Discovering the Ancient Tomb under the Forest Using Machine Learning with Timing-Series Features of Sentinel Images: Taking Baling Mountain in Jingzhou as an Example
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Material
3. Methods
3.1. Selecting the Sample Data of Ancient Tombs under the Forest
3.1.1. Highly Detailed DSM to Located Ancient Tombs
3.1.2. Combined with Images to Selecting the Ancient Tombs Area under the Forest
3.2. Selecting Features of Ancient Tombs under the Forest in Sentinel Image
3.2.1. Texture Features
3.2.2. Timing-Series Features
- (1)
- Radar bands. The radar backscattering coefficient of Sentinel-1 is sensitive to the object’s dielectric properties. Generally speaking, the rougher the surface of the ground object, the stronger the backscattering, and the brighter the color tone reflected in the image. We examined the timing-series features of the VV band and VH band in Sentinel-1 from 2019 to 2020 to detect ground objects, which heavily relies on analyzing the radar backscattering coefficient features of various ground objects, such as Figure 11 and Figure 12.
3.3. Automatic Identification Algorithm Based on Random Forest
- Generation of training data. We first import the selected sample data into the GEE. Since the focus of this study is the detection of ancient tombs under the forest, only two categories are selected for the sample data, namely ancient tombs under the forest and non-ancient tombs under the forest, which are represented by “1” and “2”. However, to ensure the over-fitting problem of the model, 70% of them are randomly used as training data and the remaining 30% as verification data.
- Construction of band feature combinations. Following our exploration of the spectral features of ancient tombs beneath the forest, we primarily choose two band feature combinations to detect the influence of different band feature combinations on the results. There are fifteen bands: two radar bands for Sentinel-1; ten bands for Sentinel-2, except for the B1 and B9 bands; and three vegetation indices. We chose two band combinations, as shown in Table 5. Furthermore, in order to focus on the research object, we masked non-study objects.
- The training data are used to train the random forest classifier. The random forest classifier mainly uses the bootstrap resampling method to select n samples from all the sample data randomly. Each sample has K features, and each sample randomly selects k features (k ≤ K). It sets the best segmentation attribute as the node to establish the optimal decision tree model, combines multiple decision trees for prediction and obtains the optimal classification result through voting. One of the important parameters for random forest classifier detection is the number of decision trees, which determines the number of integrated decision trees. The larger the value, the better the model convergence, but the running time will increase. And when the number of trees is too large, it will be oversaturated. At the beginning of this study, 100 trees were selected to try because some studies have proved that this is the number that can obtain the best results. But in the end, the influence of the different number of decision trees on the experimental accuracy was calculated for this study, and it was found that the classification accuracy is the highest when the number of decision trees is 25.
- The target classification object will be obtained using the trained random forest classifier to iteratively classify the feature band combination.
- Independent 30% validation data are used to verify the classification accuracy. We mainly use the confusion matrix, including producer accuracy, user accuracy, overall accuracy (OA), and Kappa coefficient.
- Ground validation. The overall performance of the automatic detection model is evaluated according to the number of correctly identified ancient tombs that are not involved in the calculation.
- The spatial distribution of ancient tombs under the forest identified by machine learning is relatively fragmented. Hence, we perform spatial filtering on the specified results to smooth the image and perform spatial connectivity processing to remove small patches.
Algorithms 1. The implementation process and part of pseudocode |
1: Input: D – Sample data set, A - Band feature set 2: for b = 1 to B do 3: Dn=sub_D #Draw a bootstrap size n from the D. 4: Am=sub_A #Randomly select m from A. 5: splitpoint(Am) #Pick the best split-point from Am. 6: node=two_subnode return #Split the node into two daughter nodes. 7: end for 8: Output:{T1,T2,…,TB} #Make a Prediction at a new point x toregression. is the class prediction of the bth random-forest tree. |
4. Results
4.1. Algorithm Accuracy Verification
4.2. Ground Validation
4.3. Spatial Mapping of Automatic Detection in Baling Mountain
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Data | Type | Resolution/m |
DSM | Grid | 1 |
Sentinel-1 | Grid | 5 × 20 |
Sentinel-2 | Grid | 10/20 |
Identified ancient tombs | Vector | -- |
Working Modes | Width/km | Distance Resolution/m | Azimuth Resolution/m | Incidence Angle/° | Polarization Mode | Pixel/m |
IW | 250 | 5 | 20 | 29.1~46 | HH + HH VV + VH HH, VV | 10 |
Band | Wavelength Range/nm | Spatial Resolution/m |
B2(blue)(B) | 458~523 | 10 |
B3(green)(G) | 543~578 | 10 |
B4(red)(R) | 650~680 | 10 |
B5(red edge 1) | 698~713 | 20 |
B6(red edge 2) | 733~748 | 20 |
B7(red edge 3) | 773~793 | 20 |
B8(Near InfraRed) | 785~900 | 10 |
B8A(NIR narrow 2) | 855~875 | 20 |
B11(Short Wave InfraRed) | 1.565~1.655 | 20 |
B12(Short Wave InfraRed) | 2.100~2.280 | 20 |
Ancient Tombs | Non-Ancient Tombs | |
Training points | 9797 | 6230 |
Test points | 4197 | 2670 |
Sentinel-1 | Sentinel-2 | |
Combination 1 | - | B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B8A, B11, B12, NDVI, SAVI, EVI, B8_ASM, B8_CON, B8_CORR, B8_ENT |
Combination 2 | VV, VH | B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B8A, B11, B12, NDVI, SAVI, EVI, B8_ASM, B8_CON, B8_CORR, B8_ENT |
Class | 1 | 2 | Producer Accuracy | Class | 1 | 2 | Producer Accuracy |
1 1 | 457 | 14 | 96.41% | 1 | 453 | 12 | 97.42% |
2 2 | 4 | 151 | 94.38% | 2 | 4 | 175 | 96.15% |
User accuracy | 99.13% | 89.88% | User accuracy | 99.12% | 91.15% | ||
OA: 95.68% Kappa: 90.47% | OA: 96.57% Kappa: 92.97% |
Ancient Tombs Consistent with the Test Results | Measured Number of Ancient Tombs | Accuracy | |
Combination 1 | 163 | 190 | 85.78% |
Combination 2 | 167 | 190 | 87.89% |
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Liu, Y.; Hu, Q.; Wang, S.; Zou, F.; Ai, M.; Zhao, P. Discovering the Ancient Tomb under the Forest Using Machine Learning with Timing-Series Features of Sentinel Images: Taking Baling Mountain in Jingzhou as an Example. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 554.
Liu Y, Hu Q, Wang S, Zou F, Ai M, Zhao P. Discovering the Ancient Tomb under the Forest Using Machine Learning with Timing-Series Features of Sentinel Images: Taking Baling Mountain in Jingzhou as an Example. Remote Sensing. 2023; 15(3):554.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Yichuan, Qingwu Hu, Shaohua Wang, Fengli Zou, Mingyao Ai, and Pengcheng Zhao. 2023. "Discovering the Ancient Tomb under the Forest Using Machine Learning with Timing-Series Features of Sentinel Images: Taking Baling Mountain in Jingzhou as an Example" Remote Sensing 15, no. 3: 554.
APA StyleLiu, Y., Hu, Q., Wang, S., Zou, F., Ai, M., & Zhao, P. (2023). Discovering the Ancient Tomb under the Forest Using Machine Learning with Timing-Series Features of Sentinel Images: Taking Baling Mountain in Jingzhou as an Example. Remote Sensing, 15(3), 554.