Exploration with Multiple Random ε-Buffers in Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning
:1. Introduction
2. Background
Algorithm 1 Deep Q-learning with Experience Replay |
Initialize replay memory D to capacity N Initialize action-value function Q with random weights for episode = 1, M do Initialize sequence s1 = {x1} and preprocessed sequenced ϕ1 = ϕ (s1) for t = 1, T do With probability ε, select a random action αt Otherwise select αt = maxαQ*(ϕ(st),α;θ) Execute action αt in emulator and observe reward rt and image xt+1 Set st+1 = st, αt, xt+1 and preprocess ϕt+1 = ϕ(st+1) Store transition (ϕt, αt, rt, ϕt+1) in D Sample random mini-batch of transitions (ϕj, αj, rj, ϕj+1) from D Set yj = rj for terminal ϕj+1 Or yj = rj + γmaxα’Q *(ϕj+1,α’;θ) for non-terminal ϕj+1 Perform a gradient descent step on (yj − Q(ϕj, αj |θ))2 end for end for |
Algorithm 2 Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient |
Randomly initialize critic Q(s, a|θQ) and actor μ(s|θμ) with weights θQ and θμ Initialize target Q’ and μ’ with weights θQ’← θQ, θμ’ ← θμ Initialize replay memory R for episode = 1, M do Initialize a random process N for action exploration Receive initial observation state s1 for t = 1, T do Select action αt = μ(st|θμ) + Ɲt according to the current policy and exploration noise Execute action αt and observe reward rt and new state st+1 Store transition (st, αt, rt, st+1) in R Sample random mini-batch of transitions (sj, αj, rj, sj+1) from R Set yj = rj + γQ’(sj+1, μ’(sj+1|θμ’)|θQ’) Update critic by minimizing the loss: L = (yj − Q(sj, αj|θQ))2 Update the actor policy using the sampled policy gradient: ∇θμI≈ ∇αQ(s,α|θQ)|s = sj, α = α μ(sj)∇θμμ(s|θμ)|sj Update the target: θQ’← τθQ+(1−τ) θQ’ θμ’← τθμ+(1−τ) θμ’ end for end for |
3. Multiple Random ε-Buffers
3.1. Proposed Off-Policy Algorithm
Algorithm 3 Deep Q-learning with multiple random ε-buffers |
Initialize replay memory R1 and R2 Initialize Q-function with random weights for episode = 1, M do Initialize sequence s1 and ϕ1 = ϕ (s1) for t = 1, T do With probability ε, select a random action αt Or select αt = maxαQ *((st), α;θ) Execute action αt in emulator and observe reward rt Set st+1 = st, αt and ϕt+1 = ϕ (st+1) Store transition (ϕt, αt, rt, ϕt+1) in R1 //standard experience buffer Store transition (ϕt, αt, rt, ϕt+1) in R2 //second experience buffer Sample random mini-batch of transitions (ϕj, αj, rj, ϕj+1) from either R1 or R2 Set yj = rj Or yj = rj + γmaxα’Q*(ϕj+1, α’|θ) Perform a gradient descent step on (yj − Q(ϕj, αj|θ))2 end for Sample random mini-batch of transitions from either R1 or R2 end for |
3.2. Algorithm Description
3.2.1. DQN with Multiple Random ε-Buffers
- Initialize replay memories of both R1 and R2 and Q(s,a), and initiate the process from a random state, s.
- Initialize the sequence with the start state, s.
- The agent learns the policy maxαQ*((st,a);θ) with greed and follows another policy with probability ε.
- For exploration, an experience composed of a tuple, such as (state s, action a, reward r, new state s’), is in both R1 and R2.
- Sample a random mini-batch of transitions from either R1 or R2.
- The weights for performing the gradient descent (rj + γmaxα’Q*(ϕj+1, α’|) − Q(ϕj, αj|θ)) for a target DQN with multiple random ε-buffers.
- Steps 3–6 are repeated for training.
- For the next episode, sample a random mini-batch of transitions from either R1 or R2.
- Steps 2–8 are repeated for training.
3.2.2. DDPG with Multiple Random ε-Buffers
- Initialize critic deep network Q(s, a|θQ) and actor deep network μ(s|θμ).
- Initialize replay memories in both R1 and R2.
- The agent selects the action according to the current policy, αt = μ(st|θμ) + Ɲt.
- For exploration, an experience composed of a tuple, such as (state s, action a, reward r, new state s’), is in both R1 and R2.
- A mini-batch of transitions is randomly sampled from either R1 or R2.
- The critic network is updated by the loss function L = 1/n∑j(rj + γQ’(sj+1, μ’(sj+1|θμ’)|θQ’) − Q(sj, αj |θQ))2.
- The actor network is updated by the policy gradient descent ∇θμI ≈ 1/n∑j∇αQ(s|θQ)|s = sj, α = α μ(sj) ∇θμμ(s|θμ)|sj for a target DDPG with multiple random ε-buffers.
- Update the target network θQ’ ← τθQ + (1 − τ) θQ’ and θμ’ ← τθμ + (1 − τ) θμ’.
- Steps 3–8 are repeated for training.
- For the next episode, a mini-batch of transitions is randomly sampled from either R1 or R2.
- Steps 2–10 are repeated for training.
Algorithm 4 Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient with multiple random ε-buffers |
Initialize critic Q(s, a|θQ) and actor μ(s|θμ) with weights θQ and θμ Initialize target Q’ and μ’ with weights θQ’← θQ, θμ’ ← θμ Initialize replay memory R1 and R2 for episode = 1, M do Initialize observation s1 and a random process N for action exploration for t = 1, T do Select action αt = μ(st|θμ) + Ɲt by the current policy and exploration noise Execute action αt and observe reward rt and new state st+1 Store transition (st, αt, rt, st+1) in R1 //standard experience buffer Store transition (st, αt, rt, st+1) in R2 //second experience buffer Sample a random mini-batch of transitions (sj, αj, rj, sj+1) from either R1 or R2 Set yj = rj + γQ’(sj+1, μ’(sj+1|θμ’)|θ Q’) Update critic by minimizing the loss: L = (yj − Q(sj, αj|θQ))2 Update the actor by the sampled policy gradient: ∇θμI≈ ∇αQ(s,α|θQ)|s = sj, α = α μ(sj)∇θμμ(s|θμ)|sj Update the target: θ Q’← τθQ+(1−τ) θ Q’ θ μ’← τθμ+(1−τ) θ μ’ end for Sample a random mini-batch of transitions from either R1 or R2 end for |
4. Evaluation and Results
4.1. CartPole-V0
4.2. MountainCar-V0
4.3. Pendulum-V0
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Kim, C.; Park, J. Exploration with Multiple Random ε-Buffers in Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning. Symmetry 2019, 11, 1352. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11111352
Kim C, Park J. Exploration with Multiple Random ε-Buffers in Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning. Symmetry. 2019; 11(11):1352. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11111352
Chicago/Turabian StyleKim, Chayoung, and JiSu Park. 2019. "Exploration with Multiple Random ε-Buffers in Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning" Symmetry 11, no. 11: 1352. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11111352