1. Introduction
Small-scale turbulence in the free atmosphere (excluding the planetary boundary layer) impacts many aspects of atmospheric physics and chemistry: mixing of passive tracers, life cycle of clouds, meso-and-large scale dynamics such as internal waves dissipation or the general circulation of the upper atmosphere. The vertical structure of the atmosphere including turbulent layers and temperature/density sheets also impacts human activities: remote sensing, telecommunications pollutants transport, aviation safety. The ubiquity of turbulence in the free atmosphere is a consequence of miscellaneous instabilities in the flow: thermal convection, wind shears, latent heat release or radiative effects. All these mechanisms give rise to a complex spatio-temporal distribution of the turbulent and stably-stratified regions, from sporadic patches of turbulence to layers several hundred meters thick and lasting several days.
In 1977, Thorpe [
1] proposed an elegant method for detecting statically unstable regions within geophysical fluids. It consists of comparing the observed and sorted vertical profiles of potential temperature (or potential density). Under condition of stable stratification, the vertical profile of potential temperature (density) grows monotonically with altitude (depth). Inversions within such a profile likely indicate instabilities in the flow.
The Thorpe technique has been widely used to identify (presumably) turbulent regions within geophysical fluids (lakes, ocean, atmosphere) from in situ measurements. The very first applications of the method in the atmosphere were carried out on high resolution profiles (e.g., Alisse and Sidi [
2], Luce et al. [
3], Gavrilov et al. [
4]). Clayson and Kantha [
5] popularized the technique by suggesting that it could enable the retrieval of turbulence characteristics from operational radiosondes. Wilson et al. [
6] stressed that great care must be taken in the treatment of instrumental noise as it is a possible cause of spurious inversions in the potential temperature (PT) profiles. Wilson et al. [
7] showed that raw data collected from radiosondes have sufficient resolution and precision for detecting turbulent layers thicker than ∼30–50 m using the Thorpe method. An adaptation of the procedure for including the effects of moisture (water vapor saturation) in cloudy air was proposed by [
Several studies where the Thorpe method has been applied to operational radiosondes exist. They aim to characterize either the turbulence activity in the troposphere-lower stratosphere (e.g., [
11]) or the link between gravity wave activity and turbulence [
12]. Schneider et al. [
13] compared the Thorpe and Ozmidov scale lengths (defined later), as well as the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), from balloon soundings with gondola carrying both a standard radiosonde and a high-resolution wind sensor. These comparisons appeared largely inconclusive. Some turbulence studies are based on concurrent radar and in situ observations applying the Thorpe method [
17]. To our knowledge, few studies exist to describe statistical properties such as power spectra or probability density functions (PDF) of atmospheric strata according to their static stability [
18]. Thus, from four balloon flights carrying high-resolution wind and temperature sensors, Alisse and Sidi [
2] selected 101 layers in the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere. Their selection of layers was not based on the Thorpe method (although they estimated the Thorpe length within the selected layers), but on criteria such as (i) data segments at least 200 m long showing weak or intense variability in the velocity profile, (ii) the consistency of the velocity and temperature spectra, (iii) a nearly constant temperature gradient and (iv) the apparent homogeneity of the fluctuating profiles. These authors determined some statistical properties of these layers including power spectra and probability density functions (PDF). They show vertical power spectra scaled as either
m being the vertical wavenumber, for the domain of scales 1–10 m. In addition, they observed a non-Gaussian character for both the velocity and temperature PDFs.
The Thorpe method naturally partitions the atmospheric column into statically unstable and stable layers. The use of this method is based on the implicit assumption that the flow is turbulent in the unstable layers and is laminar in the stable ones, at least down to the detection scales of the instabilities, that is 30–50 m for standard radiosondes measurements. A primary objective of this work is to address these assumptions by examining the spectral characteristics of the temperature fluctuations within the layers. In some respects, this study shares objectives with the work of Alisse and Sidi [
2] since it aims to investigate some statistics, and particularly the spectral characteristics, of the atmospheric layers according to their static stability. Two major differences result in the use of standard radiosonde measurements and in the way the layers are selected. The stable and unstable layers are here selected by applying the Thorpe method; the only restrictive criterion is the minimum length the data segment must have in order to estimate a spectrum (≳200 m).
Atmospheric dynamics for vertical scales less than few hundred meters are commonly described by two types of motions: internal gravity waves (IGW) and small scale turbulence. Following the pioneering work of Kolmogorov [
19], the classical similarity theory of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence of Obukhov [
20] and Corrsin [
21] leads to a temperature power spectrum varying as
in an inertial domain of scales. Thus, the vertical PSD of the temperature fluctuations in the inertial domain reads (e.g., [
] is the temperature structure constant.
The existence of such an inertial domain for the unstable layers detected by the Thorpe method is investigated. It will be shown that, at least for the profiles with low instrumental noise, the power spectra are consistent with the classical Obukhov-Corrsin (OC) model.
The interpretation of the power spectra in the stably-stratified regions for the considered domain of scales is not trivial. It is widely accepted that for scales larger than those of the inertial domain, buoyancy significantly affects the atmospheric dynamics, which can no longer be assumed to be isotropic. This range of scale is commonly referred to as the buoyancy subrange (BSR). The nature of the fluctuations in the BSR is not well established. Either it is due to turbulence affected by buoyancy or to a superposition of saturated gravity waves, or both. Here, the term “saturation” applied to waves refers to processes, instabilities or non-linear interactions, that limit their amplitude (e.g., [
25]). Thus Lumley [
26], in his seminal paper, discussed the distinction between wave and turbulence in the BSR. He wrote: “This is a semantic question, and relates to the proper definition of the phenomenon ‘turbulence’. If this is taken as to be any random, three dimensional velocity field with a continuous spectrum, displaying spectral transfer and dissipation at high wave numbers, then the case of internal waves is also included.” Whatever the interpretation, similarity arguments lead to a prediction of a power spectrum scaled as
in the BSR. For instance, the saturation theory of IGW predicts a vertical power spectral density (PSD) of the temperature fluctuations,
, of the form [
A is a constant in the range
N is the Brunt-Väisälä (BV) frequency [s
T [K] is temperature, and
g [m·s
] is the acceleration of gravity. The BV frequency is defined as:
is the specific heat capacity and
the potential temperature. Note that the
factor in Equation (
2) is simply proportional to the potential temperature gradient squared since:
Following the BSR theory of Lumley [
26], several expressions for the temperature spectrum have been proposed (e.g., [
33]). Recently, Sukoriansky and Galperin [
34] presented analytical expressions for the power spectra in the BSR from a new theory of turbulence called the quasi-normal scale elimination theory. In the limit of weak stable stratification, they obtained an expression for the temperature vertical spectrum as the sum of two terms which can be written (with our notations):
is the Ozmidov wavenumber, the three constants are
. For large wavenumbers, i.e., for
, Equation (
5) is consistent with the OC spectrum (Equation (
1)). For small wavenumbers, i.e., for
, the second term of the right hand side becomes dominant and (
5) is very similar to (
The spectral characteristics of the stable layers, i.e., of those layers where no instability is detected by the Thorpe method, have been investigated. The vertical PSD of the temperature fluctuations is found to be proportional to
down to a scale of a few meters, with an amplitude compatible with (
PT profiles for the entire troposphere have also been analyzed in terms of a sorted PT profile (stable everywhere) and an anomaly profile defined as the difference between the observed and sorted profiles. The sorted PT profile shows the state of minimum potential energy reachable by reordering adiabatically the observed profile [
35]. It is the reference profile with respect to which the turbulent available potential energy (TAPE) created by the overturns (i.e., instabilities) in the flow is defined. This profile, which is stable everywhere (and will henceforth be referred to as an “everywhere-stable” PT profile), describes the state of vertical stratification of the atmosphere at a given moment. It is expected that the occurrence of turbulence leads locally in a reduction in static stability because of mixing. The spectral characteristics of the sorted PT profile therefore depend on the spatial distribution of layers with different static stability. These PSDs are found to be remarkably universal, varying as
for a domain of scales ranging from a few meters to a few hundreds meters. An interpretation of the sorted profile as a random superposition of layers more or less strongly stratified is proposed.
The anomaly profiles describe the PT differences between the sorted and observed profiles resulting from the vertical displacements of air parcels. Vertical displacements or PT differences are thus related to the TAPE consecutive to instabilities in the flow. The power spectra of these anomaly profiles provide information on the spectral characteristics of TAPE. To our knowledge, such a spectral analysis of reference (sorted) profiles and anomaly profiles has not been conducted yet.
The paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 presents briefly the data set on which this study is based, as well as the data processing methods. The results are shown in
Section 3. We also present an interpretation for the spectral characteristics of the sorted PT profiles.
Section 4 contains a general discussion about these results aimed at describing some of the properties of the vertical stratification of the free atmosphere. Conclusions are drawn in
Section 5.
2. Dataset and Data Processing Methods
2.1. The Dataset
Four measurement campaigns combining the Middle and Upper atmosphere (MU) radar and sounding balloons measurements took place at the Shigaraki observatory (34
51’ N, 136
06’ E), in Japan, from 2011 to 2014. These campaigns have been named TANUKI-2011, YUZU-2012, YUZU-2013 and YUZU-2014. They will be here noted for short as T11, Y12, Y13 and Y14. There were 111 meteorological balloon flights during these four campaigns. In the following of the paper, a particular flight will be designated by the campaign name and a flight number, for instance T11-34. A description of some of these MU radar-radiosondes campaigns, as well as results based on concurrent observations, are described elsewhere [
36]. Further details about the four campaigns are listed in
Table 1.
The present work is exclusively based on the raw profiles of standard (operational) radiosondes. With a sampling rate of 1 Hz, the vertical resolution of the raw measurements is usually ∼5–6 m. For the purpose of turbulence detection, and following the suggestion of [
37], most of the balloons were under-inflated, allowing a slower vertical motion and thus a better vertical resolution, typically ∼3 m.
Because the noise level on the temperature data is highly variable, mostly depending on the launching time (see
Section 2.3), only night flights were selected, that is 55 flights (see
Table 1).
2.2. Data Processing
The processing of the raw radiosondes profiles for the Thorpe analysis is now briefly summarized, the interested reader can find a more detailed description in [
8]. The profiles of temperature, pressure, and humidity are resampled by linear interpolation with a regular vertical step. The vertical sampling resolution is the integer value (in meters) closest to the median of the measured (variable) vertical steps. Because the static stability in reduced in saturated air, i.e., in clouds, the Thorpe sorting is applied to a potential temperature
which results from the numerical integration of the squared BV frequency
, which takes its “dry” expression for non-saturated air, and a “moist” expression for saturated air [
40]. Instrumental noise can have a tremendous effect by generating artificial overturns. Wilson et al. [
6], Wilson et al. [
7] proposed an objective method to address the noise problem:
The profile of the noise level of temperature measurements T is estimated from second order statistics on the nth order differences of short segments (∼60 m) of the T profile.
An intermediate profile is built by subsampling and filtering the raw PT profile, . A sorted profile is calculated. The algorithm is adaptative in the sense that the subsampling factor depends on both the noise level and on the background stability. It is chosen in order that the first differences in the sorted and subsampled profile are, in the average, significantly larger than the noise level, typically 3 times larger. The raw profile is subsampled by a factor of 3 to 7, the vertical resolution being reduced to ∼9–35 m. This intermediate profile is only used for the detection of the turbulent regions.
The unstable regions are identified from the occurrence of inversions in the intermediate profile of . In the present context, the word “inversion” does not have the sense used in meteorology describing an increase in temperature with altitude, but rather describes a decrease of potential temperature with altitude.
A statistical test is performed on each detected inversions in the PT profile in order to recognize the ones which are very likely not due to noise.
Figure 1 illustrates the principle of detection of unstable layers by the Thorpe method. It shows (a) the observed and sorted subsampled PT profiles, (b) the Thorpe signal defined as the difference between the observed and sorted profiles,
, and (c) the Thorpe displacements, that is the vertical distances air parcels have been displaced from the sorted profile to the observed profile.
At this point, it is important to stress that any unstable region is confined within a well defined layer, that is, a region for which the fluid parcels are adiabatically exchanged with others belonging to the same region. Formally, this property translates into the fact that the sum of the air parcels displacements is zero on a layer. Of course, the stable regions are also isolated since no air parcel for such a layer may come from any other layer.
2.3. Noise Level on T Profiles
A key point of this analysis relies on the estimation of the noise level on the measured temperature profiles. The noise level is quantified through the standard deviation of the T fluctuations presumably due to noise, i.e., of the uncorrelated fluctuations. For each sounding the noise profile of T is estimated empirically from the variance of the n order differences estimated on short data segments, 15 bins typically (45 to 75 m, depending on the vertical resolution).
The procedure of noise estimation is now described. The basic hypothesis is that a measurement sequence is composed of a correlated physical signal plus a random uncorrelated and centered noise. i.e., where is the measured signal (bin i), is the physical (“true”) signal and the random noise. Let be the variance of noise b.
The method consists of estimating the noise level, i.e., , from the variance of the nth order differences. The variance of the first order difference is a good estimate of provided , that is if the “true” signal is constant whatever the value of i in the sequence. The expectation of the variance of the second order differences, is provided , i.e., increases linearly with z in the sequence. Calculating the variance of the nth order differences estimates , provided the profile is a polynomial of order of z.
Practically, the noise level is estimated on the entire temperature profile from the variance of the third or fourth order differences estimated on short overlapping and detrended data segments (15 bins typically). A noise profile is thus estimated from which a mean level of noise is computed. It is found that the estimate of noise level becomes weakly dependent of the order of differentiation n for .
From one flight to another, the mean temperature noise levels vary over more than one order of magnitude, from ∼5 mK to 100 mK.
Figure 2 shows the mean noise levels according to the launching hour. It is obvious that daytime profiles are much noisier than night-time profiles since all daytime data have noise levels above 30 mK, while night-time data have noise levels below 30 mK. It is very likely that the excess noise during daytime is due to the effects of solar illumination on the temperature sensor coupled with its randomly varying orientation.
In fact, the most noisy profiles do not allow this study to be conducted because the power spectra at small-scale, i.e., for scales less than ∼50 m, are dominated by noise. It will be shown that this is not the case for the least noisy profiles since the (white) noise floor is only observed in the large wavenumbers of the spectra, i.e., for scales less than ∼10 m. Consequently, the day profiles were discarded. Of course, retaining only night flights limits the scope of this work as only conditions without deep convection will be considered.
2.4. Spectral Analysis
Unstable layers, presumably turbulent, thicker than 30–50 m can be detected from operational radiosondes [
7]. The other regions do not show any PT inversions, or only a few inversions attributed to instrumental noise. These stably stratified regions will be called “calm” as opposed to turbulent ones. The power spectral density (PSD) of the temperature fluctuations are estimated for both the turbulent and calm regions.
In order to estimate the spectra over a sufficient range of scales, only layers thicker than a threshold
, 300 or 500 m were retained. Therefore, the domain of scales of interest ranges between a few meters (the Nyquist scale is ∼6–10 m) and ∼100–200 m typically (since the very first bins of the spectra are sensitive to the detrending method). For each identified layer, an average spectrum is estimated by averaging the spectra calculated on overlapping data segments of length
. For each segment, a linear trend found by joining the end points is removed [
41] before multiplication by a Blackman window. Two spectral estimators were compared: the Welch spectrum [
42], and the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) spectrum [
43]. No noticeable difference is observed between these two estimators, so only the Welch estimates are shown.
As a second step, the entire PT profile is analyzed as the sum of a sorted PT profile (stable every were) and an anomaly profile defined as the difference between the observed and sorted profiles. Power spectra are estimated for these two profiles in the domain of scales ∼10 to 1000 m.
As suggested by an anonymous reviewer, the time constant of the temperature sensor must be taken into account in the spectral analysis of the raw data. The time constant
(63.2%) of the T sensor varies with pressure,
P. According to the manufacturer (Vaisala, radiosondes RS92),
hPa and
s for
hPa (i.e.,
km). For a given pressure, the time constant
is estimated by a linear interpolation between these two values. By assuming a linear response of the
T sensor, the transfer function reads
f is frequency. The PSD estimate should thus be corrected as:
S and
are the computed and corrected PSD, respectively. This correction significantly affects the high frequency part of the power spectrum by “whitening” it (see figures below). As a consequence of the time-constant correction, the large wavenumbers part of the power spectra are now consistent with the noise level estimated from the
nth order differences. By assuming that the noise is white, a spectral noise amplitude is estimated and subtracted from the PSDs. In most cases, this correction only affect the very large wavenumber part of the spectra, corresponding to vertical scales of ∼10 m or less (see Figures 6–9).
In order to perform the Thorpe analysis, the pressure and temperature profiles must be resampled regularly. Such a resampling procedure is a necessary step to construct two PT profiles, observed and sorted, with the same height steps. The resampled bins are here linearly interpolated from the original sampled measurements. They are thus weighted averages of two consecutive measurements of the original profile, the weightings being random. Consequently, the PSDs must be considered with some caution for wavenumbers close to the Nyquist wavenumber, due to the low-pass filtering induced by this resampling procedure.
The spectra are here presented according to “spatial frequency”, i.e., to vertical wavenumbers expressed in (cy/m). Such a graphic presentation is much easier to read. On the other hand, it leads to expressions of well-known relationships with somewhat unusual constants. Thus, the OC turbulent spectrum (Equation (
1)) expressed as a function of “spatial frequency”
. Expressed as a function of the “spatial frequency”
, the temperature PSD of saturated gravity waves (Equation (
2)) reads:
By defining
, and by taking
, the IGW spectral model can be written:
The PSD estimates for the stable and unstable layers, and for the entire PT profiles, will be compared to these two models (Equations (
7) and (
4. Discussion
The first objective of this work has been to describe some statistical properties of the atmospheric layers identified by the Thorpe method from standard radiosondes observations. One important limitation of this study is that the usable observations are limited to night flights because of the relatively large instrumental noise of the day soundings. From these low noise soundings, the minimum size of the detectable unstable layers from the raw data of operational radiosondes is 30–50 m.
The histogram of thicknesses
h of the unstable layers suggests a power law distribution varying as
, with
r close to 2, at least for
m. However, this results does not seem to be universal, i.e., reproducible regardless of conditions, location, etc. The observations of [
7] (their
Figure 7), from very high resolution
T soundings (
cm), suggest a ∼−1 power law distribution of the unstable layers thicknesses. On an other hand, the findings of Bellenger et al. [
12] from a large radiosoundings data base over ocean suggest an exponential distribution of these unstable layers thicknesses. These authors also observed different shapes of the thicknesses distributions for different regions of the troposphere.
The background static stability within the layers identified by the Thorpe method, whether stable or unstable, is quantified by the BV frequency estimated on the sorted PT profiles. It is found to be reduced by a factor 2.5 to 5 in the unstable layers comparatively to the stable ones. This last result is similar to those of [
12]. Such a reduction in stability within the unstable layers is very likely the consequence of turbulent mixing.
Power spectra of temperature fluctuations within the detected unstable and stable layers are estimated from the least noisy
T profiles, that is profiles for which the standard deviation of noise is less than 12 mK. Power spectra are corrected for the time constant of the
T sensor, a white noise level being then subtracted. It is shown that, on average, power spectra follow power laws with distinct exponents according to the static stability conditions. For vertical scales ranging from ∼10 m to 100 m, the spectral indexes are in the average
for the unstable layers and are
for the stable ones. These results validate the Thorpe method since the identified layers have clear distinct spectral characteristics. The averaged
T PSDs of the unstable layers are consistent with the Obukhov-Corrsin model of temperature turbulence in the inertial domain. This suggests that turbulence is developed within most of the detected unstable layers. An obvious consequence is that it is possible to directly estimate the intensity of temperature turbulence, i.e.,
, from the
T profiles of standard radiosondes, at least from the least noisy ones. The averaged
T PSDs in the stable layers, proportional to
, compare well with the findings of [
32]. These authors described the spectral characteristics of the
T fluctuations for scales larger than 300 m in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. They observed the slope of mean
T PSDs to be very close to
in the troposphere whatever the season, and a spectral amplitude close, within a factor of 3, to the one predicted by the IGW saturation theory (Equation (
9)). The domain of scales considered in the present study is about on order of magnitude smaller than in the paper of Tsuda et al. [
32]. However, the
T PSD appear to be consistent with the saturated IGW, or BSR, spectral model down to vertical scales of ∼10 m. The only vertical spectra of the temperature fluctuations do not allow distinction between these two interpretations.
Such a spectral analysis of atmospheric layers according to their stability conditions suggests that the atmosphere is constituted of strata with distinct flow regimes. A remarkable finding is that no background turbulence is observed: in most of the stable layers for scales below the detection limit (∼30–50 m for the least noisy profiles), since no change in the spectral slope is visible (on the averaged PSDs). These stable layers show characteristics of a laminar flow, that is no instability, and steep power law spectra (∼), down to vertical scales of ∼10 m.
The spectral characteristics of the entire tropospheric PT profile, that is without distinguishing layers, are analyzed as the sum of a sorted profile and an anomaly profile, the anomaly profile being the difference between the observed and sorted PTs profiles. These anomaly profiles illustrate the turbulence intermittency of the atmosphere as they show a succession of puffs of variability, i.e., of PT fluctuations relatively to the sorted profile, separated by regions containing no fluctuation at all. The fraction of these everywhere-stable (non-turbulent) regions is commonly less than 40%. It can be in some cases larger than 60% (remember that only night profiles are considered here).
Interestingly, the PSDs of the sorted PT profiles are observed to be reproducible, scaled as
down to scale of a few meters. These everywhere-stable PT profiles results from an adiabatic reordering of the observed (measured) PT profiles. They describe the state of potential energy minimum achievable from the observations. It is assumed that the spatial distribution of the weakly stratified regions is random, resulting from the turbulence intermittency. Sorted PT profiles are simulated based on random walks with positive increments having properties of a flicker (1/f) noise. Intermittent processes are known to produce such
spectra [
46], that is a spectral index between 0 (the white noise) and
(the Brownian noise). Positive increments here reflect the vertical stratification of the atmosphere, i.e.,
. It is thus assumed that the PSD of the positive increments of
follows a
power law as a consequence of turbulence intermittency. Such an assumption is supported by the observations of Tsuda et al. [
32] who reported vertical power spectra of
scaled as
for vertical scales in the range 500–1400 m (
). Two simple random walk models, one based on a two state process, the other on a map leading to intermittency, are shown to reproduce the spectral characteristics of these stable PT profiles: the PSDs are scaled as
over two decades.
5. Conclusions
Thorpe’s method of analysis has been applied to potential temperature (PT) profiles determined from the raw measurements of operational radiosondes. In principle, this method distinguishes stably stratified and unstable regions. By taking care to select those profiles with the least noise (generally night-time soundings), each of these regions is revealed as having a distinct spectral signature. In the stably stratified regions, the vertical power spectral densities (PSD) of temperature fluctuations are shown to be proportional to , where in the average. The PSDs of the unstable regions is scaled as where . Such a finding validates the Thorpe analysis when applied to operational radiosondes. Beyond that, it illustrates that the free atmosphere is comprised of a superposition of well defined turbulent and laminar strata, some of which may reach up to several hundred meters in thickness. A further striking result is that the non-turbulent flow appears to be laminar down to vertical scales of ∼10 m.
The distributions of the thickness h of the stable and unstable layers are examined. For the unstable layers, the distribution follows approximately a power law, varying as . Such a distribution does not appear to be universal. For the stable layers, no power law can be evidenced, a mode being observed for –200 m.
The vertical static stability of the layers is quantified through the squared BV frequency, . For every layer, unstable or stable, the vertical component of the gradient is estimated as the range of PT on that layer divided by its thickness. The empirical distributions of for the stable and unstable layers are observed to differ significantly since the mean of the stable layers is about 2.5 times larger than that of the unstable layers. The contrast is even larger (a factor of 5) for the selected layers (thicker than 200 m from the low noise level profiles). These findings show that the unstable layers selected by the Thorpe method have a lower vertical stability than the stable layers. Such a reduction in static stability is very likely the consequence of turbulent mixing.
PT profiles for the entire troposphere have also been analyzed as the sum of a sorted PT profile and an anomaly profile defined as the difference between the observed and sorted PT profiles. Based on the results from Thorpe’s analysis, it is hypothesized that these profiles are comprised with a succession of stable and unstable, presumably turbulent, layers. Both the sorted PT and anomaly profiles reveal the spatial intermittency of turbulence, i.e., of instabilities, over the entire troposphere. The PSD of the sorted PTs are found to be scaled as down to vertical scales of a few meters. Simple stochastic models based on random walks with positive increments having the property of flicker noise are shown to reproduce the spectral properties of the sorted PT profiles, i.e., of the vertical stratification of the free atmosphere.
The presented results are limited to night conditions (the least noisy profiles) at mid-latitudes (34 N), from flights occurring in late summer (September) and autumn (October and November). Of course, the question of generalizing these results arises. Nevertheless, this work demonstrates that studies based on raw radiosonde data should allow improvement of the statistical description of atmospheric turbulence.