Nanostructure and Fracture Behavior of Carbon Nanofiber-Reinforced Cement Using Nanoscale Depth-Sensing Methods
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials Synthesis
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Grinding and Polishing
2.2.2. Scanning Electron Microscopy Imaging
2.2.3. Nanoindentation Testing
2.2.4. Scratch Testing
2.2.5. Micromechanical Modeling
3. Results
3.1. Microstructural Characteristics
3.2. Probabilistic Description of the Mechanical Behavior
3.3. Influence of CNF Content on Cement Chemo-Mechanical Phases
3.4. Influence of CNF Content on Fracture Resistance
3.5. Influence of CNF Content on Fracture Micromechanisms
4. Discussion
4.1. Multiscale Conceptual Model for CNF-Modified Cement
4.2. Influence of CNF on Nanostructure
4.3. Toughening Behavior of CNF-Modified Cement
4.4. Dispersion of CNF
5. Conclusions
- The ESEM analysis shows carbon nanofiber bundles filling nanopores. Moreover, carbon nanofiber bundles also emerge from C–S–H grains, suggesting that carbon nanofibers promote the nucleation of C–S–H crystals. Finally, carbon nanofiber bundles can also be seen connecting C–S–H grains, leading to a bridging effect, and facilitating load transfer.
- For cement + 0.1 wt% CNF and cement + 0.5wt% CNF, after seven days of curing, we observe a shift of the histogram of the local packing density towards the high-density area, = 0.7–0.9.
- Carbon nanofibers result in an increase in the fraction of high-density C–S–H: for instance, after seven days of curing, the fraction of C–S–H is increased by 6.7% from plain cement to cement + 0.1 wt% CNF and by 10.7% from plain cement to cement + 0.5 wt% CNF. Moreover, the increase in high-density C–S–H is followed by a decrease in the volume fraction of low-density C–S–H by 6.4% and 5.1% respectively for cement + 0.1 wt% CNF and cement + 0.5 wt% CNF.
- A decrease in the fraction of capillary pores is observed by 6.3% and 4.7% respectively for cement + 0.1 wt% CNF and cement + 0.5 wt% CNF.
- The computed C–S–H gel porosity for plain cement, cement + 0.1 wt% CNF and cement + 0.5 wt% CNF is respectively 15.39%, 18.80%, and 16.35%, after 7 days of curing. The computed total porosity is 26.28% for plain cement, 23.36% for cement + 0.1 wt% CNF and 22.53% for cement + 0.5 wt% CNF. Thus, CNF-modification of cement paste result in a reduction of the total porosity, in a reduction of the capillary porosity, and in an increase in the fraction of small C–S–H gel pores (1.2–2 nm in diameter).
- Adding 0.1 wt% CNF yields a 4.5% increase in fracture toughness and adding 0.5 wt% CNF yields a 7.6% increase in fracture toughness: the fracture toughness of plain Portland cement is 0.66 ± 0.02 MPa; the fracture toughness of 0.1 wt% CNF cement is 0.69 ± 0.02 MPa and that of 0.5 wt% CNF cement is 0.71 ± 0.04 MPa.
- The use of carbon nanofibers result in a drastic reduction in the crack width in CNF-modified cement nanocomposites.
- A four-level multiscale micromechanical model for CNF-cement predicts an increase of respectively 5.97% and 21.78% in the average Young’s modulus following CNF modification at 0.1 wt% CNF and 0.5 wt% CNF levels. This increase in mechanical performance is due to CNF-induced compositional and microstructural changes at both the micrometer and nanometer length-scale.
Supplementary Materials
Conflicts of Interest
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Specimen | Cement | Cement + 0.1 wt% CNF | Cement + 0.5 wt% CNF |
CNF, wt% | 0.0 | 0.1 | 0.5 |
CNF, g | 0.000 | 0.069 | 0.347 |
Cement, g | 69.44 | 69.44 | 69.44 |
DIW, g | 30.56 | 30.56 | 30.56 |
wt% | |
Alite Monoclinic (CS) | 73.80 |
Tricalcium Aluminate | 12.10 |
Belite (CS) | 9.80 |
Brownmillerite | 4.30 |
Vol (%) | (, ), GPa | (, ), GPa | ||
Plain Cement | ||||
CP | 2.72 | (0.00,4.73) | (0.02,0.10) | (0.52,0.03) |
CP | 8.17 | (9.39,4.66) | (0.29,0.17) | (0.58,0.04) |
LD C–S–H | 7.26 | (20.74,6.69) | (0.67,0.19) | (0.67,0.05) |
HD C–S–H | 59.89 | (36.98,9.55) | (1.36,0.49) | (0.80,0.07) |
UHD C–S–H | 12.71 | (52.74,6.20) | (2.57,0.72) | (0.92,0.05) |
Clinker | 9.25 | (97.23,35.34) | (4.93,3.31) | N. A. |
Cement + 0.1 wt% CNF | ||||
CP | 3.65 | (0.00,10.27) | (0.26,0.17) | (0.05,0.50) |
CP | 0.91 | (12.49,2.23) | (0.53,0.10) | (0.58,0.03) |
LD C–S–H | 0.91 | (16.89,2.17) | (0.73,0.10) | (0.64,0.02) |
HD C–S–H | 66.61 | (32.37,6.09) | (1.26,0.34) | (0.76,0.05) |
UHD C–S–H | 19.16 | (46.50,5.78) | (2.11,0.51) | (0.87,0.05) |
Clinker | 8.75 | (91.40,21.46) | (4.25,2.41) | N. A. |
Cement + 0.5 wt% CNF | ||||
CP | 2.65 | (0.00,6.32) | (0.07,0.10) | (0.54,0.05) |
CP | 3.53 | (10.65,3.79) | (0.27,0.10) | (0.61,0.02) |
LD C–S–H | 2.65 | (17.60,3.16) | (0.49,0.12) | (0.66,0.02) |
HD C–S–H | 70.60 | (35.58,9.43) | (1.14,0.53) | (0.79,0.07) |
UHD C–S–H | 8.83 | (53.00,5.76) | (2.44,0.77) | (0.93,0.05) |
Clinker | 11.75 | (87.65,24.75) | (4.04,3.43) | N. A. |
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Akono, A.-T. Nanostructure and Fracture Behavior of Carbon Nanofiber-Reinforced Cement Using Nanoscale Depth-Sensing Methods. Materials 2020, 13, 3837.
Akono A-T. Nanostructure and Fracture Behavior of Carbon Nanofiber-Reinforced Cement Using Nanoscale Depth-Sensing Methods. Materials. 2020; 13(17):3837.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAkono, Ange-Therese. 2020. "Nanostructure and Fracture Behavior of Carbon Nanofiber-Reinforced Cement Using Nanoscale Depth-Sensing Methods" Materials 13, no. 17: 3837.
APA StyleAkono, A.-T. (2020). Nanostructure and Fracture Behavior of Carbon Nanofiber-Reinforced Cement Using Nanoscale Depth-Sensing Methods. Materials, 13(17), 3837.