm to get system public parameters and the system secret master key . returns to the forger and keeps secret.
- Query Phase: The forger executes the following queries adaptively with a polynomial bounded number, and the challenger has to return reasonable answers.1. : selects a user identity and sends it to the challenger . invokes algorithm to get secret key . Then, returns to .2.: selects the original signer , the proxy signer , and the warrant w, submits them to the challenger . executes query to get the associated secret , and then invokes algorithm to get and returns it to .3. : sends the delegation information to the challenger . verifies its validity firstly. If it isn’t valid, he refuses to respond. Otherwise, executes a query to get secret key , invokes algorithm to get delegated secret key and returns it to .4. : submits and message to the challenger . verifies the legality of . If it is illegal, rejects answering the query. Otherwise, he executes the query to get the delegated secret key , invokes algorithm to get signature , and returns it to .
- Forge Phase: The forger gives his forgery .Recovering the message from , if the following conditions hold: , doesn’t occur in the query, doesn’t occur in the query, his attack is successful.
4. Our Scheme
- : Inputting the security parameter n, PKG works as follows:1. Invoke algorithm to obtain a pair of matrices , .2. Let be a secure hash function.3. Let be secure hash functions, and the image Hamming weight is not larger than .4. Let be a secure hash function, and every column vector in the image has a small Hamming weight bounded by .5. Let be a secure hash function, where is also the length of message .6. Let , be encoding functions.Finally, PKG outputs public parameters = and the secret master key .
- : Given an identity , PKG works as follows:1. Sample , such that for all . If for some , Resample again. According to [22], the probability of for some is less than .2. Invoke algorithm , provide follows the distribution , such that .3. Return as secret key for the identity .
- : The original signer inputs his secret key , and the warrant associated with proxy signer does the following steps:1. Sample , is the uniform distribution on .2. Let , .3. Let . If , go to the first step to resample .4. Return with probability , and publish delegation information to all users.
- : For arbitrary users, he verifies the legality of delegation information as follows:1. Compute .2. If and , output 1 and accept this delegation. Otherwise, output 0 and reject it.
- : the proxy signer inputs his secret key and the delegation information , computes , outputs as the delegated secret key.
- : the proxy signer inputs his delegated secret key , the message , does the next steps.1. Sample , compute .2. Let , .3. Compute , .4. Let .5. If , go to the first step to resample y. Otherwise, return proxy signature with probability
- : For arbitrary user, he verifies the proxy signature with the next steps. Here, we think the legality of delegation information has already been verified.1. Compute .2. Compute , .3. If and , accept the signature and output 1; otherwise, output 0 and reject the signature.
5. Scheme Analysis
5.1. Parameter Setting
5.2. Correctness of the Scheme
5.3. Security Analysis
5.3.1. EUF-ID-CWA Security
- Initial Phase: selects , , submits A, , and as system parameters to the forger .
- Query Phase: The forger makes the following queries, gives reasonable answers:1. query: selects a user identity , sends it to . samples , , let . He saves in the list and returns to .2. query: selects warrant associated with the original signer , the proxy signer , sends all of them to . randomly samples with Hamming weight less than or equal to , selects uniformly, let . If some entry in is larger than , resamples and again. Because , the probability that every entry in is smaller than is larger than . At last, saves in list and returns to .3. query: selects a user identity and sends it to the challenger . searches list to get , and returns . If it doesn’t exist, queries firstly.4. query: selects the original signer , the proxy signer , and the warrant , sends all of them to . looks list for and returns . If doesn’t exist, queries firstly.
- Forge Phase: The forger gives his forgery .Because queries at most times, queries at most times, so that the number of is at most . Suppose there are , , ⋯, . For , the probability of generates such that is , which is negligible, so that ∈ with overwhelming probability .
5.3.2. EUF-ID-CMA Security
- Initial Phase: selects , , submits A, , and as system parameters to the forger .
- Query Phase: The forger makes the following queries, gives reasonable answers:1. query: selects a user identity , and sends it to . samples , , let . He saves in the list and returns to .2. query: selects warrant associated with the original signer , the proxy signer , sends all of them to . randomly samples with Hamming weight less than or equal to , selects uniformly, let . If some entry in is larger than , resamples and again. Because , the probability that every entry in is smaller than is larger than . At last, saves in list and returns to .3. query: selects randomly, sends it to . selects uniformly and randomly. Then, saves in list and returns to .4. query: sends and submits it to . chooses with Hamming weight less than or equal to . Then, saves in list and returns to .5. query: selects a user identity , sends it to the challenger . searches list to get , returns . If it doesn’t exist, queries firstly.6. query: selects the original signer , the proxy signer , and the warrant sends all of them to . looks list for and returns . If doesn’t exist, queries firstly.7. query: sends the delegation information to the challenger . verifies its validity firstly. If it isn’t valid, he refuses to respond. Otherwise, executes query to get secret key , computes and , returns to .8. query: submits and message to the challenger . verifies the legality of . If it is illegal, rejects answering the query. Otherwise, he executes query to get the delegated secret key , invokes algorithm to get signature , and returns it to .
- Forge Phase: The forger gives his forgery signature for message .invokes again. Due to General Forking Lemma [29], with probability , we obtain a new signature for message , such thatThen, = for . Replacing with , we have . Let , , then , . In addition, and have a variety of options, doesn’t know which pair is used to build and . Therefore, the probability of is at least .
5.4. Performance Analysis
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Lu, X.; Wen, Q.; Yin, W.; Liang, K.; Jin, Z.; Panaousis, E.; Chen, J. Quantum-Resistant Identity-Based Signature with Message Recovery and Proxy Delegation. Symmetry 2019, 11, 272. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11020272
Lu X, Wen Q, Yin W, Liang K, Jin Z, Panaousis E, Chen J. Quantum-Resistant Identity-Based Signature with Message Recovery and Proxy Delegation. Symmetry. 2019; 11(2):272. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11020272
Chicago/Turabian StyleLu, Xiuhua, Qiaoyan Wen, Wei Yin, Kaitai Liang, Zhengping Jin, Emmanouil Panaousis, and Jiageng Chen. 2019. "Quantum-Resistant Identity-Based Signature with Message Recovery and Proxy Delegation" Symmetry 11, no. 2: 272. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11020272
APA StyleLu, X., Wen, Q., Yin, W., Liang, K., Jin, Z., Panaousis, E., & Chen, J. (2019). Quantum-Resistant Identity-Based Signature with Message Recovery and Proxy Delegation. Symmetry, 11(2), 272. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11020272