Assessment of Near-Real-Time Satellite Precipitation Products from GSMaP in Monitoring Rainfall Variations over Taiwan
:1. Introduction
2. Data and Methodology
2.1. Data
2.2. Statistical Methods Applied for Evaluations
3. Results
3.1. Case Study and Annual Rainfall Pattern
3.2. Rainfall Evaluation for Warm Months
3.3. Rainfall Evaluation for Cold Months
3.4. More Discussions and Explanations for the Difference Between SPPs
4. Conclusions
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- For the annual cycle of monthly rainfall, NRT7 is superior in quantitative rainfall estimation (Figure 2). Among SPPs, most of them underestimated the monthly rainfall throughout the year (except NRT6, which overestimated July rainfall), and the observed errors were larger in the GNRTs than the NRTs. The differences between NRT and GNRT in depicting monthly rainfall are larger during warm months than during cold months. For monthly rainfall during the cold months, v7 performed better than v6, although this was not always true for the warm months. The differences between SPPs in depicting the monthly rainfall variations are mainly controlled by the stronger rainfall events (Figure 3).
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- Among the four SPPs, GNRT6 and GNRT7 were the best in capturing the daily rainfall variations, including stronger rainfall events during warm (Figure 4 and Figure 5) and cold months (Figure 6 and Figure 7), respectively. Spatially, the major improvements from NRT6 to GNRT6 and NRT7 to GNRT7 in monitoring the stronger rainfall events over southwestern Taiwan can be seen during warm and cold months, respectively. Between NRT6 and NRT7, NRT7 was better at monitoring larger daily rainfall over southwestern Taiwan during both warm and cold months.
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- GNRT helped reduce the error seen in NRT’s overestimation of stronger rainfall events for both warm and cold months in v6 and v7 (Figure 9 and Figure 10). NRT7 is better than NRT6 in both the warm and cold months. Possible explanations for the differences between the ability of SPPs are attributed to the algorithms used in SPPs.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Diagnostic Statistics | NRT6 | GNRT6 | NRT7 | GNRT7 |
SCC | 0.89 | 0.91 * | 0.83 | 0.85 |
RMSE | 581.3 | 69.2 | 67.5 * | 89.9 |
Diagnostic Statistics | NRT6 | GNRT6 | NRT7 | GNRT7 |
TCC | 0.95 | 0.98 * | 0.96 | 0.97 |
RMSE | 2.2 | 2.3 | 1.7 * | 2.5 |
Diagnostic Statistics | NRT6 | GNRT6 | NRT7 | GNRT7 | |
All rainfall events CWB > 0.1 mm· | CC | 0.62 | 0.72 * | 0.63 | 0.68 |
RMSE | 50.9 | 25.1* | 32.4 | 26.3 | |
Stronger rainfall events CWB > 80 mm· | CC | 0.49 | 0.62 * | 0.53 | 0.58 |
RMSE | 209.7 | 88.8 * | 104.9 | 94.8 | |
Weaker rainfall events CWB~0.1–80 mm· | CC | 0.40 | 0.48 * | 0.41 | 0.45 |
RMSE | 29.1 | 17.9 * | 25.1 | 18.5 |
Diagnostic Statistics | NRT6 | GNRT6 | NRT7 | GNRT7 | |
All rainfall events CWB > 0.1 mm· | CC | 0.37 | 0.39 | 0.41 | 0.43 * |
RMSE | 12.8 | 12.4 | 12.3 | 12.1 * | |
Stronger rainfall events CWB > 20 mm· | CC | 0.08 | 0.10 | 0.10 | 0.12 * |
RMSE | 37.6 | 36.3 | 36.1 | 34.7 * | |
Weaker rainfall events CWB~0.1–20 mm· | CC | 0.28 | 0.35 | 0.36 | 0.37 * |
RMSE | 7.4 | 6.8 | 6.7 | 5.9 * |
Diagnostic Statistics | NRT6 > 80 mm·day−1 | NRT7 > 80 mm·day−1 | ||
NRT6 | GNRT6 | NRT7 | GNRT7 | |
CC | 0.33 | 0.62 * | 0.46 | 0.48 |
RMSE | 226.4 | 80.1 * | 128.8 | 89.6 |
Diagnostic Statistics | NRT6 > 20 mm·day−1 | NRT7 > 20 mm·day−1 | ||
NRT6 | GNRT6 | NRT7 | GNRT7 | |
CC | 0.18 | 0.21 | 0.19 | 0.23 * |
RMSE | 31.5 | 27.1 | 28.6 | 25.1 * |
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Huang, W.-R.; Liu, P.-Y.; Hsu, J.; Li, X.; Deng, L. Assessment of Near-Real-Time Satellite Precipitation Products from GSMaP in Monitoring Rainfall Variations over Taiwan. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 202.
Huang W-R, Liu P-Y, Hsu J, Li X, Deng L. Assessment of Near-Real-Time Satellite Precipitation Products from GSMaP in Monitoring Rainfall Variations over Taiwan. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(2):202.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHuang, Wan-Ru, Pin-Yi Liu, Jie Hsu, Xiuzhen Li, and Liping Deng. 2021. "Assessment of Near-Real-Time Satellite Precipitation Products from GSMaP in Monitoring Rainfall Variations over Taiwan" Remote Sensing 13, no. 2: 202.
APA StyleHuang, W.-R., Liu, P.-Y., Hsu, J., Li, X., & Deng, L. (2021). Assessment of Near-Real-Time Satellite Precipitation Products from GSMaP in Monitoring Rainfall Variations over Taiwan. Remote Sensing, 13(2), 202.