Learning to Classify Structures in ALS-Derived Visualizations of Ancient Maya Settlements with CNN
:1. Introduction
2. Data and Methods
2.1. Study Area, Data and Data Processing
2.2. Data Annotations
3. Experimental Setup
3.1. Generating the Dataset for the Classification
3.2. CNN Architecture
3.3. Experimental Design
- Flat VAT; VAT with visualization parameters adjusted to show minute topographic variations in a level surface.
- VAT-HS; VAT without analytical hillshading (HS), as one grayscale composite (one channel).
- VAT-HS channels; slope, positive openness and sky-view factor—where layers are not combined, but fed into separate channels of the image/input layer.
- Red relief image map (RRIM); often used for manual interpretation, because it is direction-independent and easy to interpret. It overlays a slope gradient image, colored in white to red tones, with the “ridge and valley index” computed from positive and negative openness in a grayscale colormap [67,68].
- Local dominance (LD) is well suited for very subtle positive topographic features and depressions [2]. We included it to test its performance against flat VAT.
- 15-pixels to represent a loose edge that includes some immediate surrounding, and
- 2-pixels for a tight edge. We kept 1 m of surrounding terrain around structures, because of the positional uncertainty of hand-drawn polygons.
- no additional data augmentation, or
- Keras library data augmentation. Applied augmentations include zoom range, width shift range and height shift range. We did not use rotation and flip, because these would result in inconsistent relief shading and distorted orientation of buildings, which are often aligned to a certain direction.
- 3 frozen (untrainable) layers at the top or
- 5 frozen layers at the top.
4. Results
- minimize false-negative results of anthropogenic structures’ classes since we do not want structures to go unrecognized. Minimizing these false negatives would result in high recall for building, platform and aguada classes. Recall (also known as detection rate or sensitivity) can be defined as the probability of detection; the proportion of the actual positive samples that have been correctly classified as such.
- minimize false-positive results for the terrain class, since we do not want any structure to be misclassified as terrain—it is, in fact, better for one type of structure to be misclassified as a different type of structure. Minimizing terrain false positives leads to high precision for the terrain class. Precision is the fraction of true positive samples among those that were classified as positive ones.
5. Discussion
5.1. Analysis of Misclassifications
5.2. Comparison of Visualizations
5.3. Effects of the Edge Buffer
5.4. Effect of the Number of Frozen Layers on Model Performance
5.5. Effects of Data Augmentation
5.6. Feasibility of the Model to Replace Manual Annotation
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Scanner Type | Optech Titan |
platform | fixed-wing |
date | 17–20 May 2016 |
laser bandwidth (3 channels) (nm) | 1550 (Infrared); 1064 (Near Infrared); 532 (Green) |
swath width (m) | 600 |
flying height (m) | 800–900 |
overlap (%) | 50 |
average last and only returns per m2 on a combined dataset | 32.4 |
average classified ground returns per m2 on a combined dataset | 14.7 |
spatial resolution of the final elevation model [m] | 0.5 |
ALS data © ZRC SAZU |
Maximum Building Size (m) | 30 |
terrain angle (°) | 89 |
iteration angle (°) | 9 |
iteration distance (m) | 1.4 |
reduce iteration angle edge length (m) | <5 |
Dataset | 2-Pixels Edge Buffer | 15-Pixels Edge Buffer | ||
train | test | train | test | |
aguada | 300 | 80 | 300 | 76 |
building | 6737 | 1969 | 6728 | 1954 |
platform | 1650 | 443 | 1649 | 438 |
terrain | 8148 | 2168 | 8148 | 2168 |
total | 16835 | 4660 | 16825 | 4636 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Somrak, M.; Džeroski, S.; Kokalj, Ž. Learning to Classify Structures in ALS-Derived Visualizations of Ancient Maya Settlements with CNN. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2215. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12142215
Somrak M, Džeroski S, Kokalj Ž. Learning to Classify Structures in ALS-Derived Visualizations of Ancient Maya Settlements with CNN. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(14):2215. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12142215
Chicago/Turabian StyleSomrak, Maja, Sašo Džeroski, and Žiga Kokalj. 2020. "Learning to Classify Structures in ALS-Derived Visualizations of Ancient Maya Settlements with CNN" Remote Sensing 12, no. 14: 2215. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12142215
APA StyleSomrak, M., Džeroski, S., & Kokalj, Ž. (2020). Learning to Classify Structures in ALS-Derived Visualizations of Ancient Maya Settlements with CNN. Remote Sensing, 12(14), 2215. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12142215