PRKAR1A and Thyroid Tumors
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
1.1. Incidence of Thyroid Cancer
1.2. Subtypes of Thyroid Cancer
1.3. Evaluation of a Thyroid Nodule
1.4. Thyroid Cancer as Part of Genetic Syndromes
2. PRKAR1A Structure and Function
3. Role of PRKAR1A in Thyroid Cancer
3.1. Mouse Studies
3.1.1. Mouse Models
3.1.2. Activation of mTOR Pathway
3.1.3. Targeting Downstream Effectors of cAMP
3.2. Studies in Humans
4. Other Molecular Events in Thyroid Cancer
5. Medullary Thyroid Cancer as Part of MEN2 Syndromes
6. Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
7. Systemic Treatments for Thyroid Cancer
7.1. Immunotherapy
7.2. Treatment for PRKAR1A-Associated Thyroid Tumors
8. Clinical Surveillance in Patients with PRKAR1A-Associated Thyroid Tumors
9. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Pitsava, G.; Stratakis, C.A.; Faucz, F.R. PRKAR1A and Thyroid Tumors. Cancers 2021, 13, 3834.
Pitsava G, Stratakis CA, Faucz FR. PRKAR1A and Thyroid Tumors. Cancers. 2021; 13(15):3834.
Chicago/Turabian StylePitsava, Georgia, Constantine A. Stratakis, and Fabio R. Faucz. 2021. "PRKAR1A and Thyroid Tumors" Cancers 13, no. 15: 3834.
APA StylePitsava, G., Stratakis, C. A., & Faucz, F. R. (2021). PRKAR1A and Thyroid Tumors. Cancers, 13(15), 3834.