Properties of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in Long-Lasting Radial IMF Events from Wind Observation
:1. Introduction
2. Data
3. Results
3.1. Characteristic of PSD for Radial IMF Events
3.2. Temperature Anisotropy and β
3.3. Observations of Waves
- Each PSD was fitted with a linear fit in a log-log scale.
- The fitted profile was subtracted from the original PSD (compensated PSD).
- The frequency range below 0.01 Hz was omitted.
- The maximum of compensated PSD was found.
- Only PSDs with a peak exceeding 0.5 were selected.
- The remaining PSDs were checked on the coherence of BY and BZ (perpendicular components).
- Only PSDs exhibiting coherence above 0.8 in more than 10% of the observed points (10 min) were accepted.
- Finally, 485 intervals with wave structures (from 2393 intervals) were selected for further analysis.
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- The fluctuation powers are low in the radial IMF events in both MHD and kinetic ranges, which is consistent with the previous observational results showing that the power increases with increasing cone angle (from 6.0 to 3.4 nT2/Hz in the MHD range and 0.0026 to 0.0010 nT2/Hz in the kinetic range).
- Although the observed fluctuation power is low, the above conclusion can be misleading due to observation limitations. The dominant 2D component of the magnetic fluctuation is hard to observe because the sampling direction is aligned with the mean magnetic field.
- Compared with the adjacent regions, the median slope of the PSD is slightly steeper (−2.5) in the kinetic range and less steep in the MHD range (−1.5), but the formerly reported dependence of the PSD slope on the cone angle is missing in the radial IMF events. It might be related to the development of turbulence in long-lasting radial IMF intervals. An over-expansion forming these intervals can result in a flatter slope of the solar wind magnetic fluctuations.
- The temperature is more isotropic in the radial IMF events. We suggest that radial expansion in these events is larger than that in a typical Parker-spiral structure, and it leads to the enhancement of parallel cooling. On the other hand, stochastic processes can more efficiently heat protons in perpendicular direction in a low plasma with a small angle between the alpha particle and proton speeds.
- The occurrence rate of wavy structures in the frequency range above 0.01 Hz is higher in radial IMF events. This result is consistent with the distribution of TANI-, showing that the proton cyclotron instability has a higher chance to be excited in the radial IMF events.
- We did not find a clear preferred wave polarization in the radial IMF events in a frequency range from 0.1 to 1 Hz, but the right-hand polarized waves are observed slightly more frequently than the left-hand ones.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Pi, G.; Pitňa, A.; Zhao, G.-Q.; Němeček, Z.; Šafránková, J.; Tsai, T.-C. Properties of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in Long-Lasting Radial IMF Events from Wind Observation. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 173.
Pi G, Pitňa A, Zhao G-Q, Němeček Z, Šafránková J, Tsai T-C. Properties of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in Long-Lasting Radial IMF Events from Wind Observation. Atmosphere. 2022; 13(2):173.
Chicago/Turabian StylePi, Gilbert, Alexander Pitňa, Guo-Qing Zhao, Zdeněk Němeček, Jana Šafránková, and Tsung-Che Tsai. 2022. "Properties of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in Long-Lasting Radial IMF Events from Wind Observation" Atmosphere 13, no. 2: 173.
APA StylePi, G., Pitňa, A., Zhao, G.-Q., Němeček, Z., Šafránková, J., & Tsai, T.-C. (2022). Properties of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in Long-Lasting Radial IMF Events from Wind Observation. Atmosphere, 13(2), 173.