The Use of Remotely Sensed Rainfall for Managing Drought Risk: A Case Study of Weather Index Insurance in Zambia
:1. Introduction
2. Data and Methods
2.1. Representation of Agricultural Drought Using the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES)
2.2. TAMSAT and TAMSAT Rainfall Ensembles
2.2.1. The TAMSAT Method
2.2.2. TAMSAT Rainfall Ensembles
2.3. Crop Yield Loss Data
- Information on farmer experience collected via semi-structured interviews. Inevitably these focus on the “worst years”, which farmers’ remember, and there is a bias towards recent years,
- Feedback from field staff of distribution channels, including agricultural extension agencies and suppliers of agricultural inputs, and
- A simple yield stress model, relating rainfall deviation and multiplicative crop yield factors to calculated yield deviations for cotton for different historical years (based on FAO crop yield stress factors), supplemented by occurrence of droughts reported in the scientific literature.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Association between Cotton Yield and Rainfall
3.2. The Association between Rainfall and Soil Moisture
3.3. Aggregation of Remotely Sensed Rainfall in Time and Space
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- In Zambia, cotton production losses are associated with rainfall variability and specifically, total seasonal rainfall amount.
- There is a significant relationship between meteorological and agricultural drought on all spatial scales and throughout southern, central, and eastern Zambia.
- The high skill of satellite based rainfall estimates in the region opens up the possibility of expanding drought WII to a national level, provided that indices are carefully chosen to be skillfully reproduced by the satellite estimation methodology, representative of local conditions, and strongly linked to variability in soil moisture.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Black, E.; Tarnavsky, E.; Maidment, R.; Greatrex, H.; Mookerjee, A.; Quaife, T.; Brown, M. The Use of Remotely Sensed Rainfall for Managing Drought Risk: A Case Study of Weather Index Insurance in Zambia. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 342.
Black E, Tarnavsky E, Maidment R, Greatrex H, Mookerjee A, Quaife T, Brown M. The Use of Remotely Sensed Rainfall for Managing Drought Risk: A Case Study of Weather Index Insurance in Zambia. Remote Sensing. 2016; 8(4):342.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBlack, Emily, Elena Tarnavsky, Ross Maidment, Helen Greatrex, Agrotosh Mookerjee, Tristan Quaife, and Matthew Brown. 2016. "The Use of Remotely Sensed Rainfall for Managing Drought Risk: A Case Study of Weather Index Insurance in Zambia" Remote Sensing 8, no. 4: 342.
APA StyleBlack, E., Tarnavsky, E., Maidment, R., Greatrex, H., Mookerjee, A., Quaife, T., & Brown, M. (2016). The Use of Remotely Sensed Rainfall for Managing Drought Risk: A Case Study of Weather Index Insurance in Zambia. Remote Sensing, 8(4), 342.