3.1. Code Minus Subcarrier Distribution
From Equation (
11), it can be seen that under no-multipath conditions the CMS term is defined by the noise of the subcarrier and code loops. Both noise sources are zero mean Gaussian distributed, and the standard deviation of each is determined by the discriminator used in each loop. In this work, a non-coherent early minus late power discriminator is used for both code and subcarrier loops, the standard deviation of the noise in the code loop is given by Equation (
12) and the deviation of the subcarrier by Equations (
13) and (
14) [
For BOC(1,1) signals the noise on the subcarrier has a standard deviation as Equation (
is the code loop bandwidth,
is the carrier to noise density,
d is the early–late correlator spacing and
is the accumulation time, which for Galileo E1B is typically 4 ms due to the 250 Bps data rate.
Thus, under no multipath the variance in the CMS measurement can be expressed as a combination of the variance in the two respective loops, using Equation (
15) [
The loops cannot be said to be completely independent, as the 2D correlation surface was shown to be slightly skewed in [
22], and thus the covariance between the two loops would need to be calculated for very precise applications, such as measuring the multipath on the code loop. The skew demonstrated in [
22] was slight and thus the covariance will be small in relation to the variances. Thus, for the case of multipath detection, the metric variance can be assumed to be the sum of the two loop variances and the measurement standard deviation can be approximated as Equation (
It can be seen that this approximation is an overestimate and its use as the basis of a multipath detection metric threshold will decrease the measurements sensitivity slightly. Therefore where precision and sensitivity are of high importance, measurement through a calibration campaign is essential. For the case of multipath detection in stand-alone receivers, though, this level of precision and sensitivity is unnecessary and the approximation in Equation (
16) is satisfactory.
This has been verified through simulation. The simulator used is the Orolia GSG-8 and is capable of generating models that mimic the operation of multiple GNSS systems/constellations. In this case, a Galileo constellation, consisting of six visible satellites transmitting the E1B (MBOC) signal, is simulated in digital noise, with no atmospheric or ephemeris errors. The receiver antenna is modelled as an isotropic antenna so that elevation angles will not effect C/No, thus maintaining steady power levels throughout the run. Scenario parameters can be seen in
Table 1. The Orolia GSG-8 was chosen as it is extremely versatile and generates all scenarios using software defined radios rather than the conventional Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) techniques. Because of this, the GSG-8 can output the data as RF signals that can be processed using a front-end analogue to digital converter, or directly at digital base-band. The latter allows for experiments like this to perform tests without any of the front-end band limiting effects and has been selected for this specific experiment. The effect of the front-end filter will need to be, and is analysed in
Section 3.
The no-error scenario was then processed through an amended version of the SoftGNSS Software-Defined Receiver (SDR) designed in [
27]. The SDR has been amended so it tracks signals in DE mode, initially tracking the carrier waveform in Frequency-Locked Loop (FLL) configuration before transitioning to a Phase-Locked Loop. Receiver parameters can be seen in
Table 2. The code and subcarrier measurements are taken every 10th of a second and each satellite is tracked for 280 s. Thus, 2800 samples per satellite have been used to characterise the distribution of the CMS measurement, making 16,800 samples total. Within MATLAB, the function histfit was used to fit a normal distribution to the resulting histograms and normplot was used to assess the goodness of fit of those normal distributions by plotting both empirical and analytical Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF). If the blue line which represents the empirical CDF fits to the red line which represents the analytical CDF, the distribution can be approximated by a normal distribution with measured mean and variance. The resulting distributions from two of the satellites can be seen in
Figure 7 and
Figure 8.
Figure 7 and
Figure 8 clearly show that the CMS measurement can be characterised by a normal distribution with a mean and variance equal to that of the measured data. This was additionally examined using the lillietest function within MATLAB. Lillietest returns a test decision for the null hypothesis that the data in vector x comes from a distribution in the normal family, against the alternative that it does not come from such a distribution, using a Lilliefors test. The result is 1 if the test rejects the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level, and 0 otherwise. The result was zero for each PRN examined, indicating again that CMS measurement can be approximated with a normal distribution. Something of interest, though, was that the means of the analysed data was not zero (as expected).
Table 3 shows the expected and calculated means and standard deviations for each PRN under test.
Table 3 shows the measured means are not zero, as expected, and tend to be in the cm region. This is likely due to the fact that in theory the delay estimates calculated in the DLL and SLL should be equal; however, in practice they tend to be slightly different, due to various factors including front-end filtering [
28]. The measured standard deviations, as expected, also differ from those calculated. This is due to neglecting the covariance term in Equation (
16). The difference in calculated and measured deviations vary from satellite to satellite, indicating that for precision applications this would need to be calculated for each visible PRN. Averaging the five measurements where measured deviations were higher than calculated suggests that cov(DLL,SLL) is approximately 0.0335 m; however, results are too sparse and vary too wildly for this result to be meaningful. Therefore, approximating the distribution as zero mean Gaussian distributed with standard deviation according to Equation (
16) would not be suitable for applications such as Precise Point Positioning (PPP); however, it seems to be satisfactory for the determination of a metric for multipath detection. Obviously the metric would be much more sensitive if actual means and variances are used, however this is not necessarily possible for the average stand-alone receiver and so the measured (empirically derived) distributions are plotted as histograms against a normal distribution with expected characteristics (analytically derived) for the visual inspection of the estimated distribution fit.
Figure 9 and
Figure 10 the data are plotted as a histogram and two normal distributions are then fitted to said histograms. The red curve is the analytically derived PDF, centred at zero (the expected mean), and the blue curve is the analytically derived PDF, centred at the measured means. It can be seen that approximating the distribution as zero mean has very little effect as both green and blue curves appear to approximately fit to the data.
In Equation (
11) there is no ionospheric delay term, which sets the CMS measurement apart from the CMC measurement, as it is this that prevents single-frequency, single-point users from accurately using CMC to detect/measure multipath. The simulation scenario was repeated, with atmospheric errors turned on. Ionospheric errors are modelled using the Klobuchar Model [
29] and tropospheric errors are modelled using the Saastemoinen model [
30]. All other parameters including those set in the SDR are equal.
Table 4 it can be seen that the means are shifted by a few cm and the deviations differ by millimeters (mm). This suggests that the distribution of the measurement is unaffected by the atmospheric errors and the ionospheric term present in both code and subcarrier measurements is cancelled when differencing the two. To visually assess the impact of atmospheric errors, the distributions with and without atmospheric errors for two satellites are plotted side-by-side in
Figure 11,
Figure 12,
Figure 13 and
Figure 14.
It is clear from
Figure 11,
Figure 12,
Figure 13 and
Figure 14 that assuming the CMS measurement to be zero mean Gaussian distributed with standard deviation calculated according to Equation (
16), although not accurate enough for high precision applications, is a good approximation for the actual distribution. This will be used to define a threshold value for multipath detection. As the measurement is defined by the noise from the two loops under no multipath conditions, any value over the threshold would indicate the presence of multipath. The threshold will be set using Equation (
16), which uses receiver parameters and signal carrier to noise. Thus C/No must be monitored to ensure an adaptive threshold that responds to changes in signal power.
3.2. Threshold Calculation
It was shown above that under no-multipath conditions, the CMS measurement can be approximated as zero mean Gaussian distributed with a standard deviation,
, according to Equation (
16). Thus, providing the discriminator implementation within the receiver is known, the noise in the code,
, and subcarrier loops,
, and the resulting CMS measurement,
, can be estimated. This estimate will be continually updated by the receiver monitoring C/No and will be used to set an adaptive threshold according to Equation (
is a threshold expansion factor that determines the false-alarm rate of the multipath detection metric.
Figure 15 show the effect of increasing
from 1 to 3. Approximately 68.27% of measurements are expected to fall within 1
, 95.45% within 2
and 99.73% within 3
. Thus, with a
, the probability of false alarm,
, would be 0.27%, and for every 1000 measurements approximately 3 would be expected to exceed the threshold and cause a false alarm. This seems too high, especially when compared to a five-sigma threshold which would result in a 0.00006% chance of false alarm and seems much more reasonable. It is clear that threshold selection is a trade-off between sensitivity (i.e., probability of detection
) and false alarm rate,
; a high threshold value would ensure a low
; however, a larger CMS value is required before multipath is detected and a low threshold would improve the detection rate at the expense of more false alarms. A list of threshold expansion factors and their associated probability of false alarm can be seen in
Table 5.
3.3. Performance Analysis
The performance of the CMS measurement as a multipath detection metric will be evaluated using Multipath Error Envelopes (MEE). A common simplification/assumption that the direct signal is always available and only one multipath echo is present is made at this point. Typically, two paths, in-phase (zero-degree phase shift) and out-of-phase (180 degree phase shift), are assumed to be present and the relative delay of the multipath signal is swept through a range of values (0–1.5 Chips). The code multipath errors are then expressed as a function of multipath delay forming the MEE. MEEs will be used to demonstrate the metric’s sensitivity to various signal and receiver parameters, which include:
For the purpose of simplifying signal generation, the Galileo E1B MBOC modulation will be simplified to BOC(1, 1), as this is the major component. The line-of-sight and in-/anti-phase multipath signals are generated in MATLAB using Equation (
4), such that a subcarrier square wave with frequency
MHz is modulated onto a Galileo PRN 1 spreading code of length 4092 chips with a frequency
MHz, and the two are subsequently modulated onto a carrier waveform at intermediate frequency (IF) of 14.58 MHz and sampled at 53 MHz. This is representative of how GNSS signals would arrive at the digital signal processing (DSP) section of the receiver. The amplitude of the multipath echo is determined by
in Equation (
4) and typically takes the value 0.5 to represent the worst-case reflection amplitude; however, values of 0.1 and 0.3 will also be used here to assess the measurements sensitivity to echo amplitude. Multipath delay is incremented every 4 s from 0 to 1.5 chips, as multipath range errors stop being significant at this point [
31]. Signals are tracked using a simplified version of SDR described in
Section 2, operating solely in PLL mode. Receiver parameters that will stay unchanged throughout the experiments can be seen in
Table 6.
To assess the impact of not only correlator spacing but relative correlator spacing differences, multiple scenarios will be analysed. The code and subcarrier correlation functions can be seen in
Figure 16, where marked points represent the chosen discriminator spacings used for the scenarios listed in
Table 7. The equivalent equal spacing scenarios represent typical operating set-ups, the wide scenario has typical spacings for tracking-only purposes, and the narrow scenario represents nEML spacings used for multipath mitigation. The wide–narrow and wide–very narrow scenarios have been included as they represent, assumed, optimal spacings for the CMS measurement.
Multipath detection techniques are typically assessed by their sensitivity and effectiveness. Both qualities are defined in [
4]. Sensitivity is defined by the magnitude of the metric Variation Profile (VP). If the CMS measurement exceeds a given threshold, multipath is detected and the method is deemed to be sensitive. Threshold values have been included in the VPs to assess sensitivity. Techniques are classed as effective if they are sensitive at points where significant multipath ranging errors exist. Thus, measurement Variation Profiles will be presented to assess sensitivity, in conjunction with Multipath Error Envelopes to assess the effectiveness. As three of the four scenarios use the same Code Correlator Spacing, the MEE for the code loop with an E-L spacing of 1 chip can be seen in
Figure 17. The multipath is incremented every 4 s and a moving average filter 4 s long is used for smoothing purposes in both MEE and VP generation. This four-second moving average filter is employed throughout this paper for the CMS measurements in all experiments.
The VP for the equivalent equal spacing scenario can be seen in
Figure 18. It can be seen that the Code MEE and the CMS VP are similar. This is because ranging errors on the code are much larger than that on the subcarrier and dominate the measurement. The ME for the subcarrier with 0.25 chip E-L spacing (scenario 1) can be seen in
Figure 19.
It can be seen in
Figure 19 the subcarrier MEE profile differs from that of the code and therefore will alternate between adding constructively and destructively within the CMS measurement. Hence, the VP and ME are similar, not equal. However, it can be seen that when the measurement is sensitive (i.e., measurement exceeds the threshold) it is always effective. Three regions can be seen in
Figure 18. These relate to the multipath delays and are classified as either:
Short-range multipath is notoriously difficult to detect and, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, current SQM methods cannot detect multipath signals with a delay of less than 25 m. In
Figure 18, the CMS value crosses the threshold, indicating the presence of multipath at 20 m. Medium-range multipath is detected across the whole range. Between 225 m and 260 m, multipath is not detected; however, this corresponds to the region in the code MEE where the multipath error is transitioning from positive to negative and no significant multipath error exists. Aside from this region, long-range multipath is detected.
To isolate the code multipath in the CMS equation, the correlator spacing in the SLL has been reduced. This serves two purposes: firstly, it reduces the noise in the SLL measurement, as is evident from Equation (
14). Second, reducing the correlator spacing has been shown to mitigate the effects of multipath [
9]. If the subcarrier noise and multipath are reduced significantly, the CMS equation can be approximated as Equation (
18). The subcarrier MEEs for scenarios 2 and 3 can be seen in
Figure 20 and
Figure 21, which demonstrate that reducing the subcarrier correlator spacing also reduces the multipath error in the SLL.
VPs for scenarios 2 and 3 can be seen in
Figure 22 and
Figure 23. There is very little difference between these and the VP for scenario 1 in
Figure 18. This indicates that reducing the subcarrier multipath has little effect on CMS as a multipath detection metric, however it would certainly improve the CMS measurement if used for measuring multipath.
In the final scenario, equivalent correlator spacings are used again, except both code and subcarrier are located much closer to their respective peaks compared to scenario 1. This configuration is traditionally used for the purpose of multipath mitigation, as demonstrated above.
Figure 24 shows the VP for scenario 4.
The MEE profile is different compared to the other three scenarios. Short-range multipath is no longer detectable and only the longer end of medium-range and the shorter end of long-range multipath delays can be detected. If we look at the code loop MEE for this scenario in
Figure 25, it can be seen that the measurement remains effective when sensitive, thus detecting significant multipath ranging errors.
To determine the measurements’ sensitivity to multipath echo amplitude, the receiver is returned to scenario 1 configuration and multipath signals of varying amplitude are be processed as before. Amplitudes take three values—0.5, 0.3 and 0.1—relative to the LOS component, and the VPs are plotted in
Figure 26.
The amplitude seems to determine the shortest delay detectable: when , delays of less than 25 m are detected; when , delays of 25 m or greater are detectable; and when , delays greater than 50 m are detected. Also, the region at approximately 250 m meters where there is no multipath detected becomes wider as the multipath amplitude decreases. However, just like above, the CMS measurements are always effective when sensitive and multipath delays that are undetectable at low amplitudes cause less significant ranging errors.
To determine the measurement’s sensitivity to front-end bandwidth, the simulation consisting of six Galileo satellites (described above) was processed using the RF output of the Skydel GSG-8 and an NT1065 front-end with a bandwidth of 53 MHz. The NT1065 down-converts the RF signal to an intermediate frequency (IF) and the from analogue to digital format which can then be processed through an SDR. The scenario parameters were exactly the same as those in
Table 1, except atmospheric errors models are applied, as described in
Section 3, and single-fixed offset multipath echos with a delay of 75 m were added to two signals at 40 s into the file. The SDR parameters also match those in
Table 6. However, an intermediate frequency of 14.58 MHz is used, as the front-end does not down-convert to base band.
Figure 27 and
Figure 28 show the measured CMS values for a signal not experiencing multipath at all and one where the multipath echo is turned on at 40 s.
Figure 27 and
Figure 28, it can be seen that even under no-multipath conditions there is a constant bias in the CMS value. This is likely caused by the profile of the front-end filter, which is far from flat, causing slight distortion in the two loops, inducing an error.
A correlation function monitor was used to characterise the code correlation slope with a clean signal chosen for examination. The result is averaged over 800 code periods to obtain the averaged correlation function (green slope) in
Figure 29.
Figure 29 shows the slopes of the correlation function are distorted to the point where the peak no longer lies at zero chips. To determine the effect this distortion has on the two loops, the discriminator is mapped by taking sequential early minus late measurements along the correlation function. With no distortion, the crossing point of this would lie at zero (in the x axis); however, the front-end filtering has caused a skew in the discriminator, moving this to −0.05 chips, as can be seen in
Figure 30.
When converted from chips to meters using Equation (
19), the skew in the discriminator gives a value of approximately 14.9 m which is the value of the bias seen in
Figure 27 and
Figure 28. This is approximately the value of the averaged difference between the two loops in a clean environment for the NT1065 front-end operating with a front end bandwidth of 53 MHZ. This demonstrates the measurement’s sensitivity to the front-end filter and therefore must be calibrated for before use.