A Novel Deep Stack-Based Ensemble Learning Approach for Fault Detection and Classification in Photovoltaic Arrays
:1. Introduction
- Designing a novel deep stack-based ensemble learning (DSEL) approach for PV-fault diagnosis with deep base learners based on a probabilistic strategy without intensive hyperparameter tuning;
- A thorough review of fault-diagnosis techniques published in earlier studies has been conducted to better comprehend the effectiveness and performance of the proposed DSEL approach compared to other methods;
- The key features have been collected by examining the fluctuations in the I–V characteristic curves of PV arrays under normal and fault conditions;
- The proposed DSEL methodology can identify and categorize defects through many critical scenarios with high impedances, low mismatch, irradiance levels, etc.
2. Description of PV System and Related Faults
2.1. Modelling of the PV Array
Parameter | Values |
Short-Circuit Current | 3.87 (A) |
Maximum Current | 3.56 (A) |
Open Circuit Voltage | 42.1 (V) |
Maximum Voltage | 33.7 (V) |
Maximum Power | 120 (W) |
Maximum Series Fuse Rating | 10a |
Operating Temperature | (−40~+85) °C |
2.2. Fault Analysis in PV System
2.2.1. Open Circuit Fault
2.2.2. Short-Circuit Fault
2.2.3. Bridge Fault
2.2.4. Partial Shading Fault
2.2.5. Degradation Fault
3. Proposed Fault-Diagnosis Model
3.1. Data Acquisition and Preprocessing
3.2. Ensemble Learning-Based Algorithms
3.2.1. Ensemble Learning (EL)
3.2.2. Stacking
3.3. Framework of Proposed Fault-Diagnosis Algorithm
3.3.1. Deep Neural Network (DNN)
3.3.2. LSTM
3.3.3. Bidirectional LSTM
3.4. Development of Base Learners and Meta-Learner for Proposed Algorithm
3.4.1. Architecture of DNN
3.4.2. Architecture of LSTM
3.4.3. Architecture of Bi-LSTM
3.4.4. Architecture of Multinomial Logistic Regression
3.5. Training and Testing
3.6. Development Setup
4. Results Evaluation and Discussion
4.1. Performance Measure Based on Noiseless Data
4.2. Performance Measurements Based on Noisy Dataset
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Targeted Values |
Temperature | 0 to 60 °C at a step change of 5 °C |
Irradiance | 100 to 1000 W/m2 at a step change of 30 |
Percentage of Partial Shading | 30% to 70% at a step change of 15 |
High Impedances Values | 25 Ω, 50 Ω, 75 Ω, 100 Ω, 150 Ω, 200 Ω |
Fault Impedance | 0 to 15 Ω at a step change of 5 |
Model | Hyperparatmeters | Grid Search | Optimal Parameters |
DNN | Hidden layers | {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} | 2 |
Learning Rate | {0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.2} | 0.001 | |
Input Activation Fuction | {“relu”, “sigmoid”, “tanh”, “linear”} | Relu | |
Output Activation Fuction | {“relu”, “sigmoid”, “tanh”, “softmax”} | Softmax | |
Optimizer | {“SGD”, “rmsprop”, “adagrad”, “adam”} | Adam | |
Epoches | {25, 50, 75, 100, 125} | 125 | |
Batch Size | {10, 16, 24, 32, 48} | 16 | |
Loss Function | { “crossentropy”, “relative entropy”, “sparse categorical crossentropy”} | Sparse categorical crossentropy | |
LSTM | Hidden layers | {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} | 2 |
Learning Rate | {0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.2} | 0.1 | |
Input Activation Fuction | {“relu”, “sigmoid”, “tanh”, “linear”} | Relu | |
Output Activation Fuction | {“relu”, “sigmoid”, “tanh”, “softmax”} | Softmax | |
Optimizer | {“SGD”, “rmsprop”, “adagrad”, “adam”} | Adam | |
Epoches | {25, 50, 75, 100, 125} | 100 | |
Batch Size | {10, 16, 24, 32, 48} | 32 | |
Dropout | {0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6} | 0.5 | |
Momentum | {0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9} | 0.7 | |
Decay rate | {0.91, 0.93, 0.95, 0.97} | 0.95 | |
Loss Function | { “crossentropy”, “relative entropy”, “sparse categorical crossentropy”} | Sparse categorical crossentropy | |
Bi-LSTM | Hidden Layers | {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} | 1 |
Learning Rate | {0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.2} | 0.0001 | |
Bi-LSTM Nodes | {10, 15, 20, 25, 30} | 30 | |
Input Activation Fuction | {“relu”, “sigmoid”, “tanh”, “linear”} | Relu | |
Output Activation Fuction | {“relu”, “sigmoid”, “tanh”, “softmax”} | Softmax | |
Optimizer | {“SGD”, “rmsprop”, “adagrad”, “adam”} | Adam | |
Epoches | {25, 50, 75, 100, 125} | 75 | |
Batch Size | {10, 16, 24, 32, 48} | 32 | |
Dropout | {0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6} | 0.4 | |
Momentum | {0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9} | 0.6 | |
Decay rate | {0.91, 0.93, 0.95, 0.97} | 0.97 | |
Loss Function | { “crossentropy”, “relative entropy”, “sparse categorical crossentropy”} | Sparse categorical crossentropy | |
MLR | Solver | {“newton-cg”, “sag”, “saga”, and “lbfgs”} | lbfgs |
Iterations | {20, 50, 80, 100, 130} | 100 | |
Penalty | {“l1”, “l2”, “elasticnet”, None} | l2 | |
C-value | [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10] | 1 |
Algorithms | Accuracy | Precision | Sensitivity | F1-Score |
DSEL Algorithm | 98.62% | 98.52% | 98.66% | 98.50% |
BI-LSTM | 95.66% | 95.83% | 95.66% | 95.61% |
LSTM | 93.35% | 94.01% | 93.33% | 93.21% |
PNN | 92.11% | 92.63% | 92.33% | 92.04% |
DNN | 91.89% | 91.97% | 92.01% | 91.89% |
ANN | 90.37% | 90.16% | 89.98% | 89.83% |
Gradient Boost | 87.83% | 87.83% | 87.83% | 87.16% |
AdaBoost | 85.26% | 86.88% | 85.29% | 84.83% |
SVM | 82. 75% | 82.66% | 82.83% | 82.33% |
Algorithms | Accuracy | Precision | Sensitivity | F1-Score |
DSEL Algorithm | 94.87% | 95.10% | 94.87% | 95.06% |
BI-LSTM | 89.18% | 90.11% | 89.33% | 89.33% |
LSTM | 86.15% | 89.08% | 86.16% | 85.57% |
PNN | 86.53% | 87.03% | 86.53% | 86.72% |
DNN | 85.88% | 86.50% | 85.83% | 85.89% |
ANN | 84.98% | 86.16% | 85.88% | 86.17% |
Gradient Boost | 82.58% | 82.19% | 82.94% | 82.16% |
AdaBoost | 80.84% | 81.68% | 80.81% | 80.66% |
SVM | 74.87% | 76.95% | 74.86% | 72.50% |
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Share and Cite
Lodhi, E.; Wang, F.-Y.; Xiong, G.; Zhu, L.; Tamir, T.S.; Rehman, W.U.; Khan, M.A. A Novel Deep Stack-Based Ensemble Learning Approach for Fault Detection and Classification in Photovoltaic Arrays. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 1277. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15051277
Lodhi E, Wang F-Y, Xiong G, Zhu L, Tamir TS, Rehman WU, Khan MA. A Novel Deep Stack-Based Ensemble Learning Approach for Fault Detection and Classification in Photovoltaic Arrays. Remote Sensing. 2023; 15(5):1277. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15051277
Chicago/Turabian StyleLodhi, Ehtisham, Fei-Yue Wang, Gang Xiong, Lingjian Zhu, Tariku Sinshaw Tamir, Waheed Ur Rehman, and M. Adil Khan. 2023. "A Novel Deep Stack-Based Ensemble Learning Approach for Fault Detection and Classification in Photovoltaic Arrays" Remote Sensing 15, no. 5: 1277. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15051277
APA StyleLodhi, E., Wang, F.-Y., Xiong, G., Zhu, L., Tamir, T. S., Rehman, W. U., & Khan, M. A. (2023). A Novel Deep Stack-Based Ensemble Learning Approach for Fault Detection and Classification in Photovoltaic Arrays. Remote Sensing, 15(5), 1277. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15051277